Posted inLegislative Advocacy

Legislature agrees on operating budget for 2023–2025 and sends it to Governor Inslee

ESSB 5187 is the vehi­cle for this year’s oper­at­ing bud­get. Its title is mak­ing 2023–2025 fis­cal bien­ni­um oper­at­ing appro­pri­a­tions. It is prime spon­sored by Sen­a­tor Chris­tine Rolfes (D‑23rd Dis­trict: Kit­sap Penin­su­la), the Chair of the Ways & Means Com­mit­tee, which has bud­get writ­ing respon­si­bil­i­ty in the Senate.

Posted inElections

DONE! Governor Jay Inslee signs into law NPI’s bill to get rid of Tim Eyman’s push polls

The gov­er­nor’s endorse­ment of SB 5082 was the final step in its jour­ney from pro­posed vot­ing jus­tice leg­is­la­tion to ses­sion law. Five years of work by NPI and allies to replace Eyman’s push polls with truth­ful, accu­rate fis­cal infor­ma­tion that is con­tin­u­ous­ly updat­ed for vot­ers has now reached a suc­cess­ful conclusion.

Posted inLegislative Advocacy

Washington State House of Representatives amends and approves police pursuit bill

A bipar­ti­san major­i­ty of the Wash­ing­ton State House has endorsed updates to the law gov­ern­ing police pur­suits, low­er­ing the stan­dard for police offi­cers to insti­gate a chase from prob­a­ble cause to rea­son­able sus­pi­cion while attach­ing a num­ber of new con­di­tions to police depart­ments’ use of that pur­suit authority.

Posted inLegislative Advocacy

VICTORY! Washington State House passes NPI’s bill to repeal Tim Eyman’s push polls

On April 7th, the Wash­ing­ton State House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives vot­ed 54–43 to pass the North­west Pro­gres­sive Insti­tute’s leg­is­la­tion to abol­ish what Eyman calls “advi­so­ry votes,” but which are real­ly push polls… prej­u­di­cial­ly word­ed fake bal­lot mea­sures that inter­rupt the act of vot­ing and hin­der elec­toral participation. 

Posted inPolicy Topics

Senate sends My Health, My Data Act back to WA House with strong private right of action

By a vote of 27–21, the Sen­ate vot­ed to pass an amend­ed ver­sion of House Bill 1155, prime spon­sored by Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Van­dana Slat­ter (D‑48th Dis­trict: Belle­vue, Red­mond, Kirk­land, Med­i­na, the Points com­mu­ni­ties) that has the sup­port of Slat­ter, Sen­ate prime spon­sor Man­ka Dhin­gra (D‑45th Dis­trict: Red­mond, Kirk­land, Sam­mamish, Duvall), Fer­gu­son, and advo­cates like NPI.

Posted inLegislative Advocacy

Last Week In Congress: How Cascadia’s U.S. lawmakers voted (March 20th-24th)

The week’s major votes includ­ed House pas­sage of the Pro­vid­ing Appro­pri­ate Recog­ni­tion and Treat­ment Need­ed to Enhance Rela­tions with ASEAN Act and Sen­ate con­fir­ma­tion of Gor­dan P. Gal­lagher to be a judge on the U.S. Dis­trict Court for Col­orado. The Sen­ate also reject­ed numer­ous Repub­li­can amend­ments to a bill to repeal the Iraqi inva­sion use of force authorization.