Republican Jinyoung Englund goes negative again, one week after agreeing 45th LD Senate contest should be more positive

In a pathet­i­cal­ly des­per­ate attempt to resus­ci­tate its prospects, the cam­paign of Repub­li­can Jiny­oung Lee Englund has launched a fresh tor­rent of false attack ads against her Demo­c­ra­t­ic oppo­nent Man­ka Dhin­gra — just days after Englund agreed with Dhin­gra in a debate host­ed by the League of Women Vot­ers that the con­test between the two of them need­ed less negativity.

Attack ad cre­at­ed by Englund’s cam­paign, claim­ing Man­ka Dhin­gra is for “hero­ine injec­tions”. Oxford defines hero­ine as “a woman admired or ide­al­ized for her courage, out­stand­ing achieve­ments, or noble qualities”.

The ads, which drew the atten­tion of KCPQ’s Jon Hum­bert, are appear­ing on social media and across the web.

Not only are they laden with false claims and innu­en­dos, they con­tain mechan­i­cal errors, as Hum­bert wry­ly not­ed in this tweet.

Englund’s neg­a­tive offen­sive actu­al­ly began before the debate, as is evi­denced by the upload date of this attack video — part of the “Stop Man­ka” offen­sive. It went up on YouTube as an unlist­ed video on Sep­tem­ber 14th, four days pri­or to when the can­di­dates appeared onstage togeth­er at the Old Red­mond School­house Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter at the invi­ta­tion of the League.

Dur­ing the debate, the can­di­dates were mem­o­rably asked this question:

MODERATOR NATALIE BRAND: This is anoth­er audi­ence ques­tion, which says: “So far, this race has been very neg­a­tive, with hit ads against both can­di­dates. Do you think it’s impor­tant to make a more pos­i­tive and sub­stan­tive cam­paign?” And we’ll start with Ms. Dhingra.

Here’s how they each responded.

DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE MANKA DHINGRA: Absolute­ly. I think it is cru­cial that cam­paigns do real­ly talk about hon­esty and integri­ty. And there are a lot of spe­cial inter­ests out there, but what’s com­ing out of my cam­paign [is pos­i­tive]. I am being very clear with every­one that’s that’s affil­i­at­ed with my cam­paign to make sure that we are run­ning pos­i­tive mes­sages. Because it is about my mes­sage, what I stand for, my work back­ground, and what I want to do for the peo­ple of the 45th Dis­trict. I obvi­ous­ly can­not con­trol the spe­cial inter­ests, but every­thing com­ing out of my cam­paign is going to be about my work back­ground, my expe­ri­ence, my qual­i­fi­ca­tions, and what I will do to rep­re­sent each and every one of you.

REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE JINYOUNG LEE ENGLUND: So I agree. You know, I think that every can­di­date and every cam­paign should real­ly focus on what they intend to do for their dis­trict. And that’s why I’ve been very clear about my pri­or­i­ties. It’s to pro­tect peo­ple in our dis­trict from new or more tax­es that aren’t nec­es­sary, to work on real, imme­di­ate trans­porta­tion solu­tions, and to ensure that we con­tin­ue to pri­or­i­tize edu­ca­tion fund­ing in our state.

You know, it was actu­al­ly Ms. Dhin­gra’s sup­port­ers that went neg­a­tive first, dur­ing the pri­ma­ry… they spent half a mil­lion dol­lars. And threw the first punch. And I thought that we, just being a new kind of can­di­date, you know, both being women and first time, that we could have a dif­fer­ent cam­paign. And I was actu­al­ly very shocked to see that hap­pen, and quite dis­ap­point­ed in that.

You know, I think mov­ing for­ward, you know, I would love to make sure that what­ev­er pieces come out of our cam­paigns or sup­port­ers… that it does real­ly focus on… on issues. And that we’re real­ly very clear on, you know, what do we stand for, for our districts.

Short­er Jiny­oung Englund: Do as I say, not as I do.

Con­sid­er­ing that Englund has been involved in Repub­li­can pol­i­tics for years as a par­ty oper­a­tive, I don’t buy her claim that she was “very shocked” to see neg­a­tive ads appear­ing online, in the mail, or in anoth­er medi­um con­cern­ing her cam­paign back in the spring. Her own sup­port­ers have poured a small for­tune into a shell PAC laugh­ably called “Work­ing Fam­i­lies”, which has been the vehi­cle for mul­ti­ple waves of attack ads intend­ed to tar­nish Man­ka Dhin­gra’s reputation.

And now Jiny­oung Englund’s cam­paign is run­ning high­ly neg­a­tive “Stop Man­ka” ads of their own. Attack ads that attempt to make vot­ers feel uneasy about Man­ka by invok­ing what Englund and the Repub­li­can Par­ty think are scary bogey­men (Seat­tle City Coun­cilmem­ber Kshama Sawant, for­mer Seat­tle May­or Ed Mur­ray) or rais­ing the specter of an income tax or safe con­sump­tion sites.

Attacks like these did not work in the Top Two elec­tion… in fact, con­sid­er­ing the elec­tion results, which were dis­as­trous for Englund, it’s rea­son­able to con­clude the pre­vi­ous set of attacks back­fired, and actu­al­ly helped pro­pel Dhin­gra to victory.

Repub­li­cans have had weeks to come up with a new strat­e­gy for the autumn to revive Englund’s prospects. Appar­ent­ly, all they could think of to do was essen­tial­ly to run the same play that did­n’t work for them in the last round: going neg­a­tive with poor­ly writ­ten, poor­ly designed ads that reek of des­per­a­tion. How pathetic.

And how para­dox­i­cal. Remem­ber, this is the same par­ty whose can­di­dates often like to say on the cam­paign trail that sim­ply throw­ing more mon­ey at a prob­lem won’t solve that prob­lem. How many times have we heard that par­ty talk­ing point?

The Wash­ing­ton State Repub­li­can Par­ty has no big­ger prob­lem right now than Englund’s flail­ing cam­paign. If she los­es, the Repub­li­cans lose their Sen­ate major­i­ty by the end of Novem­ber. They cer­tain­ly know they’re in a pre­car­i­ous posi­tion, but they can’t seem to think of any way to lift their can­di­date up.

So they’ve instruct­ed Englund to join them in the gut­ter, throw as much mud at Man­ka Dhin­gra as pos­si­ble, and hope that some of it starts sticking.

And that’s what Englund is doing, despite hav­ing said in a pub­lic debate that she agreed with Man­ka Dhin­gra that cam­paigns like hers should be run hon­est­ly and with integri­ty, and should focus on pos­i­tive mes­sages. Shameful.

Andrew Villeneuve

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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