
Joe Biden clinches the 2024 Democratic nomination for President of the United States

Incum­bent U.S. Pres­i­dent Joe Biden has secured enough nation­al con­ven­tion del­e­gates to clinch the 2024 Demo­c­ra­t­ic pres­i­den­tial nom­i­na­tion, observers not­ed today. Biden’s renom­i­na­tion is now effec­tive­ly assured, though it has not been in doubt giv­en that he had no cred­i­ble oppo­si­tion from oth­er Democrats.

The Biden-Har­ris cam­paign and the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty both cel­e­brat­ed the news.

“Four years ago, I ran for pres­i­dent because I believed we were in a bat­tle for the soul of this nation,” said Pres­i­dent Joe Biden. “Because of the Amer­i­can peo­ple, we won that bat­tle, and now I am hon­ored that the broad coali­tion of vot­ers rep­re­sent­ing the rich diver­si­ty of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty across the coun­try have put their faith in me once again to lead our par­ty – and our coun­try – in a moment when the threat Trump pos­es is greater than ever.”

“Since deliv­er­ing the State of the Union address, I have been trav­el­ing the coun­try hear­ing direct­ly from vot­ers about what’s on their minds. The Amer­i­can peo­ple are work­ing tire­less­ly every sin­gle day toward a brighter future. Despite the chal­lenges we faced when I took office, we’re in the mid­dle of a come­back: wages are ris­ing faster than infla­tion, jobs are com­ing back, con­sumer con­fi­dence has soared.”

“Amid this progress, we face a sober­ing real­i­ty: Free­dom and democ­ra­cy are at risk here at home in a way they have not been since the Civ­il War.”

“Don­ald Trump is run­ning a cam­paign of resent­ment, revenge, and ret­ri­bu­tion that threat­ens the very idea of Amer­i­ca. He is glo­ri­fy­ing dic­ta­tors and pledg­ing to become one him­self on day one. He seeks to bury the truth of Jan­u­ary 6 by vow­ing to par­don the insur­rec­tion­ists who placed a dag­ger at the throat of Amer­i­can democ­ra­cy. This week, he vowed to cut seniors’ hard-earned Medicare and Social Secu­ri­ty. He’s root­ing for the econ­o­my to crash, push­ing tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy, and plan­ning to ban abor­tion nationwide.

“Vot­ers now have a choice to make about the future of this coun­try. Are we going to stand up and defend our democ­ra­cy or let oth­ers tear it down? Will we restore the right to choose and pro­tect our free­doms or let extrem­ists take them away?”

“Will we final­ly make the wealthy pay their fair share in tax­es – or will we allow cor­po­rate greed to run ram­pant on the backs of the mid­dle class? I believe that the Amer­i­can peo­ple will choose to keep us mov­ing into the future. With every cri­sis, Amer­i­ca has always emerged stronger and more unit­ed on the oth­er side. This Novem­ber will be no dif­fer­ent – and I believe we will do it together.”

“From the start, the Pres­i­dent and I nev­er took this re-nom­i­na­tion process for grant­ed,” said Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris in a state­ment. “We have cam­paigned in earnest because we know doing so is an impor­tant step towards earn­ing reelec­tion and will help us mobi­lize the vot­ers we need in November.”

“Now, the gen­er­al elec­tion tru­ly begins, and the con­trast could not be clear­er. Don­ald Trump is a threat to our democ­ra­cy and our fun­da­men­tal free­doms. He is proud of his role in over­turn­ing Roe, and has talked open­ly about plans for a nation­wide abor­tion ban. He rou­tine­ly prais­es author­i­tar­i­an lead­ers and has him­self vowed to be a dic­ta­tor on Day One.”

“Just this week, he said that cuts to Social Secu­ri­ty and Medicare would be on the table if he receives a sec­ond term. Each of these stances ought to be con­sid­ered dis­qual­i­fy­ing by itself; tak­en togeth­er, they reveal the for­mer Pres­i­dent to be an exis­ten­tial dan­ger to our country.”

“With his State of the Union speech last week, Pres­i­dent Biden pas­sion­ate­ly pre­sent­ed our alter­na­tive vision. We will reduce costs for fam­i­lies, make hous­ing more afford­able, and raise the min­i­mum wage. We will restore Roe, pro­tect vot­ing rights, and final­ly address our gun vio­lence epi­dem­ic. The Amer­i­can peo­ple over­whelm­ing­ly sup­port this agen­da over Don­ald Trump’s extreme ideas, and that will pro­pel our cam­paign in the months ahead.”

“This year, as we brought voic­es of vot­ers of col­or to the fore­front and embarked on the most inclu­sive Demo­c­ra­t­ic pri­ma­ry in his­to­ry, Democ­rats across the coun­try – from South Car­oli­na to Neva­da, from Michi­gan to Geor­gia – have over­whelm­ing­ly cho­sen Pres­i­dent Joe Biden to be our party’s pre­sump­tive nominee.

“Four years ago, Pres­i­dent Biden ran on the val­ues that bring us togeth­er as Amer­i­cans: hon­esty, decen­cy, and fair­ness,” said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison.

“While Pres­i­dent Biden and Democ­rats have made his­toric progress in this first term by help­ing cre­ate 15 mil­lion jobs, tak­ing on Big Phar­ma and low­er­ing pre­scrip­tion drug costs, and rebuild­ing our nation’s infra­struc­ture, there is more work to be done. Make no mis­take: this year’s elec­tion will decide the future of our democ­ra­cy. Don­ald Trump is run­ning a cam­paign focused on revenge, ret­ri­bu­tion, and his own self-inter­est. Pres­i­dent Biden is run­ning a cam­paign focused on what makes our coun­try so great: the Amer­i­can people.”

“Pres­i­dent Biden under­stands that our free­doms, our democ­ra­cy, and the very future of our coun­try are at stake – and once again, he will meet this moment and bring Democ­rats togeth­er this November.”

“As we move for­ward in this pri­ma­ry sea­son and set our sights towards the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion this sum­mer, we are enor­mous­ly proud of the work we have done to lift up the voic­es of vot­ers who have been too often left behind, and look for­ward to our con­ven­tion in Chica­go where we will offi­cial­ly nom­i­nate Joe Biden and Kamala Har­ris as our nom­i­nees for Pres­i­dent and Vice Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States. Let’s fin­ish the job.”

“Amer­i­ca spoke, and today, Joe Biden has become the pre­sump­tive Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­nee for Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States. We have arrived at this moment because mil­lions of Amer­i­cans made their voic­es heard, choos­ing Joe Biden’s vision of free­dom and progress for all Americans.

“As vot­ers across the coun­try con­tin­ue to put their faith in the Biden-Har­ris tick­et through­out the pri­ma­ry, we are now look­ing ahead to the next step in our demo­c­ra­t­ic process and prepar­ing a con­ven­tion in Chica­go where Pres­i­dent Biden, Vice Pres­i­dent Har­ris, and Democ­rats will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to tell our sto­ry direct­ly to the Amer­i­can peo­ple,” explained con­ven­tion chair Miny­on Moore.

“We will tell a sto­ry of the his­toric Biden-Har­ris record: cre­at­ing good-pay­ing jobs, low­er­ing costs, pass­ing bipar­ti­san bills, and deliv­er­ing for the mid­dle class. We will tell a sto­ry about the stakes of this next elec­tion and how Democ­rats plan to keep mak­ing Amer­i­ca a place of progress and pos­si­bil­i­ties. As we face anoth­er bat­tle for the soul of our nation, we encour­age every Amer­i­can to tune in to the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion this sum­mer to cel­e­brate the Biden-Har­ris tick­et and ral­ly around Democ­rats’ vision of a free and fair America.”

Many states still have nom­i­nat­ing events to hold in the mean­time, includ­ing Ore­gon and Ida­ho, which will allo­cate their del­e­gates this spring. Wash­ing­ton’s pres­i­den­tial pri­ma­ry con­cludes tonight after a three-week vot­ing period.

Andrew Villeneuve

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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