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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Happy Independence Day

It wouldn't be the 4th of July on a political blog without an historical quotation, so I've chosen one from Antifederalist 67, attributed most often to New York governor and later vice-president George Clinton, who wrote under the pen name "Cato."

Here Cato is discussing the dangers of too much power in the hands of the executive.
He is the generalissimo of the nation, and of course has the command and control of the army, navy and militia; he is the general conservator of the peace of the union-he may pardon all offenses, except in cases of impeachment, and the principal fountain of all offices and employments. Will not the exercise of these powers therefore tend either to the establishment of a vile and arbitrary aristocracy or monarchy? The safety of the people in a republic depends on the share or proportion they have in the government; but experience ought to teach you, that when a man is at the head of an elective government invested with great powers, and interested in his re-election, in what circle appointments will be made; by which means an imperfect aristocracy bordering on monarchy may be established.
The Antifederalists are largely forgotten, but they may have had a point or two. "Vile aristocracy" certainly describes the current Republican cabal that has been ensconced in Washington, D.C. for far too long. The Scooter Libby near-pardon is only the latest evidence, and I don't think the American people are going to forget it come next year.

Have a safe and happy holiday, I'll resume posting most likely on Thursday.

If any of the other fine members of our blog team care to chime in, they will. I leave you in their capable hands.

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