Posted inElections

Vote Downballot: NPI talks with Kathleen Drew, candidate for Secretary of State

Every four years, in addi­tion to cast­ing votes for pres­i­dent and gov­er­nor, Wash­ing­to­ni­ans are also called upon to elect more than half a dozen oth­er indi­vid­u­als to serve in the state’s exec­u­tive depart­ment. The con­tests for these posi­tions are often referred to as down­bal­lot races because they appear fur­ther down the bal­lot. They usu­al­ly don’t […]

Posted inElections

Autumn has arrived!

Well, it looks like anoth­er sea­son has come and gone. As of today, sum­mer 2012 is offi­cial­ly over, and autumn 2012 has begun. The third full sea­son of the year will last almost nine­ty days, encom­pass­ing part or all of four months: Sep­tem­ber, Octo­ber, Novem­ber, and Decem­ber. Win­ter will offi­cial­ly begin four days before Christ­mas this […]