Categories: Announcements

Representative Adam Smith to speak at NPI’s Nineteenth Anniversary Picnic (08/21)

This Sun­day, the North­west Pro­gres­sive Insti­tute will mark its nine­teenth anniver­sary. To cel­e­brate, we’re once again hold­ing our annu­al sum­mer pic­nic, this year at Per­ri­go Park in Red­mond, and we’re delight­ed to announce today that Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Adam Smith of the 9th Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict will be our keynote speaker.

At 25 years old, Adam was the youngest state Sen­a­tor ever elect­ed in the nation when he won his first race in 1990. He was first elect­ed to Con­gress in 1996, and has served the res­i­dents of the 9th Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict ever since. Adam is present­ly both a mem­ber of the Con­gres­sion­al Pro­gres­sive Cau­cus and the Chair of the Armed Ser­vices Com­mit­tee. We’re cer­tain he’ll have plen­ty to dis­cuss regard­ing the events of the last few weeks, espe­cial­ly about the recent pas­sage of the Infla­tion Reduc­tion Act of 2022, one of the largest invest­ments ever in com­bat­ing cli­mate change.

This year, there are two ways to par­tic­i­pate: in-per­son or online.

If you are inter­est­ed in attend­ing in-per­son, here are the essen­tial details:

  • The pic­nic will be held at Per­ri­go Park, locat­ed at 9011 196th Ave NE in Red­mond, begin­ning at 5 PM on Sun­day, August 21st.
  • You must be vac­ci­nat­ed against COVID-19 in order to attend. If you have not been vac­ci­nat­ed, then please choose the vir­tu­al atten­dance option. You will be asked when you RSVP to cer­ti­fy that you have received one of the COVID-19 vaccines.
  • Please wear a mask when stand­ing in line for your food.

If you are uncom­fort­able par­tic­i­pat­ing in-per­son despite the pre­cau­tions we’re tak­ing, or you have not been vac­ci­nat­ed, then you can choose our vir­tu­al atten­dance option when you RSVP. If you choose this option, you’ll be able to watch the speak­ing pro­gram from wher­ev­er you are at the same time that in-per­son atten­dees at Per­ri­go Park get to see it.

Our pic­nic is a pay-what-you-can event, with a sug­gest­ed dona­tion of $25 or more. All dona­tions will sup­port NPI’s research and advo­ca­cy, and help pay for our staff to go to Net­roots Nation 2022, which will be held this week in Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­va­nia. Here are the essen­tial details:

NPI’s Nineteenth Anniversary Picnic

  • When: Sun­day, August 21st, 2022 | 5 PM to 8:30 PM
  • Where: It depends on the mode. 
    • For in per­son atten­dees: Per­ri­go Park in Red­mond, WA
    • For remote atten­dees: Zoom
  • What: NPI’s annu­al sum­mer anniver­sary pic­nic, with deli­cious food and fellowship
  • Who: Short speak­ing pro­gram start­ing at 5:45 PM

We hope to see you this week­end, in-per­son or vir­tu­al­ly!

Rich Erwin

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