Book Review: Sasha Abramsky’s Jumping At Shadows explores America’s culture of fear

Reg­gie Watts’ 2012 TED Talk had many unique obser­va­tions, but one has always stuck with me as par­tic­u­lar­ly insight­ful. In his words: “As we face fear in these times — and fear is all around us — we also have anti-fear.”

Jump­ing at Shad­ows: The Tri­umph of Fear and the End of the Amer­i­can Dream, by Sasha Abram­sky (Hard­cov­er, PublicAffairs)

That line of satir­i­cal pseu­do-bab­ble was part of an impro­vised comedy/musical per­for­mance but has achieved a sur­pris­ing res­o­nance in years since, and it’s as con­cise a sum­ma­ry of jour­nal­ist Sasha Abram­sky’s lat­est book Jump­ing At Shad­ows as the one pro­vid­ed by the book’s publisher:

In this day and age, per­haps the thing that binds Amer­i­cans togeth­er most strong­ly is the fact that we’re afraid.

But are we afraid of the right things?

Abram­sky makes a con­vinc­ing case that we’re clear­ly not wor­ried enough about what’s actu­al­ly com­mon­ly dan­ger­ous and pre­ventable com­pared with things that are rare, unavoid­able, or out­right false.

A promi­nent exam­ple he gives is the wide­spread pan­ic in response to the U.S. por­tion of an ebo­la out­break that killed one per­son and infect­ed a total of four back in 2014. This out­break received a huge amount of media cov­er­age and gen­er­at­ed a lot of anx­i­ety. But while rel­a­tive­ly few peo­ple died from that ebo­la out­break, 12,000 to 56,000 Amer­i­cans have died from sea­son­al influen­za every year since 2010.

If this phe­nom­e­non is inter­est­ing to you, you should con­sid­er pick­ing up this book.

Each top­ic is sup­port­ed with data and sound rea­son­ing; each is impor­tant to the health and wel­fare of the nation going for­ward. But that also means the top­ics are so impor­tant, you’re sure to have heard about them before, includ­ing the pre­cise exam­ples Abram­sky looks at, from Dooms­day Prep­pers to the Texas boy who made a clock author­i­ties assumed to be a bomb because he was a Muslim.

“I believe that too often we cal­cu­late risk not by the prob­a­bil­i­ty of an event occur­ring but by the num­ber of news items or talk radio min­utes or Face­book post­ings or movie screens devot­ed to a top­ic,” the author writes.

Our inher­it­ed rodent brain does tend to make us lit­er­al­ly “jump at shad­ows”, and we’re neu­ro­log­i­cal­ly primed to skit­ter at pos­si­ble warn­ings like cats notic­ing vague­ly ser­pen­tine cucum­bers. (You know air­planes are safer than dri­ving, but your heart still races dur­ing tur­bu­lence more than pulling through an intersection.)

Knowl­edge and change based on knowl­edge are very far apart.

Abram­sky admits as much while inter­view­ing par­ents who agree, intel­lec­tu­al­ly, that Amer­i­can soci­ety is actu­al­ly safer for chil­dren now than thir­ty years ago, that firearms in the home are more like­ly to be used against some­one in the house­hold than defend­ing it from any strangers.

But those par­ents still cling to ever-more guns and still fear their chil­dren walk­ing alone, even to gat­ed schools, even if wear­ing bul­let­proof backpacks.

The book promis­es “a play­book for how to conquer…the most fright­en­ing aspects of mod­ern life,” but if you’re feel­ing irra­tional fears, that play­book sounds like some­thing out of a Bob Newhart sketch on “Sat­ur­day Night Live”: Just stop it.

If that’s the best advice pos­si­ble, it’s the same one that Abram­sky crit­i­cizes regard­ing Dooms­day Prep­pers — a non-pro­gram­mat­ic, non-pol­i­cy suggestion.

Oth­er than feel­ing a sense of supe­ri­or­i­ty over big­ots, guns nuts, anti-vaxxers, and the like, what good does the read­er get out of any of it?

And that’s all tak­ing Abram­sky’s argu­ment at face-value.

It gets worse if you start to inter­ro­gate it.

The sub­ti­tle of this book is The Tri­umph of Fear and the End of the Amer­i­can Dream. Abram­sky is argu­ing fear, pushed by cur­rent tech­nol­o­gy, is what makes indi­vid­u­als afraid of Mus­lim, immi­grant, and black Amer­i­cans, and what got Don­ald Trump elect­ed as pres­i­dent by the Elec­toral Col­lege in 2016.

Though Trump won in the Elec­toral Col­lege, it must be not­ed that the Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­nee, Hillary Clin­ton, won the nation­al pop­u­lar vote.

This is a much bet­ter result than we’ve had pre­vi­ous times in our his­to­ry that peo­ple pro­nounced the Amer­i­can Dream dead; Hunter S. Thomp­son had more rea­son to fear and loathe in ’72, con­sid­er­ing that elec­tion’s mar­gins. Did nativism, reli­gious intol­er­ance, and racism moti­vate us less in the past than now?

There’s one more flaw in the book that hurts it, and that’s a struc­tur­al one.

The intro­duc­tion tells the sto­ry of a trip the author took to South Amer­i­ca, where he was poi­soned by cigua­tox­in, appar­ent­ly from bad fish in Chile.

The symp­toms he expe­ri­enced were sim­i­lar to a heart attack but impos­si­ble to defin­i­tive­ly diag­nose. The poi­son­ing sapped his phys­i­cal strength but also his con­fi­dence, his will­ing­ness to take risks, every­thing, and all of it irrationally.

Abram­sky makes the con­nec­tion from his body to the body politic in the book’s intro­duc­tion, but does­n’t cir­cle back to make the con­nec­tion lat­er in the book. Which is a shame because the obvi­ous les­son from his per­son­al anec­dote is also seem­ing­ly the solu­tion the prob­lems the book is describing.

You don’t push aside your fear of fly­ing pure­ly because of sta­tis­tics, but because some places you can’t get to quick­ly enough, or at all, except by plane.

You trav­el, you try new food, you let your chil­dren play and explore, because life is hard­ly worth liv­ing otherwise.

Every attempt at elim­i­nat­ing risk also involves elim­i­nat­ing val­ue. We have to live our lives bal­anc­ing these things against each oth­er, counter-stack­ing wor­ries to achieve healthy equi­lib­ri­um. That’s a worth­while and effec­tive mes­sage to com­bat fear-mon­ger­ing. Because fear is all around us. But there is also anti-fear.

David A Johnson

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