Offering frequent news and analysis from the majestic Evergreen State and beyond, The Cascadia Advocate is the Northwest Progressive Institute's unconventional perspective on world, national, and local politics.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Looking Back at 2007: Goodbye

May you live in interesting times.

- English translation of a Chinese proverb

So ends 2007, a year that was characterized by many frustrating outrages and disappointments, like: Congress' many capitulations to Dubya (including the FISA cave-in and its failure to implement a timetable for ending the occupation of Iraq), Scooter Libby's pardon, Kevin Martin's railroaded media ownership changes, the shameful reinstatement of Initiative 747 (and Christine Gregoire's abdication of leadership), Proposition 1's drubbing at the polls, Bill Sherman's loss to Dan Satterberg, or the narrow passage of Initiative 960.

That's not to say nothing good happened...for instance, Congress did raise the minimum wage, and Washington families won big in the 2007 legislative session thanks to Democrats. Still, 2007 left a lot to be desired.

It's time to say goodbye to all of that and hello to a year of promise.

Here's to a brighter horizon and a time of change that brings new rays of sunshine to America after many dark and bleak years.

Here's to stronger spines and wiser leadership from Governor Gregoire, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Democratic lawmakers, whether in Olympia or D.C.

Here's to more and better Democrats...and a second blue wave next November, rivaling the historic 2006 elections.

Here's to the growth of the netroots community and the continued development of infrastructure that strengthens the progressive movement - including jobs for the many activists who are working in politics almost full time.

Here's to 2008. See you in the New Year.


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