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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Right wing viral email falsely claims farmers held a big anti-Gregoire rally in Yakima

A couple days ago, somebody desperate for a Dino Rossi victory tonight sent out a message to Farm Bureau members across Washington State falsely claiming the Bureau held an anti-Gregoire rally held over the weekend in Yakima attended by "over a hundred Farm Bureau members", NPI has learned.

The email, which has been spreading like wildfire around Washington State, was forwarded to NPI earlier today. It is as follows:
----- Original Message -----

From: "Farm Bureau Members for Water Storage"
Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2008 11:06 AM
Subject: Farmers Rally in Yakima Against Christine Gregoire

Farmers Rally in Yakima Against Governor Christine Gregoire

YAKIMA, WA - Over 100 Farm Bureau members braved strong winds and heavy rains to hold a rally in Yakima on November 1st to protest against Governor Christine Gregoire and her lack of support and action in building water reservoirs in Eastern Washington during her first term in office.

In particular, the Farm Bureau members at the rally expressed strong dissatisfaction at Governor Gregoire for her lack of leadership on several issues, including:

1) Not providing leadership in pushing for critical water reservoir projects in Eastern Washington such as in Yakima (Black Rock) and in the Columbia Basin (Odessa Aquifer).

2) Not pushing the legislature to find funding to build large water reservoirs in Yakima and Odessa.

3) Allowing the Tribes and Environmental Groups to have too much power in controlling Ecology's decision-making process regarding permitting and building reservoirs.

4) Not reigning-in the Department of Ecology for setting up overly bureaucratic approval processes that have caused the permitting and approval of reservoirs in Washington to take 20 or 30 years.

During the rally, the Farm Bureau members chanted "Jay Manning must go!" in reference
to Department of Ecology Director Jay Manning.

Nearly all of the farmers at the rally indicated that they would nowbe supporting Gubernatorial Candidate Dino Rossi because of the lack of action that Governor Gregoire and Ecology Director Jay Manning have shown in regards to building water reservoirs in Eastern Washington.

Fake pictures of a fake farmer rally

For more information about the rally, please call Rick Jones at 509-575-9901.
Sounds like a newsworthy event, doesn't it? Except it never happened. I called the Farm Bureau to ask about this, and they have confirmed that no such event ever took place. The whole thing is falsified.

That phone number mentioned at the end? It's a pay phone at the Tin Rhino Tavern in Yakima. And the pictures that were sent with the email? They're cropped photos from a milk price protest in Germany and a farm rally in New Jersey. (Follow the links to see the original source of the photos).

Whoever issued this "news release" not only lied and encouraged the dissemination of false information, they have hurt the reputation of the Farm Bureau.

Just when we thought Dino Rossi supporters couldn't stoop any lower, they did.


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