Posted inElections

We can’t know our future, but we can be better prepared to defend our democracy

Pro­gres­sives can no longer rely on old polit­i­cal, soci­etal, or gov­ern­men­tal norms, result­ing shame for vio­lat­ing said norms, or a judi­cia­ry that has become too far removed from the real­i­ties of how racism, clas­sism and misog­y­ny exist in our time, to restrain an oppo­si­tion will­ing to cast aside all norms and legal prece­dents as is nec­es­sary to achieve and per­ma­nent­ly retain power.

Posted inTechnology

Media coverage of BlackBerry’s end of support for legacy mobile services high on nostalgia, but low on accuracy and precision

Rather than gath­er­ing facts and then report­ing the more com­plex details of this event, a whole bunch of sto­ries appear to have been writ­ten on the basis of a press release and a com­pa­ny end of life doc­u­ment. A sim­plis­tic nar­ra­tive has once again pre­vailed over the more com­pli­cat­ed reality.

Posted inPolicy Topics

The two faces of Sean Hannity: Fox host privately advised Trump to go back to Florida while publicly attacking our democracy

Unbe­liev­able as it may seem, Han­ni­ty briefly offered Trump sen­si­ble advice in clos­ing days of his scan­dal-rid­den pres­i­den­cy, accord­ing to a trea­sure trove of emails obtained by the House Selec­tion Com­mit­tee to Inves­ti­gate the Jan­u­ary 6th Attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Posted inMedia & Culture

Yo, NYT! Washington’s tax code is definitely regressive, but the state’s Democratic leaders have actually been working on changing that

“Blue States, You’re the Prob­lem” cer­tain­ly has excel­lent pro­duc­tion val­ues and slick visu­als. The dis­cus­sion, on the oth­er hand, leaves a lot to be desired. The opin­ion video by the New York Times’ John­ny Har­ris and Binyamin Appel­baum could have been so much bet­ter… deep­er, rich­er, and more informative.