Posted inElections, Live Coverage

Liveblogging the eighth 2016 Democratic presidential debate from the great Northwest

Good evening, and wel­come to NPI’s live cov­er­age of the eighth Demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­den­tial debate of the 2016 cycle. I will be watch­ing and shar­ing impres­sions of the debate as it pro­gress­es. This debate is being held in Mia­mi, Flori­da, and is being broad­cast by Uni­vi­sion and CNN. You can livestream the debate from Uni­v­sion’s web­site. There […]

Posted inEducation, Policy Topics

NPI to legislators: Support Washington’s kids by funding our public schools — not charters

Edi­tor’s Note: This evening, the Wash­ing­ton State House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives is expect­ed to take up a bill that would restore pub­lic fund­ing for pri­vate char­ter schools, in defi­ance of the Wash­ing­ton State Supreme Court’s clear rul­ing in League of Women Vot­ers v. State of Wash­ing­ton. NPI is ask­ing mem­bers of the House and Sen­ate to […]