Nonprofit sector forum closing statements

Fred: We as a county need to focus on end results. King County and its many cities should build partnerships with local nonprofits to get things done.

Alan: Number one priority would be to balance budget and streamline county departments to stay within budget. Doesn’t want to disturb the environment. Concerned about people getting to work without getting stuck in traffic.

Larry: In race to change county government on management side. Brings proven executive leadership to hold people accountable.

Dow: Vision for King County is to create a clean energy industry. People deserve innovative government. Services that aren’t working, like animal shelters, need to be fixed or turned over to the community. Sponsored a benefits savings plan to save $1 million for King County.

Ross: Has a reputation for thoughtfulness, getting things done, strategic way of solving problems. Offers substantive management experience. Willing to make hard choices, take on entranched intrests, and fight for change.

Susan: King County is a mess. As taxpayers, we should be outraged. There is no accountability, no transparency, no safegards. Claims she would bring an outsider’s view to county government.