Mitt Romney winning Washington Republican precinct caucuses by comfortable margin

Chalk up anoth­er vic­to­ry for Mitt Rom­ney. With more than six­ty per­cent of the votes count­ed, the for­mer Mass­a­chu­setts gov­er­nor is hand­i­ly win­ning Wash­ing­ton’s Repub­li­can precinct cau­cus­es, best­ing Rick San­to­rum and his two oth­er remain­ing oth­er rivals by a com­fort­able mar­gin. Here are the cur­rent results:

Wash­ing­ton Repub­li­can precinct caucuses
Mitt Rom­ney: 36.7% (11,294 votes)
Ron Paul: 24.5% (7,535 votes)
Rick San­to­rum: 24.4% (7,523 votes)
Newt Gin­grich: 11.3% (3,473 votes)

Paul and San­to­rum remain near­ly tied for sec­ond place. Paul has main­tained a tiny-to-slight edge for much of the evening, but that could go away as votes from more San­to­rum-friend­ly coun­ties are tal­lied and reported.

So far, Rom­ney is win­ning King, Pierce, Sno­homish, Kit­sap, Thurston, Clal­lam, Jef­fer­son, Mason, Grays Har­bor, Lewis, Cowlitz, Clark, Wahki­akum, Yaki­ma, Kit­ti­tas, Grant, Adams, Garfield, Wal­la Wal­la, Ben­ton, and Franklin counties.

Ron Paul is win­ning Pend Oreille, Fer­ry, Stevens, Okanogan, Whit­man, Asotin, Klick­i­tat, Ska­ma­nia, and Pacif­ic counties.

Rick San­to­rum has just three coun­ties in his cor­ner: What­com, Lin­coln, and Colum­bia, though he is com­ing in sec­ond in many of the pop­u­lous coun­ties that Rom­ney is win­ning (like Pierce and Kitsap).

Spokane, Skag­it, Dou­glas, and Chelan have yet to report any results at all.

In a state­ment, Mitt Rom­ney thanked Wash­ing­ton Repub­li­cans for their sup­port. (He is no longer in the Ever­green State, hav­ing returned to the east­ern time­zone fol­low­ing yes­ter­day morn­ing’s ral­ly in Bellevue).

“I’m heart­ened to have won the Wash­ing­ton cau­cus­es, and I thank the vot­ers for their sup­port,” Rom­ney said.

“I con­grat­u­late my fel­low Repub­li­cans on a cam­paign well waged. We may dif­fer from one anoth­er in back­ground and expe­ri­ence. But we are unit­ed in our love of this coun­try, and in our belief that with prop­er lead­er­ship Amer­i­ca can do much bet­ter. The vot­ers of Wash­ing­ton have sent a sig­nal that they do not want a Wash­ing­ton insid­er in the White House. They want a con­ser­v­a­tive busi­ness­man who under­stands the pri­vate sec­tor and knows how to get the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment out of the way so that the econ­o­my can once again grow vigorously.”

“With the sup­port of Washington’s vot­ers, I look for­ward with opti­mism to the pri­maries and cau­cus­es to come.”

Sec­ond-place fin­ish­er Ron Paul, mean­while, is hold­ing a cau­cus results par­ty in down­town Seat­tle at the Bell Har­bor Con­fer­ence Cen­ter. Paul’s cam­paign had hoped for a vic­to­ry in Wash­ing­ton so they could final­ly say that they had a state in their win col­umn, but alas, they aren’t get­ting one.

UPDATE, 7:20 PM: Skag­it, Spokane, and Dou­glas have final­ly report­ed some results. The for­mer two are break­ing for Rom­ney and the lat­ter is going for San­to­rum. Still noth­ing from Chelan Coun­ty yet.

Wash­ing­ton Repub­li­can precinct caucuses
76.8% report­ing (5213/6785)
Mitt Rom­ney: 36.2% (14,971 votes)
Ron Paul: 25.1% (10,358 votes)
Rick San­to­rum: 24.4% (10,105 votes)
Newt Gin­grich: 10.8% (4,476 votes)

Andrew Villeneuve

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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