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LIVE from the Crosscut Festival: “When free speech becomes hate speech”

Before noon I was already at my third ses­sion of the day here at the Cross­cut Fes­ti­val at Seat­tle University.

“When free speech becomes hate speech” fea­tured pan­elists Ethan Blevins, staff attor­ney at Pacif­ic Legal Foun­da­tion; Ever­green State Col­lege stu­dent Jamil Bee; David Nei­w­ert, inves­ti­gate reporter and author of a recent book on the Rad­i­cal Right; and Ever­green State Col­lege pro­fes­sor of Geog­ra­phy and Native Stud­ies, Zoltán Gross­man. Mod­er­at­ing was Sara Bernard.

Bernard start­ed the pan­el by ask­ing Bee to recount from their per­spec­tive some of the chal­lenges they went through at Ever­green last year. They not­ed it start­ed with a coali­tion of stu­dents rais­ing con­cerns about pat­terns of issues on cam­pus and doing orga­niz­ing to try to cre­ate change. When media start­ed report­ing on it, it led to nation­al atten­tion and stu­dents being vic­tims of online harass­ment and threats of vio­lence against the cam­pus as a whole.

Bernard then asked Blevins, an attor­ney, about the legal aspects of hate speech. He said the biggest chal­lenge is that there is not a very good def­i­n­i­tion of hate speech that is gen­er­al­ly agreed upon. Gen­er­al­ly hate speech is pro­tect­ed, except that which incites vio­lence, he continued.

Bee fol­lowed Blevins state­ment to explain that the def­i­n­i­tion of vio­lence was part of com­pli­ca­tion of the issues at Evergreen.

Gross­man point­ed out that there is a strong tra­di­tion of stu­dent protest in this coun­try and it has always been rous­ing. In the case of Ever­green, there was con­tin­ued frus­tra­tion built up on cam­pus after years of rais­ing con­cerns and stu­dents feel­ing like they were not being addressed. But he also not­ed that this sort of thing is not just hap­pen­ing on cam­pus­es, but across the coun­try in oth­er com­mu­ni­ties and industries.

When asked if the Alt-Right tar­gets col­lege cam­pus­es, Nei­w­ert answered emphat­i­cal­ly, “absolute­ly 100%. I have nev­er seen it this bad in 30 years.”

Alt Right and white suprema­cists are active­ly recruit­ing at unprece­dent­ed lev­els, he said, often through the inter­net, tar­get­ing young white men between the ages of 14 and 30. He said it is done very effec­tive­ly through appeals to hatred of polit­i­cal cor­rect­ness, fear of fem­i­nism, and fears of peo­ple of col­or. He says recruit­ment is espe­cial­ly geared towards wealthy young sub­ur­ban males, and that we are at risk of a gen­er­a­tion of rad­i­cal­ized young white males.

Gross­man not­ed that it is not just on col­lege cam­pus­es that recruit­ment is hap­pen­ing, but even ear­li­er than that, at high schools, and urges that pre­ven­tion of rad­i­cal­iza­tion needs to start much earlier.

After Gross­man gave a time­line of the events at Ever­green last year, Blevins not­ed that a true threat of vio­lence is not going to be pro­tect­ed, but deter­min­ing the scope of that is a chal­lenge. He said that the Supreme Court is very unwill­ing to sti­fle speech in almost all cir­cum­stances. Blevins says the rem­e­dy is counter-speech and counter-protest.

Nei­w­ert agreed that it’s true that courts are very lim­it­ed in what they will do, that the First Amend­ment gives huge amount of lee­way. He said, “the court that mat­ters most right now is the court of pub­lic opin­ion, but that court is be swayed by white suprema­cist jack­ass­es like Tuck­er Carlson.”

Bee, the only per­son of col­or on the pan­el, point­ed out that the very dis­cus­sion of lim­its on what can be deemed racist ARE racist. White peo­ple can­not set the bound­aries of what is racist, peo­ple of col­or should set the bound­aries, as the tar­gets of oppres­sion. They empha­sized that this is applic­a­ble to all forms of oppres­sion, not just race.

Bee said that this is actu­al­ly what feels most vio­lent to them, “that I can­not say what feels like harm for me, or say it enough for peo­ple to want to take action. Amer­i­ca has done enough harm to peo­ple that noth­ing feels like the lim­it for repa­ra­tions; I have not received enough restora­tion to start lim­it­ing what reme­dies need to happen.”


The final ques­tion asked of the pan­elist was what uni­ver­si­ties can or should do about poten­tial hate speech on cam­pus. Bee, as a uni­ver­si­ty stu­dent, said that uni­ver­si­ties need to stick to what their high­est val­ue should be: their stu­dents and their safety.

Theresa Curry Almuti

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