
We’re watching the third 2020 Democratic presidential debate. Follow along with us!

Good evening, and wel­come to NPI’s live cov­er­age of the third Demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­den­tial debate of the 2020 cycle.

NPI staff are watch­ing and shar­ing impres­sions of the debate as it pro­gress­es, which will take place over the course of three hours in Hous­ton, Texas.

ABC is the media part­ner for this DNC-sanc­tioned debate.

The for­mat is as fol­lows:

Chief Anchor George Stephanopou­los, “World News Tonight” Anchor David Muir, ABC News Cor­re­spon­dent Lin­sey Davis and Uni­vi­sion Anchor Jorge Ramos will mod­er­ate the debate on Thursday.

The pres­i­den­tial hope­fuls will have one minute and fif­teen sec­onds for direct respons­es to ques­tions and forty-five sec­onds for respons­es and rebut­tals. Can­di­dates will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to deliv­er open­ing state­ments, but there will be no clos­ing statements.

Tonight’s line­up of ten can­di­dates is as follows:

  • Mass­a­chu­setts U.S. Sen­a­tor Eliz­a­beth Warren
  • For­mer Vice Pres­i­dent Joe Biden
  • Ver­mont U.S. Sen­a­tor Bernie Sanders
  • New Jer­sey U.S. Sen­a­tor Cory Booker
  • South Bend May­or Pete Buttigieg
  • For­mer Hous­ing and Urban Devel­op­ment Sec­re­tary Julián Castro
  • For­mer U.S. Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Beto O’Rourke
  • Cal­i­for­nia U.S. Sen­a­tor Kamala Harris
  • Min­neso­ta U.S. Sen­a­tor Amy Klobouchar
  • Entre­pre­neur Andrew Yang

Our live cov­er­age begins below.

UPDATE, 5:07 PM (Ruairi): For­mer Sec­re­tary Julián Cas­tro opened the debate. He argues that the coun­try needs “a bold vision” for the post-Trump era, while remind­ing every­one that first, Democ­rats need to win!

UPDATE, 5:08 PM (Caitlin): “I may not be the loud­est per­son up there,” Unit­ed States Sen­a­tor Amy Klobuchar joked in her open­ing statement.

“But I think we have already got that in the White House.” She warned that Trump is run­ning the coun­try like a real­i­ty TV Show. “I don’t want to be pres­i­dent for half of Amer­i­ca […] but for all of Amer­i­ca,” she concluded.

UPDATE, 5:09 PM (Caitlin): For­mer U.S. Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Beto O’Rourke warned about the “cost and con­se­quence” of Don­ald Trump’s pres­i­den­cy dur­ing his open­ing state­ment and cit­ed Trump’s racism as a con­tribut­ing fac­tor in the recent shoot­ing in his home state of El Paso, Texas.

UPDATE, 5:11 PM (Caitlin): Cory Book­er spoke about his time as a com­mu­ni­ty builder in New Jer­sey dur­ing open­ing state­ments and stat­ed that the dif­fer­ences among the dif­fer­ent Democ­rats on stage are not as impor­tant as unit­ing as par­ty, which is how he says he will lead the nation.

UPDATE, 5:12 PM (Ruairi): Andrew Yang crit­i­cized the influ­ence of mon­ey in pol­i­tics, describ­ing vot­ers as the “own­ers and share­hold­ers of democ­ra­cy.” He promis­es to give a “Free­dom Div­i­dend” to ten Amer­i­can fam­i­lies, argu­ing that vot­ers know how to help them­selves bet­ter than any politician.

UPDATE, 5:13 PM (Caitlin): May­or Pete Buttigieg laughed in the begin­ning of his open­ing state­ment after his name was mis­pro­nounced. He cit­ed his expe­ri­ence as a may­or and vet­er­an as what will guide him as pres­i­dent. “We need ideas that are bold enough […] and big enough,” he said.

UPDATE, 5:14 PM (Ruairi): Kamala Har­ris starts with “a few words for Don­ald Trump, who we all know is watch­ing.” She cit­ed the divi­sive rhetoric and failed poli­cies of Trump, and says that she plans to focus on the things that unite Amer­i­cans rather than divide them, fin­ish­ing with these words: “And now, Mr. Pres­i­dent, you can go back to watch­ing to Fox News.”

UPDATE, 5:16 PM (Caitlin): Sen­a­tor Bernie Sanders opened with a blunt assess­ment of the polit­i­cal land­scape. “It goes with­out say­ing, that we must and will defeat Don­ald Trump, the most dan­ger­ous pres­i­dent in the his­to­ry of this coun­try,” he said. But we must do more, he con­tin­ued. He warned of the pro­gres­sion the Unit­ed States is tak­ing towards oligarchy.

UPDATE, 5:18 PM (Ruairi): Eliz­a­beth War­ren focused on her family’s con­nec­tions to Texas, includ­ing her four year degree at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas. She recapped her per­son­al his­to­ry, argu­ing that today the “path to the mid­dle class” is nar­row­er than it was for peo­ple of her age.

UPDATE, 5:24 PM (Andrew): Eliz­a­beth War­ren did a good job refram­ing when chal­lenged. She artic­u­late­ly summed up the prob­lems of the cur­rent sys­tem, which is not effi­cient or effec­tive. Every­one watch­ing who has employ­er-spon­sored health­care knows what the words “out of net­work” mean.

UPDATE, 5:25 PM (Ruairi): We’ve seen this movie before, so to speak. This debate, like the ones before it, began with a tus­sle over health­care, with Biden on on side, sup­port­ing his plan to build on the Patient Pro­tec­tion Act, and Sen­a­tors Sanders and War­ren mak­ing the case for their Medicare for All plans.

UPDATE, 5:26 PM (Ruairi): Biden defend­ed his plan, say­ing that any­one who likes their insur­ance can keep it. He repeat­ed­ly crit­i­cized his rivals’ plans on a cost basis. “It’s not a bad idea if you like it, I don’t like it!”

UPDATE, 5:27 PM (Ruairi): “I’ve nev­er met any­one who actu­al­ly likes their health insur­ance com­pa­ny!” Eliz­a­beth War­ren retort­ed. She point­ed out that the prob­lem is that insur­ance com­pa­nies make prof­its by say­ing no to health­care – her plan would guar­an­tee care for all.

UPDATE, 5:30 PM (Ruairi): Respond­ing to Klobuchar’s argu­ment that Medicare For All will take away pri­vate insur­ance options, War­ren stat­ed that Amer­i­cans will still have access to qual­i­ty health­care – because her plan cuts out the expen­sive mid­dle­men in the health­care industry.

UPDATE, 5:32 PM (Andrew): We’re about a half hour in and so far, this has been basi­cal­ly a debate over sin­gle-pay­er health­care (should we have it or not), with most of the time going to Biden, Sanders, and Warren.

UPDATE, 5:32 PM (Ruairi): Kamala Har­ris was asked about her chang­ing posi­tion on Medicare For All. She cred­it­ed both Barack Oba­ma and Bernie Sanders, say­ing that her plan makes Bernie’s plan bet­ter. Her plan does not elim­i­nate pri­vate health insurance.

UPDATE, 5:34 PM (Ruairi): Har­ris brought the con­ver­sa­tion back to Trump. She lam­bast­ed his efforts to destroy the Patient Pro­tec­tion Act, from the leg­isla­tive attempt thwart­ed by John McCain to the Depart­ment of Jus­tice’s refusal to defend the law against court challenges.

UPDATE, 5:35 PM (Caitlin): Sanders coun­tered Biden’s accu­sa­tion that the fund­ing need­ed for Medicare For All is unre­al­is­tic by argu­ing that one of the major rea­son Amer­i­cans file for bank­rupt­cy is because of dis­ease and illness.

UPDATE, 5:36 PM (Ruairi): Biden says he is offer­ing “Medicare for Choice,” that any­one can get. He again assailed Medicare For All on a cost basis. Bernie Sanders replied to Biden that the Patient Pro­tec­tion Act did­n’t go far enough to help peo­ple, like those who are strug­gling with bank­rupt­cy due to cancer.

UPDATE, 5:36 PM (Andrew): The ABC mod­er­a­tors have so far failed to steer this debate into new ter­ri­to­ry. They appar­ent­ly want­ed a clash that rehash­es the mer­its of sin­gle pay­er health­care. And they got that.

UPDATE, 5:36 PM (Ruairi): “I know about can­cer,” said Biden, not­ing he lost his son Beau (also an elect­ed offi­cial) to the dis­ease only four years ago. He says that his plan will cov­er those with ter­mi­nal illnesses.

UPDATE, 5:38 PM (Ruairi): Julián Cas­tro rec­og­nized Pres­i­dent Obama’s efforts on health­care. He said that Biden’s plan leaves ten mil­lion peo­ple uncov­ered. He described his grand­moth­er’s ill­ness, not­ing she was lucky to have Medicare.

UPDATE, 5:38 PM (Andrew): Joe Biden seems shocked that Cas­tro is attack­ing him and his record so aggressively.

UPDATE, 5:39 PM (Ruairi): Cas­tro said the dif­fer­ence between his plan and Biden’s is that Biden’s require peo­ple to buy in. Biden dis­agreed. Cas­tro made what was per­ceived on social media and in the debate hall as a sub­tle jab at Biden’s age: “Are you for­get­ting what you said just two min­utes ago?”

UPDATE, 5:40 PM (Ruairi): Cas­tro says “I’m ful­fill­ing the lega­cy of Barack Oba­ma, and you’re not!” Biden retorts, “He’d be sur­prised to hear that.”

UPDATE, 5:40 PM (Ruairi): The can­di­dates, spurred by Yang, exchanged com­ments about whether the back and forth on health­care was use­ful or not.

UPDATE, 5:41 PM (Ruairi): Andrew Yang said: “I am Asian, so I know a lot of doc­tors.” He says the cur­rent sys­tem makes it too hard for doc­tors to get results.

UPDATE, 5:42 PM (Caitlin): Sen­a­tor Book­er closed out the health­care sec­tion. “I believe in Medicare For All,” he said, adding: “But there is an urgency in this nation.” He explained that while he wants to get to Medicare For All, Amer­i­cans need action now on health cov­er­age and he’ll work with fel­low Democ­rats to achieve progress, even if that means tak­ing incre­men­tal steps.

UPDATE, 5:42 PM (Andrew): The Demo­c­ra­t­ic field is for­tu­nate that Cory Booker’s elo­quence capped off that con­ver­sa­tion about health­care, smooth­ing over the rough exchange between Biden and Castro.

UPDATE, 5:42 PM (Ruairi): The mod­er­a­tors have end­ed the health­care seg­ment and moved on to the top­ic of sys­temic racism and social justice.

UPDATE, 5:44 PM (Caitlin): Beto O’Rourke was giv­en the first oppor­tu­ni­ty to weigh in. As pres­i­dent, he said he would sign into law a repa­ra­tions bill that would let us address sys­temic racism at its foun­da­tions. He fin­ished by say­ing that we must not for­get about the white suprema­cist in the White House.

UPDATE, 5:45 PM (Ruairi): Julián Cas­tro com­mend­ed Beto O’Rourke for his com­pas­sion at El Paso. He point­ed out that the El Paso shoot­er tar­get­ed “peo­ple who look like me.” He cit­ed his plan “to dis­arm hate,” and empha­sized his pro­pos­al to reform the police force.

UPDATE, 5:46 PM (Andrew): Cory Book­er once again shone in a debate answer with some pow­er­ful analy­sis about sys­temic racism. Good reframing.

UPDATE, 5:46 PM (Caitlin): Book­er declared that we know Don­ald Trump is a racist and it’s impor­tant to call out racism, but it’s also impor­tant to work against the sys­temic racism that is “erod­ing our coun­try.” He promised that as pres­i­dent, he would imple­ment an office that was specif­i­cal­ly designed to tack­le white suprema­cy and sys­temic racism that touch­es all aspects of Amer­i­can life.

UPDATE, 5:47 PM (Andrew): “Harms com­pound,” says Pete Buttigieg, nice­ly adding on to what Cory Book­er said about need­ing to dis­man­tle sys­temic racism.

UPDATE, 5:48 PM (Caitlin): Pete Buttigieg stat­ed that sys­temic racism pre­ced­ed Trump, so we need a sys­temic approach to com­bat it. He char­ac­ter­ized his plan as “the most com­pre­hen­sive vision to tack­le sys­temic racism in all areas.”

UPDATE, 5:49 PM (Ruairi): Kamala Har­ris is asked about how she has changed her views on crim­i­nal and social jus­tice issues. Har­ris described her­self as “born know­ing” about the racial injus­tices in the jus­tice sys­tem. She goes to her argu­ment that she want­ed to change the sys­tem from the inside.

UPDATE, 5:51 PM (Ruairi): “Was I able to get enough done, absolute­ly not!” Har­ris lays out the basic tenets of her new jus­tice plan, which are pop­u­lar with activists. She says she can do the job as an insider.

UPDATE, 5:52 PM (Andrew): The ques­tions com­ing from the mod­er­a­tors in this sec­ond seg­ment are bet­ter than the first seg­ment. Props to ABC for cre­at­ing ques­tions that chal­lenge the can­di­dates on their social & crim­i­nal jus­tice records.

UPDATE, 5:53 PM (Caitlin): Sen­a­tor Klobuchar was asked about her record. She spoke about her time as pros­e­cu­tor, work­ing the com­mu­ni­ty groups, to ensure those who mur­dered black chil­dren in her com­mu­ni­ty were brought to jus­tice. She spoke about how her office went after white col­lar crimes and worked with the inno­cence project around the accu­ra­cy of eye wit­ness iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. She fin­ished by promis­ing to reform the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem in a holis­tic way.

UPDATE, 5:54 PM (Ruairi): Biden was asked about his crim­i­nal and social jus­tice plan. Biden recalled his ear­ly days as a lawyer, dur­ing the Civ­il Rights era. He says that “the whole mod­el should change.” He points to the Oba­ma administration’s release of tens of thou­sands of non­vi­o­lent offenders.

UPDATE, 5:55 PM (Ruairi): In one of his bet­ter lines of the night, Biden declared: “When you fin­ish your term in prison, you should not only be able to vote, you should have access to Pell grants,” and oth­er benefits.

UPDATE, 5:57 PM (Caitlin): Book­er opened with a quote that stat­ed our crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem “treats you bet­ter if you’re rich and guilty than if you’re poor and innocent.”Booker argued that every can­di­date on the stage should promise that as pres­i­dent, they would release those who are behind bars unjust­ly, which he says is rough­ly 7000 peo­ple. He spoke of his record in the Sen­ate to work to grant clemen­cy to as many as possible.

UPDATE, 5:57 PM (Ruairi): Turn­ing to the top­ic of gun vio­lence, the mod­er­a­tors point­ed out that sur­vivors from El Paso are in the audi­ence tonight.

UPDATE, 5:57 PM (Andrew): It’s always nice when a pres­i­den­tial can­di­date offers attri­bu­tion before or after bor­row­ing a good quote. “We have a sys­tem of jus­tice that treats you bet­ter if you’re rich and guilty than if you’re poor and inno­cent,” is one of Bryan Stevenson’s best quips.

UPDATE, 5:58 PM (Ruairi): Biden is asked why he failed to secure stronger gun safe­ty laws in the wake of the hor­rif­ic Sandy Hook mas­sacre. He respond­ed by say­ing that he is the only can­di­date to “ever beat the NRA,” with the Brady Bill. He says that gun safe­ty has gone from “a cause to a movement.”

UPDATE, 5:59 PM (Ruairi): Biden quot­ed the sta­tis­tics to make the case for stronger gun safe­ty laws. Biden com­ple­ment­ed that the way O’Rourke han­dled the mas­sacre in El Paso, call­ing it “mean­ing­ful”, to huge applause.

UPDATE, 6:00 PM (Ruairi): Kamala Har­ris was asked about her plans to issue exec­u­tive orders to address gun vio­lence. Joe Biden (who was quot­ed in the ques­tion) inter­rupt­ed to say: “You can do that for some things!”

UPDATE, 6:00 PM (Andrew): Kamala Har­ris neat­ly invoked the Oba­ma campaign’s mot­to “Yes, we can!” to argue that exec­u­tive action is a real­is­tic means of cur­tail­ing civil­ian access to weapons of war.

UPDATE, 6:00 PM (Caitlin): Beto O’Rourke was com­pli­ment­ed by for­mer Vice Pres­i­dent Joe Biden for the way he respond­ed to the recent shoot­ing in El Paso, when he left the cam­paign trail and met with the vic­tims’ families.

Biden referred to him as “Beto,” before apol­o­giz­ing and call­ing him “Con­gress­man.” O’Rourke laughed and told him usage of his first name was fine.

UPDATE, 6:01 PM (Ruairi): Har­ris recalls her time as a pros­e­cu­tor, look­ing at mur­der cas­es, deal­ing with vic­tims’ fam­i­lies. She points out that chil­dren are being drilled to be ready for mass shootings.

UPDATE, 6:02 PM (Ruairi): “Beto, God love you for stand­ing so coura­geous­ly in the midst of that tragedy,” says Har­ris. Turn­ing to Trump, she says that the Pres­i­dent is “tweet­ing out the ammu­ni­tion” for mass shootings.

UPDATE, 6:03 PM (Andrew): For­mer U.S. Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Beto O’Rourke is show­ing Amer­i­ca what courage looks like as he makes the case that no civil­ian needs (or should pos­sess) an AR-15 or sim­i­lar weapon.

UPDATE, 6:05 PM (Caitlin): Beto exclaimed, “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15 and your AK-47s” after explain­ing the hor­rif­ic sto­ries he heard recent­ly in Texas after the shoot­ing. He said that he also went to a gun show recent­ly and was able to find com­mon ground with those who sell these guns.

UPDATE, 6:07 PM (Andrew): Cory Book­er is tru­ly hav­ing a great debate so far. His com­ments about the need for empa­thy are so impor­tant and wel­come. Empa­thy is a core pro­gres­sive value.

UPDATE, 6:08 PM (Caitlin): Klobuchar was asked about her views on address­ing gun vio­lence. She declared that what unites us is big­ger than what divides us. She stat­ed that every­one on the stage believes in com­mon sense gun reform. She point­ed out that there is a bill she’s worked on sit­ting on Mitch McConnell’s desk that keeps guns out of the hands of domes­tic abusers. 

She stat­ed that she sup­ports an ini­tial volun­tary gun buy­back pro­gram, but if we want action now, we have to send a mes­sage to Mitch McConnell. We have to pass the gun con­trol bills that are sit­ting on his desk right now.

UPDATE, 6:08 PM (Andrew): Start­ing with a vol­un­tary gun buy­back pro­gram — as Amy Klobuchar just talked about — is a sen­si­ble idea; gun buy­back ini­tia­tives are known to be effec­tive. The pub­lic is recep­tive to them.

UPDATE, 6:08 PM (Caitlin): Book­er spoke pas­sion­ate­ly about the gun vio­lence epi­dem­ic in his neigh­bor­hood. He argued that we need “more coura­geous empa­thy” and that he would lead change on this issue with a per­son­al passion.

UPDATE, 6:09 PM (Ruairi): Eliz­a­beth War­ren is asked “what can you get done on guns” when work­ing with Repub­li­cans. She reframed the issue as “a gun vio­lence prob­lem,” cit­ing sui­cides and acci­den­tal shoot­ings, which don’t get the press that mas­sacres do, but cer­tain­ly con­tribute to loss of life in our country.

UPDATE, 6:11 PM (Ruairi): War­ren: “When we’ve got this much sup­port across the coun­try… why doesn’t it hap­pen, and the answer is cor­rup­tion, pure and sim­ple.” She wants to “roll back the fil­i­buster” in the Senate.

UPDATE, 6:11 PM (Ruairi): War­ren declared that she wants a pol­i­tics that “works for the peo­ple,” rather than big companies.

UPDATE, 6:11 PM (Andrew): Spot-on com­ments from Eliz­a­beth War­ren about tack­ling cor­rup­tion and elim­i­nat­ing the fil­i­buster in order to take action on gun vio­lence and oth­er issues. Smart reframing.

UPDATE, 6:12 PM (Ruairi): Sanders echoed War­ren, say­ing “what we are look­ing at is a cor­rupt polit­i­cal sys­tem,” offer­ing a holis­tic argu­ment that the Amer­i­can pol­i­tics is being held hostage by pow­er­ful interests.

UPDATE, 6:13 PM (Caitlin): Sanders was asked about end­ing the fil­i­buster. He while he doesn’t sup­port end­ing the fil­i­buster, he argued that we would not wait for six­ty votes to pass anti-cor­rup­tion ini­tia­tives. He said that in terms of gun issues, what we are look­ing at is a cor­rupt polit­i­cal sys­tem, echo­ing Eliz­a­beth Warren’s state­ments. He again tout­ed his “F rat­ing” from the NRA.

UPDATE, 6:14 PM (Andrew): Very dis­ap­point­ing to hear Bernie Sanders say, “No,” when asked if he sup­ports get­ting rid of the fil­i­buster. The fil­i­buster needs to be abol­ished. It’s con­trary to the val­ues this coun­try was found­ed upon.

UPDATE, 6:14 PM (Ruairi): Jorge Ramos asked Biden about immi­gra­tion. In 2008, Biden sup­port­ed bor­der fenc­ing. He asked if Biden and the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion “made a mis­take” with respect to their pol­i­cy on deportations.

UPDATE, 6:15 PM (Ruairi): Biden strong­ly defend­ed Obama’s record, point­ing to DACA and Obama’s attempts to cre­ate a path to cit­i­zen­ship. Biden said he wants to change Trump’s repul­sive bor­der poli­cies on asy­lum seekers.

UPDATE, 6:15 PM (Ruairi): Ramos pressed on, ask­ing: “Did you make a mis­take?” Biden opt­ed not to direct­ly answer the ques­tion. Ramos then turned to Cas­tro, who also served in Obama’s admin­is­tra­tion as part of the Cabinet.

UPDATE, 6:16 PM (Ruairi): Cas­tro says that, unlike Oba­ma, Trump has “a dark heart” con­cern­ing immi­gra­tion. He crit­i­cized Biden for try­ing to take cred­it for Obama’s work, while dis­tanc­ing him­self from oth­er aspects of Oba­ma’s record.

UPDATE, 6:17 PM (Ruairi): Cas­tro said his admin­is­tra­tion would “not give up pro­tec­tions for any­body.” Biden said that he stands with Oba­ma, “all eight years.”

UPDATE, 6:18 PM (Ruairi): War­ren was asked about her desire to get rid of Immi­gra­tion & Cus­toms Enforce­ment (ICE). She empha­sized the impor­tance of offer­ing a path to cit­i­zen­ship. She added that the cur­rent immi­gra­tion sys­tem does not keep Amer­i­cans safer, or serve Amer­i­can values.

UPDATE, 6:19 PM (Ruairi): War­ren stressed help­ing the nations of Cen­tral Amer­i­ca. She blamed the cur­rent bor­der cri­sis express­ly on Don­ald Trump.

UPDATE, 6:20 PM (Ruairi): Andrew Yang was asked about legal immi­gra­tion – would he increase the num­ber of peo­ple admit­ted to the coun­try from one to two mil­lion? Yang point­ed to the val­ue of immi­grants to the U.S., includ­ing his father.

UPDATE, 6:21 PM (Ruairi): Yang wants to “com­pete for tal­ent” with oth­er coun­tries, say­ing that the Unit­ed States is a “mag­net for human cap­i­tal,” and chang­ing that dynam­ic would irrepara­bly change the country.

UPDATE, 6:22 PM (Caitlin): May­or Buttigieg was asked about Trump’s racist rhetoric and poli­cies around immigration.

“Any­one who sup­ports these is sup­port­ing racism,” said Buttigieg.

He argued that those who sup­port these poli­cies most­ly just are not famil­iar with immi­grants per­son­al­ly. He stat­ed that we need to being engag­ing the Amer­i­can major­i­ty on our val­ues of wel­come and faith.

UPDATE, 6:24 PM (Caitlin): O’Rourke was then asked about those who over­stay their visas and he argued we have rewrite our immi­gra­tion laws in the image of El Paso, Texas, one of the most diverse and safe cities in the Unit­ed States. He said both Democ­rats and Repub­li­cans need to face the fact that both vot­ed for inef­fec­tive and inhu­mane immi­gra­tion laws. He cit­ed the need to give DREAM­Ers cit­i­zen­ship now and that under his admin­is­tra­tion, the Unit­ed States would nev­er lock up undoc­u­ment­ed chil­dren again.

UPDATE, 6:25 PM (Andrew): The debate has paused for a lengthy, mul­ti-minute com­mer­cial break. ABC is teas­ing that the next top­ics will be “Amer­i­can jobs” and “for­eign pol­i­cy”. What about cli­mate justice?

Andrew Villeneuve

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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