Wendy Davis makes it official: She’s running to be governor of Texas in 2014!

Big news out of the Lone Star State today!

Pro­gres­sive hero Wendy Davis, who did an incred­i­ble job lead­ing the fight against leg­is­la­tion to roll back repro­duc­tive rights in Texas back in the spring, has announced that she is run­ning to replace Rick Per­ry as the state’s governor.

At an event in Hal­tom City, Davis laid out her vision for the state and told excit­ed sup­port­ers, “If you want a gov­er­nor who will speak for every­one, then every Tex­an needs to be part of get­ting that gov­er­nor elect­ed. I need you.”

The Texas Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty cheered the news.

“Wendy Davis is the can­di­date for Gov­er­nor Tex­ans deserve,” said Texas Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty Chair­man Gilber­to Hino­josa. “She is a new type of leader, one whose sto­ry reflects what is best about Texas. Sen­a­tor Davis has a proven record of fight­ing for our fam­i­lies, and as Gov­er­nor she will secure an even brighter future for Texas.”

“Today is an incred­i­ble and excit­ing day for all Tex­ans. Over the next year you will con­tin­ue to see grass­roots ener­gy and engage­ment like you’ve nev­er seen before in Texas. We’re all ready to knock on doors, make the calls, talk to our neigh­bors, and raise the mon­ey required so that Wendy Davis will be elected.”

Our friends over at Burnt Orange Report (Texas’ best pro­gres­sive blog) have a recap of Davis’ cam­paign kick­off. Sounds like it was a very excit­ing event:

The “options are few­er” for Texas fam­i­lies today, Davis said — and she won’t accept that. Our state is run for the ben­e­fit of a few, when it should be run for all Texans.

In Austin today, our cur­rent lead­er­ship thinks promis­es are just some­thing you make to the peo­ple who write big checks. But the promise I’m talk­ing about is big­ger than that. It’s the promise of a bet­ter tomor­row for every­one. Texas deserves a leader who will pro­tect this promise. Texas deserves a leader who will keep it.”

That’s the kind of gov­er­nor Wendy Davis plans to be.

Until the fam­i­lies who are burn­ing the can­dle at both ends can final­ly make ends meet, we will keep going. Until the amaz­ing health care advances being pio­neered in this state reach every­one who needs them, we will keep going.”

“Until every child from Longview to Lub­bock to McAllen to Mesquite makes it to a stage like this, and gets their diplo­ma, and knows that noth­ing will wash out the road to their future dreams, we will keep going. Until the cor­ri­dors of pow­er are the cor­ri­dors of the peo­ple, until prob­lem-solv­ing trumps par­ti­san­ship, until our state is a lot less lone and a lot more star, we will keep going. As long as we can make this great state even greater, we will keep going,” Davis said as the crowd joined her emphat­i­cal­ly in declar­ing we will keep going.

Empha­sis is theirs. (Also worth read­ing is the live­blog of the announce­ment).

The Austin Chron­i­cle has more on the kick­off.

The Repub­li­cans wast­ed no time in attack­ing Davis; Greg Abbot­t’s cam­paign chose to launch a vol­ley at the like­ly Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­nee rather than sim­ply wel­com­ing her to the race. (Abbott, the cur­rent right wing Attor­ney Gen­er­al of Texas, is con­sid­ered to be the Repub­li­can fron­trun­ner; Rick Per­ry is retiring).

But Wendy Davis is tough. And smart. And coura­geous. Quite sim­ply, she’s an inspi­ra­tion. Repub­li­cans are very much mis­tak­en if they think she’ll be easy to beat. This is going to be a race worth pay­ing atten­tion to, and we’ll cer­tain­ly be fol­low­ing it with the help of our friends at the Burnt Orange Report.

Andrew Villeneuve

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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