Long­time right wing talk radio host Dori Mon­son died sud­den­ly this week­end after being hos­pi­tal­ized last Thurs­day fol­low­ing a car­diac arrest, his employ­er Bon­neville Seat­tle announced on its web­site today. Mon­son was sixty-one.

“The KIRO News­ra­dio fam­i­ly and Bon­neville Inter­na­tion­al Cor­po­ra­tion – along with the imme­di­ate fam­i­ly of Dori Mon­son – are deeply sad­dened to announce Dori’s sud­den pass­ing Sat­ur­day night at a Seat­tle hos­pi­tal,” the com­pa­ny wrote.

“Dori’s career in radio start­ed in 1982 at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton, and includ­ed work at KING-TV, KING Radio and at KIRO since the ear­ly 1990s.

“A man of deep faith and a fierce advo­cate for girls’ sports for more than twen­ty-five years, Dori coached Shorecrest High School to its first state girls bas­ket­ball title in 2016,” the brief announce­ment and obit­u­ary went on to say. “Despite health issues over the past few years, Dori enjoyed deep sea fish­ing with KIRO and ESPN col­leagues, and play­ing pick­le­ball with his fam­i­ly. He leaves behind a wife, three adult daugh­ters, a dog and many of his show’s loy­al listeners.”

Our team at NPI is sor­ry to hear this news.

We did­n’t agree with Dori Mon­son about hard­ly any­thing; he was­n’t a fan of our work, and we weren’t fans of his. Hav­ing spent time with Dori in his stu­dio in between seg­ments of his show a few years ago, though, I got a chance to get acquaint­ed with the per­son behind the loud, opin­ion­at­ed on-air persona.

When not in front of his micro­phone, I observed that Dori was cour­te­ous and pleas­ant. He was wel­com­ing and good-man­nered. He want­ed to ensure that while I was his guest, I was com­fort­able in the stu­dio, and hydrated.

I appre­ci­at­ed that.

That is the Dori Mon­son that I’ll be remem­ber­ing, not the Dori Mon­son who repeat­ed­ly trashed and insult­ed peo­ple on air for entertainment.

The Dori who got him­self sus­pend­ed from Bon­neville and fired by the Sea­hawks for trans­pho­bic com­ments and gave cor­rupt ini­tia­tive pro­mot­er Tim Eyman a plat­form to keep his grift going and pro­mot­ed the can­di­da­cy of mil­i­tant extrem­ist Repub­li­can Joe Kent in South­west Wash­ing­ton was not a role model.

Our team can­not cel­e­brate or hon­or Dori’s work in broad­cast­ing giv­en that we found it repug­nant and com­plete­ly at odds with the val­ues we cher­ish: empa­thy, mutu­al respon­si­bil­i­ty, inclu­sion, free­dom, and fairness.

How­ev­er, we do offer all of his fam­i­ly and friends our condolences.

They’ve lost some­one dear to them and our team knows how painful and dif­fi­cult that is from expe­ri­ence, as over the years we’ve griev­ed the death of sev­er­al board and staff mem­bers, includ­ing two who passed very suddenly.

It’s tough to unex­pect­ed­ly lose some­one you love. We hope Dori’s fam­i­ly and friends find ways to mourn that bring them peace and healing.

Andrew Villeneuve

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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