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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Ho-ho's in many genres of music

In its never ending quest to make irrelevant comparisons, now the media has decided the best thing to do Post-Imus is not to look into the multitude of right-wing hate talkers, but rap singers:
As some of hip-hop's biggest stars gather in Detroit today, the fury over Don Imus' recent radio comments has drawn attention to the misogynistic lyrics common in hip-hop music and culture.
At issue is why it's considered OK for one group to say specific words and taboo for another, and whether there's an issue of hypocrisy at play.
Hypocrisy? Why stop at rap artists? What about the snack food world?
Over the years, the tubular snack has enjoyed its share of laughs. In connection with the 1999 introduction of Nutty Ho Hos, which added chopped peanuts to the original roll, a search was launched for the country's nuttiest celebrity laugh - or ho ho. (We know what you're thinking, but not everyone laughs with a ha ha. Just ask Santa.) When the votes were tallied, Americans decided that comedian Eddie Murphy's laugh took the proverbial cake, followed by the kooky cackles of Phyllis Diller, Roseanne Barr and Pee Wee Herman.
Nutty Ho Hos? Clearly the hypocrites are those who have enabled people to enjoy tubular chocolate snack cakes.

Imus is to rap/hip-hop as Katie Couric is to acid rock. No relation, other than the connection incredibly simple-minded people make. Lookie! They both said the same word! This proves Imus was hosed!

Okay, if the music industry is the topic, then the traditional media needs to explore themes in all genres. There's plenty of objectification and degredation of women to examine, and often the artists doing the objectifying are themselves women.

It's not exactly news that the rap/hip-hop world long ago became a cesspool, along with many other forms of popular music, but it doesn't have jack to do with Imus.

I need a snack cake.

MORE: Old dudes may remember this from Iron Maiden:
Charlotte the harlot show me your legs,
Charlotte the harlot take me to bed.
Charlotte the harlot let me see blood,
Charlotte the harlot let me see love.
Treating women like garbage was an old rock tradition. It was wrong, and still is, but the phony outrage over rap lyrics brought about by the Imus debacle is ridiculous. Go back and read the lyrics to "Brown Sugar" by the Rolling Stones. Since when is the music industry and the news business the same thing? Obviously, they have some things in common, like "it's all about the color green," but very few people would equate MTV News with MSNBC.

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