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Friday, April 06, 2007

Geraldo and Bill; heads exploding everywhere

The News Blog, which is being admirably maintained by guest posters during the extended illness of host Steve Gilliard, features a video clip of Geraldo Rivera and "Worst Person in the World Every Day" Billo getting into it over immigration and drunk driving, which apparently must be one of Billo's putrid little talking points these days.

This is what it has come to on Fox Noise: two disgraced, non-credible men engaging in faux-violent confrontation over a ginned-up issue, for ratings.

It's a pathetic spectacle, if highly predictable. Fox Noise and its workers (who are not journalists in any sense of the word) decided a long time ago that if they could get paid to be an arm of the worst administration in American history, they would take the money. Those kind of people aren't to be trusted with the keys to the washroom, let alone with any sort of watchdog or journalism function.

And as I always point out, Geraldo and Billo and the other scum at Fox Noise have a First Amendment right to be paid political prostitutes. Everyone else has a First Amendment right to point out that they are paid political prostitutes.

Just don't tell me they are journalists, because they're not.

Any media source that references Fox Noise needs to take the same care it would when quoting The National Enquirer. The journalistic standards are the same - very low to nonexistent.

Local stations seem to get a pass on their Fox branding because they are often owned by other media companies, but you kind of wonder how long they can take being associated with Fox. I'd be embarassed as heck to be driving around in a news van with that word on it, even if I did work for Meredith or someone. There's only so much pounding a brand can take.

Question: how many presidential candidates of either party would agree to a debate hosted by The National Enquirer? Just sayin'.

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