
Christine Rolfes appointed to Kitsap County Commission; will leave State Senate

The chief bud­get writer in the Wash­ing­ton State Sen­ate, Sen­a­tor Chris­tine Rolfes, was today appoint­ed to fill a vacan­cy in the three-mem­ber Kit­sap Coun­ty Com­mis­sion and will soon be leav­ing the Leg­is­la­ture to focus on her new respon­si­bil­i­ties at the local lev­el, the vet­er­an sen­a­tor con­firmed today.

Rolfes first joined the Leg­is­la­ture in 2007 after win­ning a term in the Wash­ing­ton State House in the blue wave midterm cycle of 2006, which saw huge Demo­c­ra­t­ic gains in both cham­bers. She was reelect­ed in 2008 and 2010. In July of 2011, she was appoint­ed to the Wash­ing­ton State Sen­ate to suc­ceed Phil Rock­e­feller, who took a job with the North­west Pow­er and Con­ser­va­tion Council.

Democ­rats lost their Sen­ate major­i­ty the fol­low­ing year when Rod­ney Tom and Tim Shel­don defect­ed to the Repub­li­can cau­cus just a few weeks after Jay Inslee defeat­ed Rob McKen­na to become Wash­ing­ton State’s next governor.

It took five years for Democ­rats to regain a Sen­ate major­i­ty. In Novem­ber of 2017, the par­ty won a spe­cial elec­tion in Wash­ing­ton’s 45th Dis­trict, which result­ed in care­tak­er State Sen­a­tor Dino Rossi being replaced with Man­ka Dhin­gra, a North­west Pro­gres­sive Foun­da­tion boardmember.

The flip­ping of the Sen­ate major­i­ty led to a lead­er­ship changeover in all of the cham­ber’s com­mit­tees, includ­ing the pow­er­ful Ways & Means Com­mit­tee.

Rolfes was named as the Chair of that all impor­tant fis­cal com­mit­tee and has held the posi­tion ever since, assist­ed by fel­low Demo­c­ra­t­ic sen­a­tors like David Frockt, June Robin­son, and Mark Mul­let. She’s now over­seen the draft­ing of the Sen­ate’s ver­sion of three oper­at­ing bud­gets (in 2019, 2021, and this year) plus three sup­ple­men­tal oper­at­ing bud­gets (in 2018, 2020, and 2022).

On her watch, in 2021, the Sen­ate took a long-await­ed vote to enact a cap­i­tal gains tax on the wealthy, join­ing the House and Gov­er­nor Inslee in cement­ing a his­toric win for tax fair­ness and equi­ty that sur­vived a right wing legal challenge.

Oth­er tax fair­ness vic­to­ries Rolfes was involved in includ­ed the repeal of a tax loop­hole for big banks and the mod­ern­iza­tion of the real estate excise tax.

Ways & Means also heard bills to cre­ate a wealth tax, but did not vote on them.

Rolfes con­sid­ered run­ning for Com­mis­sion­er of Pub­lic Lands in 2020, but opt­ed against it when Gov­er­nor Jay Inslee sought a third term, caus­ing incum­bent Hilary Franz to seek reelec­tion rather than pur­sue the state’s top job.

(Franz is now run­ning for gov­er­nor, cre­at­ing an open­ing for a new Com­mis­sion­er of Pub­lic Lands, but Rolfes has decid­ed she’d rather be a dif­fer­ent kind of Com­mis­sion­er — a mem­ber of Kit­sap Coun­ty’s leg­isla­tive branch.)

The Kit­sap Coun­ty Com­mis­sion vacan­cy mate­ri­al­ized when incum­bent Rob Gelder moved to Thurston Coun­ty to become an assis­tant coun­ty man­ag­er there.

Gelder was a Demo­c­rat. Like Rolfes, he had been in office since 2011.

The Wash­ing­ton State Con­sti­tu­tion says that when vacan­cies in par­ti­san coun­ty or leg­isla­tive office arise, the coun­ty cen­tral com­mit­tee of the polit­i­cal par­ty the depart­ing office­hold­er was from shall draw up a list of three nom­i­nees for the coun­ty leg­isla­tive author­i­ty to choose from in appoint­ing a successor.

(In the case of a leg­isla­tive dis­trict span­ning mul­ti­ple coun­ties, the appoint­ment is made joint­ly in a spe­cial meet­ing of the dif­fer­ent leg­isla­tive authorities.)

If the coun­ty leg­isla­tive author­i­ty or author­i­ties fail to do their job with­in six­ty days, the Gov­er­nor assumes the pow­er to appoint.

The two remain­ing com­mis­sion­ers, Katie Wal­ters and Char­lotte Gar­ri­do, were pre­sent­ed with three names by the Kit­sap Coun­ty Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty. Those names were Rolfes, Brynn Felix, and Greg Nance. They were select­ed from a group of eleven appli­cants who com­pet­ed for a spot on the list at a spe­cial nom­i­nat­ing cau­cus held by the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty. Wal­ters and Gar­ri­do inter­viewed the trio of final­ists and then decid­ed to select Rolfes, a deci­sion that sur­prised nobody.

Before run­ning for the Leg­is­la­ture, Rolfes was a Bain­bridge Island City Coun­cilmem­ber, serv­ing from 2000 to 2006. So, as she not­ed, she’s return­ing to her local gov­ern­ment roots. Assum­ing she remains on the Kit­sap Coun­ty Com­mis­sion for at least a cou­ple of years, she will have com­plet­ed a quar­ter of cen­tu­ry of pub­lic ser­vice at three dif­fer­ent lev­els of state and local government.

She told the Kit­sap Sun: “It’s an oppor­tu­ni­ty to return to my roots and con­tin­ue to serve the coun­ty by work­ing on the 2024 com­pre­hen­sive plan and using my con­nec­tions and all of my rela­tion­ships around the coun­ty to do good things.”

“I love being in the Sen­ate, I loved serv­ing in the Leg­is­la­ture, but this is my 17th year, and I’m excit­ed to try some­thing new,” she explained to the Sun.

Rolfes is not barred by cur­rent law from hold­ing a state leg­isla­tive posi­tion in addi­tion to the coun­ty one. But, wise­ly, she has decid­ed to give one up to focus on the oth­er. She’ll resign in a few weeks. The 23rd Leg­isla­tive Dis­trict is locat­ed entire­ly with­in Kit­sap Coun­ty, so one of Rolfes’ first major deci­sions will be work­ing with Wal­ters and Gar­ri­do to select her replace­ment, again from a list of three nom­i­nees picked by the Kit­sap Coun­ty Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty. If that replace­ment is State Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Drew Hansen or State Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Tar­ra Sim­mons, the process will then have to be repeat­ed to find a new state representative.

By sum­mer’s end, as a con­se­quence of Rolfes’ move to the Com­mis­sion, the 23rd will have a new state sen­a­tor and pos­si­bly a new state rep­re­sen­ta­tive too.

And the Wash­ing­ton State Sen­ate Demo­c­ra­t­ic cau­cus will have to pick a new Ways & Means Chair for the 2024 short ses­sion that begins in Jan­u­ary. The cur­rent vice chairs are June Robin­son and Mark Mul­let. Mul­let is run­ning for gov­er­nor, so it’s unlike­ly he will want the posi­tion, or be cho­sen even if he did.

NPI thanks Sen­a­tor Rolfes for her con­tri­bu­tions as a state leg­is­la­tor. We wish her well as she assumes her new duties at the coun­ty level.

Andrew Villeneuve

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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