Dori Monson bloviates
Dori Monson bloviates

Right wing talk radio per­son­al­i­ty Dori Mon­son no longer has a plat­form from which to pro­mote Tim Eyman’s destruc­tive ini­tia­tives and oth­er harm­ful agen­das. At least not for the time being, anyway.

The Seat­tle Sea­hawks and Bon­neville Inter­na­tion­al, which owns KIRO FM) revealed today that they have sus­pend­ed Mon­son indef­i­nite­ly after he post­ed a trans­pho­bic tweet dur­ing Wednes­day’s guber­na­to­r­i­al debate between Demo­c­ra­t­ic incum­bent Jay Inslee and Repub­li­can chal­lenger Loren Culp.

The tweet has been delet­ed, but we have a copy of it. It said:

“Inslee: we fol­low sci­ence in WA. The state where I could go to Olympia tomor­row and change my birth cert to say I was a girl on 10/2/61 HAHAHAHAHA.”

– Dori Monson

As Cas­ca­dia Advo­cate read­ers are like­ly aware, this is hard­ly the first offen­sive and dis­crim­i­na­to­ry thing that Dori has said.

Nonethe­less, it prompt­ed a fresh out­cry on social media.

“If the Sea­hawks tru­ly believe they are attempt­ing to cre­ate a wel­com­ing and inclu­sive foot­ball com­mu­ni­ty in this region, they need to dis­as­so­ci­ate them­selves with Dori Mon­son and his glib trans­pho­bia,” tweet­ed Mike All Sawyer the night of the debate.

“Hi Sea­hawks — as a sea­son tick­et hold­er and long­time fan, and also some­one from a fam­i­ly that loves and sup­ports trans peo­ple, please cut ties with this man. He’s gen­er­al­ly pret­ty awful, but def­i­nite­ly trans­pho­bic as evi­denced in this tweet,” wrote Jen­na Rahm.

The Sea­hawks, not sur­pris­ing­ly, act­ed first, and Bon­neville fol­lowed suit.

Mon­son did not host his show today.

When con­tact­ed by The Seat­tle Times for com­ment, Mon­son declined to say any­thing on the record. Smart move. As the old adage goes, when you’re in a hole, quit dig­ging. Mon­son knows he’s in a hole — one of his own mak­ing — and is choos­ing to lay low rather than make things worse for himself.

Bon­neville-owned KIRO FM also said that it would have no com­ment on the mat­ter, cit­ing its pol­i­cy on per­son­nel matters.

On social media, how­ev­er, there were plen­ty of peo­ple offer­ing comment.

“No one is going to miss Dori Monson/Dori Mon­son Show, Sea­hawks. Seat­tle has much bet­ter,” tweet­ed Vikkids.

“Dori Mon­son get­ting kicked to the curb is a nice way to cel­e­brate Blue Fri­day,” Skiff­FeldSpar agreed.

“He says out­ra­geous thing on his radio show all the time. There’s free speech and then there’s decen­cy. Dori Mon­son is a huge jerk. He should­n’t be reward­ed for say­ing out­ra­geous things,” green­chile opined.

“Yeah, it’s pol­i­tics. And when it comes to your employ­er, pol­i­tics is a per­fect­ly legit­i­mate rea­son to no longer pay some­one to work for you. Sor­ry Trump­ies, free speech sim­ply doesn’t apply here. He’s got the same speech rights he always had. He just doesn’t have that job,” Joe Puhlman point­ed out. (Right wing groups and activists are all for “employ­er rights” except when it comes to an employ­er’s right to sus­pend or sack some­one for spout­ing big­ot­ed right wing views.)

I went on Dori’s show twice last year to respond to his attacks on  mul­ti­modal trans­porta­tion infra­struc­ture and make the case against Tim Eyman’s I‑976 to his lis­ten­ers. I did so from KIRO’s stu­dio on both occa­sions rather than by phone. I found Dori’s off-air demeanor to be rather dif­fer­ent from his on-air one. When not speak­ing into a micro­phone, he does­n’t speak as loud­ly or irri­tat­ing­ly, for exam­ple. I found him capa­ble of car­ry­ing on a nor­mal, cor­dial con­ver­sa­tion with no oth­er audi­ence except for me and his producer.

It’s Dori’s on-air, on social media per­sona that is the prob­lem. I believe Dori speaks and acts the way he does to cul­ti­vate his right wing fol­low­ing. It’s not clear to me that he tru­ly holds all of the beliefs that he espous­es to hold through his now sus­pend­ed program.

Our region sim­ply does­n’t need unin­formed, big­ot­ed, right wing com­men­tary on our air­waves. It would be won­der­ful to see Dori’s tired, harm­ful show get can­celed per­ma­nent­ly and be replaced by pro­gram­ming that’s actu­al­ly infor­ma­tive and educational.

About the author

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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20 replies on “Dori Monson indefinitely suspended by Seahawks, KIRO after transphobic tweet”

  1. One of the only con­ser­v­a­tive points of view in the far left state of Wash­ing­ton, he has a fol­low­ing that is vast and very sup­port­ive of the sub­jects he discusses.

    1. You’re cor­rect that Wash­ing­ton is a pret­ty pro­gres­sive state, Jeff. And that’s no sur­prise, because pro­gres­sive val­ues are the val­ues Wash­ing­ton was found­ed on. 

      How­ev­er, you’re wrong that Dori is one of the only peo­ple express­ing right wing points of view. 

      The right wing talk radio con­stel­la­tion around here (for which there is no pro­gres­sive equiv­a­lent) is pret­ty sig­nif­i­cant. It includes Jason Rantz (an on air per­sona, not the host’s real name), Kir­by Wilbur, John Carl­son, and Todd Her­man. And then there are the nation­al­ly syn­di­cat­ed shows. 

      But that is hard­ly the extent of the right wing’s media and think tank appa­ra­tus. There are the right wing think tanks: the Wash­ing­ton Pol­i­cy Cen­ter, the “Free­dom” Foun­da­tion, the Dis­cov­ery Insti­tute. All local out­fits that pub­lish web­sites and newslet­ters and often get ope­ds placed in news­pa­pers. There are far more right wing think tanks at the nation­al level.

      Sev­er­al news­pa­pers in the state employ edi­to­r­i­al writ­ers sym­pa­thet­ic to right wing caus­es, as well. And then there is Sin­clair Broad­cast­ing, which runs right wing pro­gram­ming on the TV sta­tions it owns, like KOMO 4 (Seat­tle).

      There are right wing blogs and web­sites, too, like the one Glen Mor­gan runs. 

      I can go on, but the point has been made: you’re wrong that Dori is “one of the only” right wing points of view around here. Dori’s views are extreme­ly well rep­re­sent­ed in local media.

    2. As a long time lis­ten­er of Dori I found him inter­est­ing and some­times annoy­ing but what he stat­ed in his tweet was a sim­ple fact, hard­ly some­thing to destroy a per­son­’s career over. This deci­sion by KIRO has led me to no longer lis­ten to 97.3. Hope you’re happy!

  2. So, any­one express­ing con­ser­v­a­tive or inde­pen­dent views that don’t align with lib­er­al views are now “far right”? As an extreme­ly sup­port­ive father of a trans son, I have a good per­spec­tive on this. We need to stop this division. 

    What he said was fac­tu­al and actu­al­ly is a valid point. If we go with straight up sci­ence then his point is valid. If we go with the sis­ter to sci­ence, in psy­chol­o­gy, then we know that it is a bit dif­fer­ent. But the sci­ence sup­ports Dori on this. 

    My heart and mind sup­port the sis­ter to sci­ence. This idea that we can just out­right attempt to destroy peo­ple and their careers for hav­ing valid dif­fer­ing points of view is only mak­ing us who sup­port the cause look more and more like hypocrites. 

    You may think you are doing some­thing valu­able and good, but in truth, it will have the oppo­site effect. Just wish many of my lib­er­al friends would be able to open their minds up to this and get back to the idea that we can debate like adults and get to the actu­al con­text of state­ments before demand­ing a sacrifice.

  3. We knew that this would hap­pen. They were just wait­ing for him to say one thing that they could twist just enough that this would hap­pen. The truth hurts.

    This com­ment has been edit­ed by NPI for com­pli­ance with our Com­ment­ing Guide­lines.

  4. So, wow… if you don’t like Dori, don’t listen. 

    I tru­ly get very mad at him at times. But it’s good to hear some­thing he thinks. It makes me think about it. And I have turned him off many times.

    This will be a great loss if we lose him. Kind of like Ron and Don. 

    And I tuned them them off from time to time, too.

    This com­ment has been light­ly edit­ed by NPI for spelling and grammar.

  5. I have been list­ing to Dori for many years. His view shows the oth­er side of the coin a lot of times. 

    Wen I lis­ten to the issues I like to hear both sides. 

    Dori always brought us the oth­er side of the sto­ry. And he usu­al­ly gives anoth­er view, so we can make an edu­cat­ed deci­sion. But now, you (KIRO) have tak­en that away from us. 

    This com­ment has been edit­ed by NPI for com­pli­ance with our Com­ment­ing Guidelines.

  6. I am glad to see him go away. 

    I was hop­ing that some­one on KIRO or the par­ent com­pa­ny would real­ize how awful and dis­gust­ing he is, but I’ll set­tle for him destroy­ing his own career and show­ing his true colors.

    There is a place for right wing media and ideals of course, but it should not be on KIRO FM. 

    As for KIRO, they have done the right thing by sus­pend­ing Dori but I believe them to be high­ly hyp­o­crit­i­cal to keep air­ing his com­mer­cials and sponsorships. 

    You do it right and cut ties with this hor­ri­ble per­son and stop the the­ater, which is what it looks like to me. I think Bon­neville is giv­ing them­selves a chance to restore Dori since he makes them so much money. 

    For once, do the right thing.

    This com­ment has been light­ly edit­ed by NPI for spelling and grammar.

  7. Dori Mon­son has been spew­ing hate and hos­til­i­ty for a long time. He is neg­a­tive. He is a native of Seat­tle as I am (six­ty four years here). Seat­tle is not the same city as it was in the sev­en­ties, eight­ies, and beyond. Dori lives in the past rem­i­nisc­ing about the old Bal­lard. Seat­tle has changed. He would be bet­ter served by mov­ing out of the area where his con­ser­v­a­tive val­ues, atti­tudes and beliefs would be bet­ter received. He is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Go progressives!

  8. I watch Mon­son’s fall with inter­est. As a long-time anti-war lib­er­al, I nev­er quite for­gave Dori for cham­pi­oning the inva­sion of Iraq in 2003. 

    On the oth­er hand, Dori over time proved to be intel­li­gent and enter­tain­ing, and on many top­ics, right, not just right wing. His jabs at the excess­es of the Left usu­al­ly were at min­i­mum ratio­nal. For exam­ple, his crit­i­cisms of Sawant, who is like­ly to be recalled next Feb­ru­ary. Or his crit­i­cisms of the Woke crowd’s loot­ing and riot­ing. Or his crit­i­cisms of the move­ment to defund police. 

    Dori could be insight­ful, which is prob­a­bly why ‘they’ got him by pres­sur­ing KIRO and the par­ent organization.

    Excess­es and all, he pos­sessed insights lost among the trendy woke com­mu­ni­ty, with its asso­ci­a­tions with Marxism.

    As to his tweet, it was stu­pid, not humor­ous, and an exam­ple of rank carelessness. 

    I heard him apol­o­gize the day after, but I can’t help notic­ing that the Woke Left in response has been venge­ful and, for­give me, psy­cho­path­i­cal­ly PC.

    Get­ting rid of Dori won’t hide that vicious face from inde­pen­dent observers.

    This com­ment has been light­ly edit­ed by NPI for com­pli­ance with our Com­ment­ing Guidelines.

  9. It’s always good to look at both sides of every­thing and gain under­stand­ing. I miss that now.

  10. I love lis­ten­ing to Dori. He real­ly cares about this area and its peo­ple. I have dis­agreed with him at times but usu­al­ly he is spot on and he always gives both sides of the sto­ry. He has worked tire­less­ly try­ing to give us infor­ma­tion about all the activ­i­ties going on in this area with true pas­sion. I real­ly hope to see him back soon.

  11. I love the Dori Mon­son show. He is the only rea­son I turn the radio on. I hope he’s back soon.

  12. I miss Dori Mon­son on his dai­ly pro­gram. Hes the only one that tells the truth. It would be wise if you rein­stat­ed him. I got the best news of Seat­tle and the state from Dori…

  13. I for one love Dori and will prob­a­bly nev­er lis­ten to KIRO again if he does­n’t come back. I’m sure I speak for a lot of oth­ers when I say that too. 

    This com­ment has been edit­ed by NPI for com­pli­ance with our Com­ment­ing Guide­lines.

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