Posted inBreaking News, Elections

Rick Santorum ends presidential campaign

A week after fail­ing to defeat Mitt Rom­ney in Wis­con­sin’s Repub­li­can pri­ma­ry — por­trayed by the tra­di­tion­al media as a make-it or break-it moment for his can­di­da­cy — Rick San­to­rum announced at a press con­fer­ence in Get­tys­burg, Penn­syl­va­nia, that he was end­ing his pres­i­den­tial cam­paign. He did not endorse Mitt Rom­ney, who now appears to […]

Posted inCivil Liberties, Policy Topics

Supreme Court says police can strip-search anyone they arrest without probable cause

Fed­er­al, state, and local author­i­ties may force any per­son they arrest to sub­mit to a strip-search, whether or not there is prob­a­ble cause for such an inva­sion of a sus­pec­t’s pri­va­cy, the Supreme Court ruled this morn­ing, set­ting a dan­ger­ous and unwel­come prece­dent that NPI strong­ly con­demns. In a five-to-four deci­sion, Jus­tices Antho­ny Kennedy, John […]