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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Second poll, this one by SurveyUSA, shows Tim Eyman's I-1033 going down to defeat

On the heels of this morning's Washington Poll comes more good news from the polling front, this time from SurveyUSA and KING5:
[I]f the votes were counted today, Referendum 71 – the measure to expand benefits for same sex partners - would pass by a close margin. Half of the 561 likely and actual voters polled by SurveyUSA say they would vote yes while 43 percent say they would vote no. Seven percent remain undecided.

The margin for Initiative 1033, which would tie government revenue increases to the rate of inflation, is not as tight. Fifty percent of those polled say they are planning or have already voted no, while 38 percent are voting yes. Twelve percent still are not sure.
The I-1033 numbers closely match the results from this morning's Washington Poll, which found that forty nine percent of likely voters surveyed are NO on I-1033, while forty percent are yes and the remainder undecided.

Victory is not yet ours. And the only meaningful poll results get announced on Election Day. Polls should be viewed with a healthy amount of suspicon.

But what is becoming clear is that the campaign to defeat Initiative 1033 - which was scrambled together at the last possible moment before victory passed out of reach - has made tremendous headway. People are hearing the message about the devastating consequences of I-1033 and deciding they want nothing to do with Tim Eyman's jobs killing wealth transfer scheme.

It is worth remembering that undecided voters have broken in Tim Eyman's direction in the past. We can't let that happen this year.

It is imperative that we get out the vote between now and next Tuesday and let everyone know to vote NO on Initiative 1033.


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