Offering frequent news and analysis from the majestic Evergreen State and beyond, The Cascadia Advocate is the Northwest Progressive Institute's unconventional perspective on world, national, and local politics.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Oregon's Tim Eyman proposes a tax increase

Yes, you read that headline right. Oregon's Grover Norquist clone, similiar in way too many respects to Tim Eyman, is talking about raising revenue:
Bill Sizemore, one of Oregon's top anti-tax activists, is talking about raising Klamath County taxes to avoid cuts in public safety agencies.

Sizemore is a member of a task force of residents the county named to recommend how to cut $2.3 million from the county's $17 million general fund budget.

As in Jackson County and elsewhere, officials are struggling to make up for money the federal government used to send to timber counties.

Task force members said this week they would rather replace the loss of federal timber payments with new funds than cut the budgets of strained public safety departments.

"This isn't asking for more, just trying to make up for a loss," Sizemore said."
Please excuse me while I check my calendar to make sure that April Fools' Day didn't sneak up on me without warning.


Okay, I'm back. I checked.

It's definitely March 5th, but apparently today's the day that pigs have learned to fly. Seriously, this is an astonishing development. It's unbelievable.

A diehard anti-tax zealot found guilty of racketeeering is admitting that there is no free lunch? That yes, our common wealth - which is supported by our tax dollars - is valuable? That public services are worth investing in?

Who saw this coming? I know I never throught I'd witness something like this.

I've spent so much time in the trenches fighting Grover Norquist clones (cough, Tim Eyman) that I am really just stunned to read that Bill Sizemore is embracing the idea of increasing revenue to pay for public services.


I guess if Bill Sizemore can come around, there's hope for Tim Eyman yet.


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