Posted inLegislative Advocacy

U.S. House votes to raise debt ceiling, impose Republican-demanded austerity measures

By a vote of 314–117, the House adopt­ed the so-called Fis­cal Respon­si­bil­i­ty Act of 2023, which “increas­es the fed­er­al debt lim­it, estab­lish­es new dis­cre­tionary spend­ing lim­its, rescinds unob­lig­at­ed funds, and expands work require­ments for fed­er­al pro­grams,” as sum­ma­rized by Con­gress’ offi­cial leg­isla­tive website.

Posted inLegislative Advocacy

Biden, McCarthy say they’ve reached a deal to respond to Republicans’ ransom demands

The White House announced late Sat­ur­day night that it has reached a deal with Kevin McCarthy and his deputies in the Unit­ed States House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives to avert a fis­cal cri­sis that Repub­li­cans have been enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly pre­pared to man­u­fac­ture by refus­ing to pro­vide the votes need­ed to raise the debt ceiling.

Posted inLegislative Advocacy

Last Week In Congress: How Cascadia’s U.S. lawmakers voted (May 15th-19th)

The week’s major votes includ­ed House redi­rec­tion of a mea­sure to expel George San­tos to the Ethics Com­mit­tee and Sen­ate con­fir­ma­tion of three Biden judi­cial nom­i­nees, along with Sen­ate pas­sage of two Repub­li­can res­o­lu­tions to over­turn poli­cies adopt­ed by the D.C. city coun­cil and Depart­ment of Home­land Security. 

Posted inLegislative Advocacy

Washington State Legislature swiftly agrees on a Blake fix after going into special session

“This bill rec­og­nizes the harm that pub­lic use caus­es our com­mu­ni­ties by cre­at­ing the crime of pub­lic use,” said Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Jami­la Tay­lor. “More impor­tant­ly, it focus­es on the most up-to-date sci­ence on recov­ery, work­ing to con­nect peo­ple to treat­ment, hous­ing, ser­vices, and employ­ment opportunities.”

Posted inLegislative Advocacy

House Republicans’ “Default on America Act” would devastate services like veterans’ care

As the clock clicks down on debt oblig­a­tions, we are wak­ing up to the con­se­quences of Repub­li­cans’ fis­cal demands. Any eval­u­a­tion goes beyond hyper­bole, both in the stock mar­ket crash and loss of mil­lions of jobs like­ly result­ing from a default, but also for impacts of Repub­li­can-cham­pi­oned cuts on the state and fed­er­al ser­vices such as those pro­vid­ed by Vet­er­ans Affairs.