Sponsor NPI’s Research and Advocacy

NPI invites people and organizations interested in sustaining our research and advocacy to sponsor our two 2020 premier seasonal events. All sponsorships are for both events. Sponsors receive recognition in the event program, on NPI’s website, and onscreen at the event.

NPI’s 2020 premier seasonal events are as follows:

2020 Virtual Spring Fundraising Gala
Friday, April 17th, 2020
7 PM
2020 FallFest
Saturday, October 3rd, 2020
Renton Community Center
5:30 PM reception; 7 PM program

Sponsorship Levels: Glacier Peak and Bonanza Peak
Use the form below to sponsor at the Bonanza Peak ($125) or Glacier Peak ($250) Levels. All sponsorship levels include an unlimited number of Virtual Gala Access Passes for members or employees of your organization. Bonanza Peak does not include any tickets to FallFest. Glacier Peak includes one complimentary ticket to FallFest. Contact us to sponsor at a higher level ($500, $1,000, $2,500, or higher).