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Friday, September 19, 2008

Seattle Times Endorses Barack Obama

In an Editorial, the Seattle Times has endorsed Barack Obama.

The endorsement opens with a reference to current economic crisis.

An economic Katrina is shattering the confidence of hardworking, middle-class Americans. The war that should never have been in Iraq is dragging on too long. At a time of huge challenge, the candidate with the intelligence, temperament and judgment to lead our nation to a better place is Sen. Barack Obama. Obama should be the next president of the United States because he is the most qualified change agent.

The conservative-reputationed Times at one point unmasks McCain's inability to be effective in dealing with the nation's economy:

McCain is at heart a deregulator. But it is the hands-off and ineffective federal regulatory system that allowed this mess to fester. Obama offered a more coherent approach months ago when he called for regulating investment banks, mortgage brokers and hedge funds and streamlining overlapping regulatory agencies.

The endorsement then goes on to highlight Obama's positions on the economy, energy, the Iraq war and education. This section is "meaty" enough that I will reprint it in full.

On the issues:

• The economy: The Good Ship America is listing in turbulent waters. Sinking mortgage and banking institutions are wreaking havoc at home and abroad. The problem is in the private sector, but it has been made worse by a federal policy favoring big corporations. The Bush administration has not regulated these companies effectively or done what it takes to curb their wants.

Obama understands this better than McCain and makes clear he would do more to correct it. Obama's assistance to the middle class in the form of tax cuts and college-tuition breaks is a centerpiece of his campaign.

• Energy: The energy crisis is zapping our economic well-being. What does McCain want to do? "Drill, baby, drill," to quote the mindless chant at the Republican National Convention. That is not an energy policy. It is a cheap, shortsighted slogan.

Obama has a coherent plan that includes some drilling, as a stopgap, but he looks to a mix of renewable resources. He is more likely to move America off its dependence on foreign oil. McCain has been in office for 26 years and done little to change this dynamic.

• The Iraq war: Many Americans will cast their vote on this one issue alone. Past performance is the best indicator of future conduct. Obama opposed the war, McCain supported it full-bore. Obama has a plan for moving the troops out; McCain seeks "victory," whatever that actually means. The net effect will be more time and money wasted in a country that did not participate in 9/11.

Afghanistan harbors the key culprits, and the situation there is worse than it has been in eight years. Afghanistan is where our bigger effort should be, as Obama has articulated.

• Education: Obama is more practical than ideological on education. He wants merit pay for good teachers and extra training or firing for lousy ones. He wants to double federal funding for charter schools, but not in a way that cuts into the heart of public schools. Obama recently gave a major speech on education. McCain is too low-key on an important issue.

On numerous other issues, from media consolidation to health care, Obama has the stronger take. He makes up for a thin résumé with integrity, judgment and fresh ideas. Obama can get America moving forward again.

DailyKos also has an article on this, which is where I got my original pleasant "head's up" before heading off to bed after a long day.


Blogger Brian Barker said...

I see that Barack Obama's education policy is that everyone should learn a foreign language, but which one should it be?

The British learn French, the Australians study Japanese, and the Americans prefer Spanish.Yet this leaves Mandarin Chinese out of the equation.

Interestingly nine British MP's have nominated Esperanto for the Nobel Peace Prize 2008.

An interesting video can be seen at

September 21, 2008 8:18 AM  
Blogger webby4u said...

If Barack Obama wins, and it's looking that way, I sincerely hope that those who vote for him will not be disappointed. I think his socialist ideals go deeper than what most Americans really want. Americans want and need change, and with change... hopefully, progress!
However, light a socialist, one can not be half socialist. Have we not been a country that rewards the efforts of the successful and hard working people! This might be short lived, as Obama's plan of redistributing our success among the poor. I am all for helping the middle class and the poor, but not this way. And I sincerely believe, that Barack Obama is more like President Bush than most Americans know... why maybe, they even share the deeper truths of secret societies with the middle class and the poor! Societies that have their head in the structure of a "One World Order". In which the elite will rule the government, and financial system of the world.
I am not sure McCain would be any better, however his running mate would keep him in line, contrary to what many might think. She's an open book, and embraces American and what it stands for, "Freedom".
Who ever American chooses, I pray God Almighty gets a hold of them, and has his way with them! This Nation needs to REPENT of sin, and get down on their knees, and maybe God will heal our Nation... and put prayer back into our schools! Our Forefather's have been rolling in their graves ever since one woman had her way, and got prayer removed from the schools... and look at the mess this country's in... God have mercy on us! Our Forefather's instituted the school systems, so that we could take the gospel and business within our Nation and throughout the world. And because of what they did, we've been a blessed nation! Republicans and Democrats better come together in "Repentance" and in "Prayer" to the God of our Forefather's. My question would be to Barck Obama is, "will you walk the talk? and do what Jesus would do? So, you say "you're a "Christian"... let's see the fruit!
Our Forefathers were Christian, and the fruit is in many of the public buildings, in our history books, and etched in many of our hearts. All paths do not lead to God, as well as, "all religions are not the same". So, "you can not be even a light "Socialist" even though some of the ideals may seem as "sweet as candy!.
America needs to "Wake Up!.

October 31, 2008 4:43 PM  
Blogger webby4u said...

If Barack Obama wins, and it's looking that way, I sincerely hope that those who vote for him will not be disappointed. I think his socialist ideals go deeper than what most Americans really want. Americans want and need change, and with change... hopefully, progress!
However, light a socialist, one can not be half socialist. Have we not been a country that rewards the efforts of the successful and hard working people! This might be short lived, as Obama's plan of redistributing our success among the poor. I am all for helping the middle class and the poor, but not this way. And I sincerely believe, that Barack Obama is more like President Bush than most Americans know... why maybe, they even share the deeper truths of secret societies with the middle class and the poor! Societies that have their head in the structure of a "One World Order". In which the elite will rule the government, and financial system of the world.
I am not sure McCain would be any better, however his running mate would keep him in line, contrary to what many might think. She's an open book, and embraces American and what it stands for, "Freedom".
Who ever American chooses, I pray God Almighty gets a hold of them, and has his way with them! This Nation needs to REPENT of sin, and get down on their knees, and maybe God will heal our Nation... and put prayer back into our schools! Our Forefather's have been rolling in their graves ever since one woman had her way, and got prayer removed from the schools... and look at the mess this country's in... God have mercy on us! Our Forefather's instituted the school systems, so that we could take the gospel and business within our Nation and throughout the world. And because of what they did, we've been a blessed nation! Republicans and Democrats better come together in "Repentance" and in "Prayer" to the God of our Forefather's. My question would be to Barck Obama is, "will you walk the talk? and do what Jesus would do? So, you say "you're a "Christian"... let's see the fruit!
Our Forefathers were Christian, and the fruit is in many of the public buildings, in our history books, and etched in many of our hearts. All paths do not lead to God, as well as, "all religions are not the same". So, "you can not be even a light "Socialist" even though some of the ideals may seem as "sweet as candy!.
America needs to "Wake Up!.

October 31, 2008 4:46 PM  

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