Themes from the closing statements

Larry Phillips: He says he led on tough issues in legislature and in the council. “That’s my past and that will be my future… We are greatly challenged here…but we have an obligation to do the best that we can.”

Ross Hunter: Calls himself transparent, says he offers practical solutions, is willing to take on hard problems, brings them to closure, and makes big changes. “Normally patience is a virtue…I think at this time in King County’s future impatience is a virtue.”

Dow Constantine: Declared that this competition is not about who served longest; it’s about who has attitude and the vision. Throw open the doors of government. The status quo will kill us. We cannot continue upon this path. We need to get serious about deciding which programs most effective, having a government that can deliver in thew 21st century.

Fred Jarrett: We need to get our fiscal house in order, build a good economy, improve Metro, and make environmental protection in new ways. We must create private sector and public sector jobs. His three leadership qualities are consistency, leadership, and patience.