Why are you running for Executive?

Dow Constantine: chair of King County Council and native of Seattle. Developed love of natural environment while growing up. Love of nature brings him into politics. Worked to bring change, performance measures, demand reform at animal shelters, make possible to make employees help reform. Critical for King County rely on employees to drive down 6% year over year cost. Increase quality of life in the County

Goodspaceguy: change name so people know what his name is. Advocate of space program and progress through technolagy. 10th time running for office. Wants to increase employment and access to knowledge. Wants local government to give employment to everyone as helpers, increase police and library service.

Ross Hunter: time for a change in how we govern King County. Now everything takes too long and costs too much. Need basic competant management of social services, relationships with other local governments, and protecting the environment. Need effective management to deliver more service, not more overhead. Have a region with effective government, but we have to make change. What we do today is not working. Strong history of financial management, was GM at microsoft. Led fight to redefine basic education. Bring new perspective to County through financial and outsider skills. A nonnative dose of impatince, which may be a virtute.

Susan Hutchison: Polling and statistics show senior citizens vote, enjoys listening to senior issues. 25 years as TV newscaster. A member of Seattle symphony board, as board chair. Hired new management and worked with 90 person labor union to bring change and balance the budget. Running for Executive because she “solves problems and fix things”

Fred Jarrett: Grew up on Mercer Island. Thinks King County is broken. Has 30 years experience at King County. 4 main issues are getting County management and fiscal controls in place, make County better place to invest, make metro a world class agency, and protect the environment. 35 years in private sector to make County high performance agency

Alan Lobdell: worked with cities and counties for 33 years, 13 years of consulting with mayors to make cities more efficent. Currently under contract with Snoqualime. Professional civil engineer, well versed in how cities and counties opperate from inside, not outside. Ran before in 2001. County personal asked him to run for Executive for a year. Professional administrator with inside experience

Larry Phillips: member King County Council, Sound Transit board. Born in King County, grew up here, devoted life to this County. Attended University of Washington. Worked with Scoop Jackson but got out of Beltway to come back to the County. Need to bring change to King County. Bring proven effective leadership to County for the change we need. Took leadership role for Link light rail. Created a metro audit.