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Friday, March 09, 2007

Richardson drops out of Fox Noise debate

Kos announces that Bill Richardson will not be participating in the Fox Noise Channel debate in Nevada:
Bill Richardson just called to say that he will not be doing the Fox News debate in Nevada.

Richardson had been the sole Democrat to confirm his appearance at the debate, which is on life support at this point.
Good on Richardson for joining John Edwards in recognizing the absurdity of participating in a Fox-branded event.

This is turning into a major victory for ordinary Democrats everywhere, whether they consider themselves part of the netroots or not. It's idiotic for Democrats to lend any help to Fox Noise Channel, and nobody can make a case that Fox is a reputable outlet. They have a First Amendment right to spew propaganda and everyone else has a First Amendment right to ignore them or point out that they are nothing but shills for the GOP.

Obama should be next, or at least we can hope so.

UPDATE: Kos says the debate is dead. And as he points out, Obama missed a chance to do the right thing. But still, probably the biggest setback Fox Noise Channel has suffered in its relatively brief history. 2008 is going to be lots of fun.

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