Mercenary petitioners hawking Tim Eyman’s l‑1125 target Bellevue College students

Though it’s not appar­ent from look­ing at Vot­ers Want More Choic­es’ most recent reports to the Pub­lic Dis­clo­sure Com­mis­sion (PDC), NPI can today con­firm what we have sus­pect­ed since the begin­ning of the month: Tim Eyman has found a new wealthy bene­fac­tor to put up the mon­ey for his lat­est scheme, Ini­tia­tive 1125, which he announced he was run­ning only eigh­teen days ago.

We won’t know who is bankrolling I‑1125 until June 10th at the ear­li­est (which is when Eyman is required to file his May reports).

But we do know the mon­ey spig­ot has been turned on and that it’s being used to deploy mer­ce­nary peti­tion­ers across Wash­ing­ton State.

Yes­ter­day, we received mul­ti­ple reports from activists who had sight­ed sig­na­ture gath­er­ers oper­at­ing at big box store, includ­ing Wal-Mart. One activist told us that peti­tions for mul­ti­ple mea­sures were being carried.

And this morn­ing, I found myself being asked to sign Tim Eyman’s I‑1125 on my way to class as I walked through cam­pus. Pret­ty iron­ic, huh?

Three peti­tions for Tim Eyman’s Ini­tia­tive 1125 (Pho­to: Andrew Villeneuve/NPI)

It seems that two mer­ce­nar­ies decid­ed that a good place to col­lect sig­na­tures would be at the heart of the main cam­pus at Belle­vue Col­lege, which has been neg­a­tive­ly impact­ed by past Tim Eyman ini­tia­tives and stands to lose even more if Eyman’s unde­mo­c­ra­t­ic I‑1053 remains in effect.

With an annu­al stu­dent pop­u­la­tion of 38,000, Belle­vue Col­lege is the sec­ond largest pub­lic insti­tu­tion of high­er learn­ing in the state, behind the UW and ahead of WSU.

Most of its pro­grams are two-year, owing to the fact that it began as a com­mu­ni­ty col­lege, but it now offers some four-year pro­grams as well.

Tuition at BC is rea­son­ably low, espe­cial­ly com­pared to pri­vate col­leges, thanks to Wash­ing­ton’s com­mon wealth. And there are many options for tak­ing class­es — cours­es are offered online, in the evening, in hybrid mode (online + in the class­room), and at a satel­lite cam­pus. There are also “late start” class­es to accom­mo­date stu­dents who have con­flicts at the begin­ning of a quarter.

These are two key rea­sons why BC is so pop­u­lar. But BC may have to raise tuition and cut class offer­ings if Ini­tia­tive 1053 is not soon repealed or strick­en as uncon­sti­tu­tion­al. It is no exag­ger­a­tion to say that suc­cess for Tim Eyman means hard­ship for Belle­vue Col­lege and its students.

That’s why it was so dis­com­fort­ing to see mer­ce­nary peti­tion­ers hawk­ing Tim Eyman’s lat­est scheme this morn­ing, less than a stone’s throw from my class­room. My fel­low stu­dents and I stand more to lose from Tim Eyman’s harm­ful mea­sures than pret­ty much any oth­er group of Washingtonians.

And yet, here were these two guys, stand­ing in front of our stu­dent union build­ing, try­ing to pull Belle­vue Col­lege stu­dents and fac­ul­ty aside and get them to sign anoth­er destruc­tive Tim Eyman initiative.

Two peti­tion­ers light up cig­a­rattes in front of the stu­dent union at Belle­vue Col­lege, in vio­la­tion of cam­pus pol­i­cy. (Pho­to: Andrew Villeneuve/NPI)

I declined to sign, but I stuck around to wit­ness the peti­tion­ers in action, and take pic­tures. I explained that I’d be fil­ing a post about the effort to get I‑1125 on the bal­lot. One of them invit­ed me to take close­up pho­tos of him col­lect­ing sig­na­tures… and so I did.

As I watched, the peti­tion­ers cor­ralled any­one who crossed their path who answered “yes” to the ques­tion, “Are you reg­is­tered to vote?” (some­times, “… in Wash­ing­ton”?). Then, they’d pitch I‑1125.

Here’s an exam­ple of what the peti­tion­er would say (this par­tic­u­lar encounter was with a mid­dle-aged voter):

Peti­tion­er: “They’re tak­ing our toll mon­ey and they’re spend­ing it… [putting it] in the gen­er­al fund. We would like that mon­ey to be spent on the roads. We’d like that toll­booth mon­ey to be spent on the roads the way that they told us it was for when they set up the tolls, right? Now, years down the line, they’re tak­ing mon­ey out of it, and now they’re using that to raise the gas tax.”

“Who’s behind it?” asked the vot­er, scan­ning the petition.

“I don’t know who’s all behind the issue,” the peti­tion­er lied. “I don’t know who…”

At that point, I inter­rupt­ed and qui­et­ly point­ed out that Tim Eyman is the spon­sor of I‑1125. (I did­n’t say any­thing else because I want­ed to see what he’d say next).

“Eyman’s usu­al­ly behind the tax issues,” the peti­tion­er imme­di­ate­ly agreed. “But I can’t say for sure. I haven’t been told, yes or no, by my supe­ri­ors. So I don’t know. I… I can’t lie to you, you know what I mean?” the peti­tion­er said.

“I can’t sign it unless I know more about it,” the vot­er insisted.

“Oh, that’s fine. This will just put it on the bal­lot, you know what I mean?” replied the peti­tion­er, coun­ter­ing smooth­ly. “You can vote how­ev­er you’d like on it.”

“I have to study stuff,” the vot­er insist­ed. And then, like an informed cit­i­zen and an intel­li­gent per­son, he turned and walked away.

If more Wash­ing­to­ni­ans sim­ply exer­cised the good judg­ment that this vot­er did, mer­ce­nary peti­tion­ers would­n’t be able to rapid­ly fill up peti­tion sheets with sig­na­tures. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, for every vot­er who refus­es to put down their name and address, there are a dozen who will suc­cumb to the pres­sure and take a few moments to sign a mea­sure that they haven’t scru­ti­nized — let alone read.

These peti­tion­ers could­n’t care less whether they are accu­rate­ly rep­re­sent­ing what the mea­sures would do. Reread the ini­tial sales pitch from the con­ver­sa­tion I quot­ed above. The peti­tion­er is spout­ing nonsense.

What toll mon­ey is he talk­ing about? At present, the Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion col­lects tolls only on the Taco­ma Nar­rows Bridge and for solo dri­vers who use the high occu­pan­cy vehi­cle lanes on State Route 167. That’s it. We don’t have a region­wide con­ges­tion pric­ing sys­tem. We don’t have any turn­pikes, either.

Yes, tolls have been pro­posed for SR-520, I‑90, and SR 99. But they’re not being col­lect­ed yet. How is it pos­si­ble for the gov­ern­ment to mis­use nonex­is­tent “toll­booth mon­ey”, as the peti­tion­er alleged?

He was also wrong to sug­gest that “they” (pre­sum­ably “they” means the Leg­is­la­ture) are rais­ing the gas tax. The tolls the Leg­is­la­ture has autho­rized are a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent fund­ing mech­a­nism which isn’t con­nect­ed to the gas tax.

Gas tax­es are paid when­ev­er a motorist fills up his or her car with fuel at the gas sta­tion. Tolls, on the oth­er hand, are a sur­charge paid for use of a road­way or facil­i­ty. They are more com­mon on the east coast, but they’ve been used here in the past too, usu­al­ly to pay for bridges.

All motorists who dri­ve con­ven­tion­al auto­mo­biles pay the gas tax, but only motorists who make use of a tolled facil­i­ty pay a toll. In the case of SR 520, the rea­son the Ever­green Point Float­ing Bridge is being tolled again is so that the state can afford the replace­ment bridge it is start­ing to build. The toll mon­ey is going to be used for the new bridge. It won’t be used for oth­er purposes.

Notice how this peti­tion­er did­n’t both­er to present any specifics to back up his claims. He just ram­bled on with one casu­al­ly-stat­ed base­less accu­sa­tion after anoth­er, try­ing to con the skep­ti­cal vot­er in front of him into sign­ing I‑1125.

And then, when he was asked who the spon­sor was, he would­n’t answer. He pre­tend­ed to be igno­rant. I had to inter­rupt and tell the vot­er what he want­ed to know. And even then, after the truth had been revealed, this peti­tion­er con­tin­ued to lie, in the hopes of get­ting a signature.

I say lie because I had asked the peti­tion­er, min­utes ear­li­er, how to get in touch with the peo­ple behind the mea­sure — when nobody else was in the imme­di­ate vicin­i­ty and he was­n’t dis­tract­ed. He flipped the peti­tion over and showed me the con­tact infor­ma­tion at the bot­tom, iden­ti­fy­ing Vot­ers Want More Choic­es as the peo­ple respon­si­ble. So I knew he was fib­bing when he was talk­ing to this voter.

(Also, when a sales­man utters a phrase like, “I can’t lie to you, you know?”, it’s a dead give­away that the sales­man is, in fact, lying… and he or she knows it).

I sus­pect what I saw is very typ­i­cal of an extend­ed exchange. Peo­ple who are skep­ti­cal scan what’s on the clip­board, ask ques­tions… and get lied to.

A peti­tion­er hawks Tim Eyman’s Ini­tia­tive 1125 to unsus­pect­ing vot­ers (Pho­to: Andrew Villeneuve/NPI)

This is pre­cise­ly why we track right wing sig­na­ture drives.

Tim Eyman sym­pa­thiz­ers have angri­ly accused us in the past of try­ing to intim­i­date sig­na­ture gath­er­ers, which is iron­ic, because what we’re try­ing to do is hold peo­ple account­able who are try­ing to do just that to vot­ers. We are not seek­ing to emu­late their shifty behav­ior. We’re try­ing to put a spot­light on it.

Tim Eyman and his fol­low­ers for­get that the First Amend­ment is for every­body, not just them. They cer­tain­ly have the free­dom to peti­tion our gov­ern­ment for a redress of griev­ances (legit­i­mate or not).

As pro­gres­sives, we have the same free­dom, and we also have free­dom of speech, mean­ing we can ask peo­ple not to sign right wing initiatives.

Read­ers, if you’ve run into a peti­tion­er hawk­ing I‑1125 or anoth­er right wing ini­tia­tive, please tell us about your encounter using Per­ma­nent Defense’s report­ing tool. Your feed­back will help us doc­u­ment what peti­tion­ers are doing and telling vot­ers, so we have a bet­ter idea of how to orga­nize and mobi­lize against threats to our com­mon wealth and qual­i­ty of life.

Andrew Villeneuve

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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