Offering frequent news and analysis from the majestic Evergreen State and beyond, The Cascadia Advocate is the Northwest Progressive Institute's unconventional perspective on world, national, and local politics.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

P-I editorializes on signature season

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer has joined us on the Think Before You Ink bandwagon:
As it often is, this year's gap between the end of the legislative session and the start of the full-fledged election campaign will be filled with attempts to garner the signatures to put various initiatives and referendums on the November ballot.

Three measures voters will soon have foisted upon them are such poor public policy choices that they shouldn't even make it to the ballot. When confronted by signature solicitors for any or all of them, we recommend you decline to sign.
The three measures the P-I is critical of are I-933 (the developer's initiative), I-917 (Eyman's new initiative to gut transportation) and Referendum 65 (Eyman's other measure to wipe out the landmark civil rights legislation that just passed the Washington State Legislature. (We might add that there are two other initiatives you definitely shouldn't sign: Initiatives 920 and 924, which would devastate public education).

The P-I editorial board is right on. Think before you ink - don't sign an initiative that would destroy the future of the Evergreen State.

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