Views & Reviews

Book Review: Dana Fisher’s Activism, Inc. is a reminder of the sin of ideals procrastinated

There’s nev­er a good time to tell peo­ple about how their sausages are made, but Dana R. Fish­er’s Activism, Inc. (How the out­sourc­ing of grass­roots cam­paigns is stran­gling pro­gres­sive pol­i­tics in Amer­ica) came out at just about the worst time pos­si­ble for its mes­sage to be heard.

Part research, part hunchy anec­dote, this short work is large­ly a post­mortem on the fail­ures of paid, third-par­ty can­vass­ing oper­a­tions, espe­cial­ly as con­nect­ed to the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty and pro­gres­sive left that used them dur­ing the 2004 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion between John Ker­ry and George W. Bush.

That cycle, Democ­rats relied pre­dom­i­nate­ly on paid — but still high­ly intrin­si­cal­ly moti­vat­ed — young can­vassers work­ing out of tem­po­rary offices around the coun­try to mobi­lize vot­ers quick­ly. Mean­while, Repub­li­cans tapped more per­ma­nent civic insti­tu­tions for mobi­liza­tions, such as white evan­gel­i­cal churches.

For Democ­rats, Fish­er con­cludes, “very few endur­ing con­nec­tions remain at the local lev­el after cam­paigns are con­clud­ed that can be used in the next cam­paign cycle.” Unlike vol­un­teers, peo­ple who rely on wages to do elec­tion work can’t be expect­ed to show up when the mon­ey isn’t there.

But Fish­er’s book came out in 2006, right ahead of two of the great­est Demo­c­ra­t­ic wave elec­tions in a quar­ter cen­tu­ry, so the issues she sought to draw atten­tion to went large­ly unad­dressed. Since the next cycle was a cen­sus year, the rot has lin­gered at the state and nation­al lev­el in ger­ry­man­dered elec­tion maps ever since.

Hav­ing become accus­tomed to Repub­li­can tri­fec­tas in state­hous­es through­out the coun­try, we final­ly got one again at the nation­al lev­el in 2016.

While this book is no more rel­e­vant now than it’s always been, emo­tion­al­ly, it cer­tain­ly feels much more important.

The bulk of it, though, is describ­ing what for-prof­it can­vass­ing offices actu­al­ly are like for an audi­ence whose expe­ri­ence has prob­a­bly only been lim­it­ed to hav­ing to say, “Not today” or pre­tend not to see some­one in a neon vest stand­ing in front of them on the sidewalk.

Fish­er’s per­son­al rec­ol­lec­tion of how she first caught the fever for can­vass­ing while on a sum­mer pro­gram at Prince­ton-in-France is… nar­row­ly relatable.

At that time, 1990, can­vassers may actu­al­ly have been more com­mon­ly Ivy League stu­dents vis­it­ing Europe. It’s clear that Fish­er’s social cir­cle would more tend that way because the first inter­view she gives is of an Ivy League stu­dent of hers, this time from Colum­bia, who tried to do real, mean­ing­ful work can­vass­ing in 2004 for Ker­ry in Min­neso­ta, doing long hours and lit­tle pay.

She talks also of how poor the train­ing was before peo­ple were sent out the first time, how lit­tle job secu­ri­ty exist­ed for every­one, and how peo­ple who’d invest­ed deeply in a cer­tain cam­paign like gay rights would have to switch overnight to some­thing com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent like envi­ron­men­tal activism, which soured many who might oth­er­wise have stayed on that path.

This is where most of her empa­thy stays and the view­point that she has: col­lege stu­dents and recent grad­u­ates who want to do some­thing mean­ing­ful and instead choose the more lucra­tive, non-polit­i­cal or direct­ly for-prof­it career options they had after burn­ing out or sac­ri­fic­ing for no appar­ent benefit.

If this is snide, it’s only because it varies so great­ly from my own expe­ri­ences with can­vass­ing offices, as both a street fundrais­er in Seat­tle and a recruiter for offices across the Unit­ed States between 2012 and 2015.

The sum­mer can­vass­ing sea­son indeed involved grow­ing the office and get­ting the equiv­a­lent of “sum­mer camp” younglings, bright-eyed and joy-filled.

But the drea­ry-or-worse autumns, after­noon-dark win­ters, and unpre­dictable-weath­er springs tend­ed, nat­u­ral­ly, to be restrict­ed to peo­ple for whom no bet­ter, eas­i­er job was available.

That’s the main view­point the book miss­es. The tragedy I wit­nessed was not so much that peo­ple with bet­ter options decide to take advan­tage of those oppor­tu­ni­ties instead of con­tin­u­ing in a career path of civic-mind­ed service.

No, the tragedy is that can­vass­ing is one of the few open occu­pa­tions that a kid who is home­less can actu­al­ly be hired to do and have a chance to get their feet under them. A non­bi­na­ry per­son or a per­son of col­or or a woman still faces dis­crim­i­na­tion cis white men don’t when fundrais­ing face-to-face, but the bar­ri­ers to hir­ing and prov­ing your­self are much low­er, and they’re always hir­ing. Shut out of oth­er occu­pa­tions, vul­ner­a­ble peo­ple still can fundraise for worth­while caus­es and pay the bills to estab­lish a sense of security.

Not every­one can can­vass. Three out of four peo­ple fail or quit with­in the first cou­ple of days. But in the Rata­touille sense, any­one can cook: all sorts of dif­fer­ent peo­ple and back­grounds are capa­ble of suc­cess if they’re will­ing to work at it.

So it’s a tragedy that fundrais­ing com­pa­nies know this and choose to take advan­tage of vul­ner­a­ble peo­ple as much as they can, pre­sum­ably while jus­ti­fy­ing the direct harm they’re doing with all of the hypo­thet­i­cal, direct good that the mon­ey they’re rais­ing for non­prof­its will do.

They prob­a­bly think that by fundrais­ing for the ACLU (“The ACLU con­tin­ues to sup­port the rights of employ­ees, both pub­lic and pri­vate, to orga­nize unions and bar­gain col­lec­tive­ly”) and Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Com­mit­tee (which states in its most recent plat­form: “We believe that Amer­i­cans should earn at least $15 an hour and have the right to form or join a union”) they out­do the harm of repeat­ed­ly bust­ing unions and shut­ting down union­ized offices.

Activism, Inc.: How the Out­sourc­ing of Grass­roots Cam­paigns Is Stran­gling Pro­gres­sive Pol­i­tics in Amer­i­ca by Dana R. Fish­er
| 168 pages | Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty Press (2006)

Between GCI and PIRG, they shut down the union­ized Seat­tle office in recent weeks, Ann Arbor in 2017, Port­land offices in 2014 and 2012, Chica­go in 2008, Los Ange­les in 2005.

Pro­gres­sive orga­ni­za­tions who pride them­selves on print­ing every mail­er in a union shop still hire can­vass­ing com­pa­nies that rely on pay­ing set­tle­ments and fines instead of work­ers.

Eigh­teen years into the new mil­len­ni­um, GCI still does­n’t have direct deposit as a pay­ment option.

While its cousin The Fund for the Pub­lic inter­est was sued in 2006 for mak­ing peo­ple work with­out pay as part of “train­ing”, that appar­ent­ly still goes on some­what.

If all of your checks are deliv­ered by mail, and your pay peri­od is some­times more than two weeks after the work­er’s last day, a not-insignif­i­cant amount of peo­ple can be expect­ed to not ever get their $80 or $200 pay for a cou­ple day’s work.

Can­vass­ing direc­tors in every office have a file draw­er full of checks no one ever did or ever will pick up, so GCI still gets their free labor.

Sim­i­lar­ly, rather than hav­ing pre-paid tran­sit cards man­agers can use for their shift, or apply­ing it to a pay­check auto­mat­i­cal­ly based on the turf they already keep track of, GCI made every work­er fill out a reim­burse­ment sheet for each day of transit.

Do that every day to a few dozen peo­ple in a few dozen cities and some peo­ple will be too new or too tired or for­get to do it, and then GCI has passed their cost of doing busi­ness onto employ­ees. Or maybe the reim­burse­ment checks just bounce.

While I worked there, they even tried to reduce peo­ple’s hourly pay to bal­ance out the over­time some super­vi­sors earned by virtue of hav­ing to check the mon­ey count and do oth­er paper­work after the nor­mal fundrais­ing shift.

We only spot­ted this because pay­roll got too obvi­ous and cut the per­son­’s wages below the super­vi­sor stan­dard rate. You see, some pay was based on doing bet­ter than eighty per­cent of the office, but also there were some­times bonus­es for gifts above a cer­tain amount, and none of it is itemized.

Oth­er­wise, the wages are so inten­tion­al­ly byzan­tine, on a for­mu­la absolute­ly opaque to each indi­vid­ual, it’s not dif­fi­cult for the pay­roll take a lit­tle here or there, or make the sort of “mis­takes” that ben­e­fit the com­pa­ny and hurt workers.

They always seemed to catch the ones that affect­ed them.

In the Seat­tle office in 2015, there was a guy who con­tin­ued fundraise for three years but con­tin­u­al­ly had to fight cor­po­rate because they cred­it­ed and paid him for more sick days than he’d earned, and rather than just eat the mon­ey for their error, they said he now had neg­a­tive sick days.

Fun­da­men­tal­ly, the same dynam­ic remains at play as when Fish­er wrote her book: all work­ers are kept in a sit­u­a­tion of pre­car­i­ous employ­ment so they can be fired at any time. That includes if they fail to raise enough mon­ey in a two-week peri­od, or indeed, if they raise no mon­ey for a whole day twice ever.

If you’re a gen­der non-con­form­ing per­son who is spat on or assault­ed on the street, or if you’re any­one who becomes sick, or has dona­tion pro­cess­ing equip­ment that mal­func­tions, that counts as a full day wast­ed when you drop your shift.

And if, due to all of this, you’ve been agi­tat­ing for bet­ter work­er con­di­tions, what do you think they’re going to do to you?

It’s easy to accept that evil cor­po­ra­tions do this, or that con­ser­v­a­tives are will­ing to take advan­tage of their employ­ees for prof­it. But what’s worse is what we’ve accept­ed for almost two decades from pro­gres­sives, from those work­ing as close to the front lines of pol­i­tics as that metaphor can extend.

We have effec­tive­ly deter­mined that unions and fair wages and enforce­ment of gov­ern­ment pro­tec­tions of those least able to pro­tect them­selves are effec­tive mar­ket­ing strate­gies but noth­ing more because attempts to embody them in the real world aren’t practical.

Until Democ­rats and orga­ni­za­tions on the left are capa­ble of demon­strat­ing our abil­i­ty to ful­fill our rhetoric for those peo­ple already with­in our pow­er, there’s no rea­son for any­one to believe we’ll do it even­tu­al­ly for those yet lying beyond.

David A Johnson

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