Categories: Elections

Initial 2023 results are in; these Seattle City Council candidates look poised to move on

A short time ago, King Coun­ty Elec­tions released the ini­tial returns from Wash­ing­ton State’s August 2023 Top Two elec­tion. Here’s what the Seat­tle elec­toral land­scape now looks like fol­low­ing the first drop of the cycle.

The high level view

Seat­tle switched to hav­ing a most­ly dis­trict-based city coun­cil in the 2010s, and now elects its city­wide posi­tions in years that fol­low a pres­i­den­tial elec­tion and its dis­trict-based posi­tions in years that pre­cede a pres­i­den­tial elec­tion. Of the nine coun­cil seats, sev­en are elect­ed from dis­tricts, and all are being con­test­ed this year. Forty-five can­di­dates filed for those sev­en posi­tions, and four­teen can earn spots on the gen­er­al elec­tion bal­lot, which means thir­ty-one must be eliminated.

Four coun­cil incum­bents opt­ed against run­ning again this year, while three chose to face the vot­ers and seek new terms. The retir­ing coun­cilmem­bers are Lisa Her­bold, Kshama Sawant, Deb­o­ra Juarez, and Alex Ped­er­sen; those run­ning again are Tam­my Morales, Dan Stauss, and Andrew Lewis. All three of the incum­bents are lead­ing in the first drop, but only Strauss has a major­i­ty of the vote.

District #1

The 1st Dis­trict is cen­tered on West Seat­tle and is cur­rent­ly rep­re­sent­ed by Coun­cilmem­ber Lisa Her­bold, who chose not to run again. The cur­rent top two vote get­ters are Maren Cos­ta and Rob Saka, who were endorsed by The Stranger / Pub­li­Co­la / The Urban­ist and The Seat­tle Times, respec­tive­ly. Not far behind them is Phil Tavel. The oth­er five can­di­dates are in the sin­gle digits.

If Tavel does well in the late bal­lots, he might be able to nab one of the top two spots. But it’s look­ing like the gen­er­al elec­tion matchup could be Cos­ta v. Saka.

Cos­ta is an expe­ri­enced tech­nol­o­gy leader with a strong pro­gres­sive platform.

Maren Cos­ta has more than two decades of expe­ri­ence and holds more than a dozen patents as a Senior Leader at tech com­pa­nies includ­ing Adobe, Ama­zon, and Microsoft,” her web­site says. “She is an advi­sor for three cli­mate start ups: Pow­er Bloom Solar, Car­bon Zero, and Kar­ma Wallet.”

“A pas­sion­ate advo­cate for women’s rights, work­ers’ rights, and eth­i­cal AI, Maren is also a found­ing mem­ber and the cur­rent Pres­i­dent of Ama­zon Employ­ees for Cli­mate Jus­tice, a work­er-pow­ered orga­ni­za­tion cred­it­ed with mon­u­men­tal wins, such as Amazon’s Cli­mate Pledge, and the $10 bil­lion Bezos Earth Fund.”

Saka is an Air Force vet­er­an and attorney.

“I am a Seat­tle Pub­lic Schools dad of three, attor­ney, jus­tice reform advo­cate, Air Force Vet­er­an, and West Seat­tle res­i­dent,” his web­site says. “As the son of a Niger­ian immi­grant, I over­came abject pover­ty, a trau­mat­ic and unsta­ble home life cycling through the fos­ter care sys­tem, to rise in the ranks of the U.S. Air Force, earn my col­lege and law degrees under the G.I. Bill, and achieve suc­cess as an attor­ney and pol­i­cy advo­cate in Seat­tle and King County.”

Here are the ini­tial results for this contest:

Maren Cos­ta

Non­par­ti­san | 4,283 votes

Rob Saka

Non­par­ti­san | 3,745 votes

Phil Tavel

Non­par­ti­san | 3,154 votes

Pre­ston Anderson

Non­par­ti­san | 1,252 votes

Stephen Brown

Non­par­ti­san | 955 votes

Jean Ian­nel­li Craciun

Non­par­ti­san | 499 votes

Lucy Bare­foot

Non­par­ti­san | 495 votes

Mia Jacob­son

Non­par­ti­san | 319 votes


District #2

The 2nd Dis­trict spans south­east Seat­tle (Bea­con Hill, the Rainier Val­ley, Rainier Beach, and adja­cent neigh­bor­hoods). It is cur­rent­ly rep­re­sent­ed by Coun­cilmem­ber Tam­my Morales, who is seek­ing reelection.

Morales has 48.14% of the vote in this first drop. She is fac­ing two oppo­nents: Tanya Woo and Mar­garet Elis­a­beth. Woo is very close to Morales, with 45.41% of the vote. Eliz­a­beth is far behind with only 5.94%. It’s a safe assump­tion that the gen­er­al elec­tion will be a matchup between Morales and Woo.

“I’ve been in Seat­tle for over twen­ty years, work­ing and advo­cat­ing for Seattle’s com­mu­ni­ties of col­or,” Morales says on her cam­paign web­site.

“Pri­or to being elect­ed to City Coun­cil in 2019, I worked for an afford­able hous­ing lender, as a com­mu­ni­ty orga­niz­er, and a food jus­tice advo­cate. I am trained as a com­mu­ni­ty and region­al planner—having spent my career work­ing with front­line com­mu­ni­ties to bring about food secu­ri­ty and to stop dis­place­ment in low-income neigh­bor­hoods. Cur­rent­ly, I chair the Neigh­bor­hoods, Edu­ca­tion, Civ­il Rights, and Cul­ture Com­mit­tee where we work to help fam­i­lies who are strug­gling in our city and cre­ate an econ­o­my that works for everyone.”

“My fam­i­ly immi­grat­ed to Seat­tle in 1887. I grew up on Bea­con Hill, worked at our fam­i­ly busi­ness in the Chi­na­town Inter­na­tion­al Dis­trict and now live in Rainier Beach. I’ve seen how South Seat­tle has changed. I’ve seen what hap­pens to neigh­bor­hoods that don’t have a voice and are expect­ed to just live with bad city poli­cies. I want to change that, and that’s why I’m run­ning for Seat­tle City Coun­cil,” Woo says on her cam­paign web­site.

“I want to ele­vate the voic­es of peo­ple. We’ve seen too many of our friends and fam­i­ly forced out because of hous­ing costs. You can count on me to speak up for the peo­ple of South Seat­tle and to fight for fair housing.”

Here are the ini­tial results for this contest:

Tam­my J Morales

Non­par­ti­san | 5,624 votes

Tanya Woo

Non­par­ti­san | 5,305 votes

Mar­garet Elisabeth

Non­par­ti­san | 694 votes


District #3

The 3rd Dis­trict includes Capi­tol Hill, Madrona, Madi­son Park, the Cen­tral Dis­trict, and adja­cent areas. It is cur­rent­ly rep­re­sent­ed by Coun­cilmem­ber Kshama Sawant, who decid­ed against seek­ing reelec­tion. Sawan­t’s par­ty, Social­ist Alter­na­tive, did not field a can­di­date to suc­ceed her in this election.

For­mer Trans­porta­tion Choic­es Coali­tion leader Alex Hud­son and cannabis entre­peneur Joy Hollingsworth are the cur­rent top two vote get­ters. Both are well ahead enough of their com­pe­ti­tion to be able to move on. Like Cos­ta, Hud­son was backed by The Stranger, The Urban­ist, and Pub­li­Co­la — an impor­tant tri­fec­ta of endorse­ments. Hollingsworth was endorsed by The Seat­tle Times.

“Joy was born and raised in the Cen­tral Dis­trict, a neigh­bor­hood her fam­i­ly has called home since the 1940s,” Hollingsworth’s cam­paign web­site explains.

“A prod­uct of the neigh­bor­hood, she went to Stevens Ele­men­tary, TOPS at Seward and Meany Mid­dle School while always spend­ing her sum­mers at Garfield Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter youth camps. Joy was born and raised in the Cen­tral Dis­trict, a neigh­bor­hood her fam­i­ly has called home since the 1940’s.”

“Joy works to build com­mu­ni­ty by estab­lish­ing rela­tion­ships based on trust and com­mit­ment. She learned these val­ues from her mom who spent her career con­nect­ing vul­ner­a­ble neigh­bors with hous­ing at King Coun­ty Hous­ing, her father who fought for equi­ty in South Seat­tle parks as a long­time employ­ee at Seat­tle Parks, and her grand­moth­er, Dorothy Hollingsworth, who was a fierce advo­cate for fam­i­lies and opportunity.”

“Alex was born in Red­mond and raised on a small fam­i­ly farm in unin­cor­po­rat­ed east King Coun­ty. A can­cer sur­vivor, she lives with her part­ner and is the legal guardian of an 8th grad­er in the pub­lic school sys­tem,” Hud­son’s web­site says.

“Alex’s fam­i­ly are renters and live hap­pi­ly car-free. A first-gen­er­a­tion col­lege grad­u­ate, she worked her way through school at West­ern Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­si­ty, where she found­ed the ACLU-WA stu­dent club, was the Direc­tor of the Asso­ci­at­ed Stu­dents Drug Infor­ma­tion Cen­ter, and was named the ‘2008 Asso­ci­at­ed Stu­dent Employ­ee of the Year’ and the ‘2008 ACLU-WA Youth Activist of the Year.’”

Here are the ini­tial results for this contest:

Joy Hollingsworth

Non­par­ti­san | 6,086 votes

Alex Hud­son

Non­par­ti­san | 4,914 votes

Bob­by Goodwin

Non­par­ti­san | 1,697 votes

Alex Coo­ley

Non­par­ti­san | 658 votes

Efrain Hud­nell

Non­par­ti­san | 647 votes

Andrew Ash­io­fu

Non­par­ti­san | 557 votes

Ry Arm­strong

Non­par­ti­san | 284 votes

Shob­hit Agarwal

Non­par­ti­san | 246 votes


District #4

The 4th Dis­trict includes the Uni­ver­si­ty Dis­trict, Roo­sevelt, Raven­na, Lau­rel­hurst, and Win­der­mere. It is cur­rent­ly rep­re­sent­ed by Coun­cilmem­ber Alex Ped­er­sen, who decid­ed not to seek reelection.

Four can­di­dates filed to be Ped­er­sen’s suc­ces­sor: Ron Davis, Mar­itza Rivera, Ken Wil­son, and George Artem. Wil­son pre­vi­ous­ly ran against Seat­tle City Coun­cilmem­ber Tere­sa Mosque­da two years ago for an at-large posi­tion. He came up short, but gained name famil­iar­i­ty and valu­able con­nec­tions dur­ing the course of his cam­paign. But his admis­sion that he vot­ed for Repub­li­can Tiffany Smi­ley might have been viewed by a num­ber of Dis­trict #4 vot­ers as disqualifying.

Davis was endorsed by The Stranger / Pub­li­Co­la / The Urban­ist tri­fec­ta, while Rivera was endorsed by The Seat­tle Times.

“I’m run­ning because I learned it takes too much luck to make it in Amer­i­ca,” Davis says on his cam­paign web­site. “I am one of the few that got lucky and I want to pay it for­ward so that the next per­son has a real shot, and to make sure we take good care of peo­ple who aren’t so lucky.”

“I got involved in neigh­bor­hood improve­ment through local activism and the Roo­sevelt Neigh­bor­hood Asso­ci­a­tion, and sup­port­ing kids, seniors and fam­i­lies through the YMCA; in tran­sit advo­ca­cy through work with Sound Tran­sit and Seat­tle Sub­way, and statewide envi­ron­men­tal activism through Future­wise,” Davis explains. “I lob­bied our busi­ness­es to take a more pro­gres­sive view on tax­es and labor and pub­lic safe­ty. I showed up and tes­ti­fied, wrote ope­ds, orga­nized and door knocked, and pick­et­ed and marched.”

“A mom of two teenage daugh­ters, Mar­itza Rivera will nev­er for­get the hours wait­ing and wor­ry­ing out­side Ingra­ham High School as her girls were in lock­down after a stu­dent was fatal­ly shot inside,” Rivera says on her cam­paign web­site.

“At that moment, Mar­itza knew she had to take action. She nev­er expect­ed to run for polit­i­cal office, but Mar­itza is run­ning for City Coun­cil to restore Seat­tle to the safe and vibrant city she moved to more than two decades ago.”

“Maritza’s par­ents moved from Puer­to Rico to New York in search of a bet­ter life. Mar­itza grew up in a tough neigh­bor­hood in the Bronx, on the 5th floor of a five sto­ry no ele­va­tor build­ing. Her dad was a welder and proud union mem­ber, her mom worked at a factory.”

Here are the ini­tial results for this contest:

Ron Davis

Non­par­ti­san | 5,432 votes

Mar­itza Rivera

Non­par­ti­san | 4,519 votes

Ken Wil­son

Non­par­ti­san | 3,019 votes

George Artem

Non­par­ti­san | 284 votes


District #5

The 5th Dis­trict is Seat­tle’s north­ern­most dis­trict, encom­pass­ing neigh­bor­hoods like North­gate and Haller Lake. It is cur­rent­ly rep­re­sent­ed by Coun­cilmem­ber Deb­o­ra Juarez, who decid­ed not to run again. A large field of can­di­dates emerged to pur­sue the open seat. Three of them are above or near twen­ty per­cent in ear­ly returns: Cathy Moore, Chris­Tiana Obey­Sum­n­er, and Nilu Jenks.

Moore has a plu­ral­i­ty lead with almost a third of the vote. Obey­Sum­n­er is cur­rent­ly in sec­ond place with 21.38%. Close behind is Nilu Jenks, at 19.04%. The gap between Obey­Sum­n­er and Jenks is only three hun­dred votes, so Jenks is def­i­nite­ly posi­tioned to com­pete for a sec­ond place spot in the late ballots.

Moore was endorsed by The Seat­tle Times; Obey­Sum­n­er was endorsed by The Stranger. The Urban­ist and Pub­li­Co­la went with Jenks.

“As a sin­gle moth­er, my moth­er raised me in Lake City and Capi­tol Hill while work­ing her way through the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wash­ing­ton and lat­er teach­ing com­mu­ni­ty col­lege stu­dents for three decades,” Moore writes on her web­site.

“I fol­lowed in her foot­steps in pub­lic ser­vice. Fresh out of law school, I fought for Seat­tle res­i­dents as a pub­lic defend­er with the Seat­tle Defend­er Asso­ci­a­tion, and lat­er, fought for chil­dren and fam­i­lies as a fam­i­ly law attor­ney. As Chair of the Seat­tle Human Rights Com­mis­sion, I advo­cat­ed for con­sti­tu­tion­al polic­ing and account­abil­i­ty for the Seat­tle Police Depart­ment. As Inter­im City Clerk, I over­saw the leg­isla­tive oper­a­tions of the Seat­tle City Council.”

“My great­est priv­i­lege was serv­ing as an elect­ed King Coun­ty Supe­ri­or Court Judge, where I served, with­out fear or favor, all in our com­mu­ni­ty. In addi­tion to rul­ing in crim­i­nal, fam­i­ly law, and men­tal ill­ness tri­als, I upheld Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ferguson’s law­suit against Phar­ma Pur­due, a case that even­tu­al­ly result­ed in a land­mark set­tle­ment to fund opi­oid treat­ment. Com­mit­ted to racial jus­tice, I also worked on crim­i­nal legal sys­tem reform.”

“I was born in Alas­ka in 1986 to a sin­gle moth­er,” Obey­Sum­n­er (they/them) writes. “Grow­ing up, my fam­i­ly faced finan­cial strug­gles and dis­abil­i­ty chal­lenges. As a Black, eco­nom­i­cal­ly dis­ad­van­taged, and non-ver­bal child, I had dif­fi­cul­ty attend­ing school, as spe­cial edu­ca­tion ser­vices were not well-estab­lished pri­or to pas­sage of the Amer­i­can Dis­abil­i­ties Act in 1990. Despite test­ing high, I did not qual­i­fy for ser­vices, and lacked diag­noses for learn­ing dis­abil­i­ties. My moth­er and I were often unhoused, mov­ing fre­quent­ly, and I was often exiled from classes.”

“I am also the for­mer co-chair of the Seat­tle Dis­abil­i­ties com­mis­sion, and for­mer co-chair of the Seat­tle Renter’s com­mis­sion. I have also pre­vi­ous­ly or cur­rent­ly serve as a mem­ber or lay-leader on the fol­low­ing boards: the King Coun­ty Tran­sit Mobil­i­ty Coun­cil, The Wash­ing­ton Low Income Hous­ing Alliance, The Seat­tle Uni­ver­si­ty African Amer­i­can Alum­ni Asso­ci­a­tion, and the King Coun­ty Board for Devel­op­men­tal Dis­abil­i­ties Leg­isla­tive Council.”

“Nilu Jenks is a ded­i­cat­ed com­mu­ni­ty advo­cate who loves to engage with and serve her com­mu­ni­ty,” Jenks says on her web­site.

“As a sec­ond-gen­er­a­tion Iran­ian-Amer­i­can whose fam­i­ly was grant­ed asy­lum in the Unit­ed States, Nilu has direct­ly ben­e­fit­ed from the free­doms our nation grants us, and she will for­ev­er be a ded­i­cat­ed fight­er to pro­tect those free­doms for oth­ers. Hav­ing expe­ri­enced mar­gin­al­iza­tion in soci­ety, she will work hard to real­ize the ideals of our nation for the ben­e­fit of all of her constituents.”

“As a Board Mem­ber of Roo­sevelt Alum­ni for Racial Equi­ty, Nilu co-wrote a racial equi­ty cur­ricu­lum to be facil­i­tat­ed after school by the Urban League of Met­ro­pol­i­tan Seat­tle at Roo­sevelt and Garfield High Schools begin­ning this spring. Nilu was a PTA Advo­ca­cy Chair for John Rogers Ele­men­tary School and has served as a Learn­ing Coach for ELL stu­dents at Mer­cer Mid­dle School. A moth­er of two, Nilu has invest­ed her ener­gies in improv­ing local schools and work­ing for the suc­cess of all chil­dren, and she will be a strong advo­cate for fam­i­lies when on City Council.”

Here are the ini­tial results for this contest:

Cathy Moore

Non­par­ti­san | 4,137 votes

Chris­Tiana ObeySumner

Non­par­ti­san | 2,741 votes

Nilu Jenks

Non­par­ti­san | 2,441 votes

Justin Sim­mons

Non­par­ti­san | 1,524 votes

Tye Reed

Non­par­ti­san | 553 votes

Boe­gart Bibby

Non­par­ti­san | 535 votes

Bob­by J Tucker

Non­par­ti­san | 279 votes

Rebec­ca Williamson

Non­par­ti­san | 216 votes

Shane Macomber

Non­par­ti­san | 200 votes

Luc­ca Mur­doch Howard

Non­par­ti­san | 130 votes


District #6

The 6th Dis­trict includes Bal­lard, Green Lake, Phin­ney Ridge, and a swath of Mag­no­lia. It is cur­rent­ly rep­re­sent­ed by Coun­cilmem­ber Dan Strauss, who is seek­ing reelec­tion. Strauss is opposed by five chal­lengers, all of whom are in the sin­gle dig­its except for Pete Han­ning, who is gar­ner­ing almost 30% of the vote.

Giv­en their dom­i­nance, it’s a pret­ty safe assump­tion that Han­ning will be Strauss’ gen­er­al elec­tion oppo­nent. Han­ning was endorsed by The Seat­tle Times, while Strauss earned the sup­port of The Stranger and The Urbanist.

“I was born and raised in Bal­lard and my par­ents, both social work­ers, raised me with a sense of com­mu­ni­ty,” Strauss writes on his web­site. “Our neigh­bors were school teach­ers, welders, plumbers, elec­tri­cians, and fish­er­men. We are at a time of change in our city, anoth­er rebirth. Over the last decade we have grown into a large city, and now we have a moment to tru­ly remake our down­town and make our neigh­bor­hoods even more vibrant. This work is already under­way: the proof-of-con­cepts have already been test­ed, the pro­to­types are cur­rent­ly being used, and now we are scal­ing these plans city and Dis­trict 6 wide.”

“In my first six months in office I respond­ed to an inter­na­tion­al pan­dem­ic, a reces­sion, a nation­al civ­il rights reck­on­ing, and civ­il unrest. For most peo­ple just one of these events would knock them down, and I work every day to bridge dif­fer­ences, solve intractable prob­lems, and reset our city’s foun­da­tion for a brighter future – to be the gem of the North­west and nation.”

​“For the last thir­ty-five years, I have been a leader in the nightlife/hospitality indus­try. I owned the Red Door in Fre­mont for twen­ty years,” Pete Han­ning writes on his web­site. “My expe­ri­ence as a small busi­ness own­er has honed my abil­i­ty to solve prob­lems and pro­vide ser­vice to others.”

“I’ve been civi­cal­ly engaged through­out my career, with a focus on improv­ing pub­lic safe­ty and sup­port­ing small busi­ness­es. I’ve served on many boards, includ­ing the Fre­mont Neigh­bor­hood Coun­cil, the North Precinct Advi­so­ry Coun­cil, the Fre­mont Cham­ber of Com­merce, the Seat­tle Restau­rant Alliance, and the Wash­ing­ton Restaurant/Hospitality Asso­ci­a­tion. I helped form the Seat­tle Restau­rant Alliance and the Seat­tle Nightlife & Music Association.”

“I am cur­rent­ly Exec­u­tive Direc­tor for the Fre­mont Cham­ber of Com­merce. I believe the small busi­ness­es increase the qual­i­ty of life of our com­mu­ni­ty and form a key part of the fab­ric of our shared neigh­bor­hoods. I will always cham­pi­on these small busi­ness­es and busi­ness­es through­out Seattle.”

Here are the ini­tial results for this contest:

Dan Strauss

Non­par­ti­san | 8,754 votes

Pete Han­ning

Non­par­ti­san | 5,106 votes

Shea Wil­son

Non­par­ti­san | 1,139 votes

Vic­to­ria Palmer

Non­par­ti­san | 850 votes

Dale Kutzera

Non­par­ti­san | 786 votes

Jon Lis­bin

Non­par­ti­san | 515 votes


District #7

The 7th Dis­trict encom­pass­es Down­town, Queen Anne, Inter­bay, South Lake Union, and part of Mag­no­lia. It is rep­re­sent­ed by Coun­cilmem­ber Andrew Lewis, who has decid­ed to seek reelec­tion. Lewis has five oppo­nents, three of whom are cur­rent­ly in the sin­gle dig­its. His like­ly gen­er­al elec­tion oppo­nent is Bob Ket­tle, who has almost a third of the vote. Fur­ther back is anoth­er chal­lenger, Olga Sagan, with a lit­tle over four­teen per­cent of the vote.

Of the three incum­bents seek­ing reelec­tion, Lewis looks the most vul­ner­a­ble. Where­as Strauss has a major­i­ty of the vote and Morales is close to fifty per­cent, Lewis is just shy of 41%. That means almost six out of ten Top Two vot­ers in his dis­trict vot­ed for some­one else to rep­re­sent them on the City Council.

Lewis was endorsed by The Stranger and The Urbanist.

Ket­tle, the sec­ond place fin­ish­er, was endorsed by The Seat­tle Times.

“Coun­cilmem­ber Andrew Lewis proud­ly rep­re­sents Dis­trict 7 includ­ing the neigh­bor­hoods of Mag­no­lia, Inter­bay, Uptown, Queen Anne, West Lake, South Lake Union, Bell­town, Down­town, and Pio­neer Square,” his web­site says. “Through­out his first term in office Coun­cilmem­ber Lewis has focused on bring­ing peo­ple togeth­er to solve Seat­tle’s biggest chal­lenges from hous­ing inse­cu­ri­ty and home­less­ness, to pub­lic safe­ty, and the exi­gent cri­sis of glob­al cli­mate change.”

“In 2021, Coun­cilmem­ber Lewis worked with the Third Door Coali­tion, an alliance of small busi­ness­es and ser­vice providers, to pass leg­is­la­tion dra­mat­i­cal­ly bring­ing down the cost of per­ma­nent sup­port­ive hous­ing by an aver­age of over $47,753 per-unit. Lat­er that same year, Coun­cilmem­ber Lewis brought togeth­er lead­ers from the Down­town Seat­tle Asso­ci­a­tion, ser­vice providers, and the Cham­ber of Com­merce to dra­mat­i­cal­ly expand Just­CARE, an out­reach and tran­si­tion­al hous­ing pro­gram respon­si­ble for resolv­ing some of the tough­est encamp­ments in Seattle.”

“Bob Ket­tle is a dis­tin­guished for­mer Naval offi­cer with a decade of expe­ri­ence vol­un­teer­ing with non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions,” his web­site says. “Bob is cur­rent­ly a stay-at-home-dad and civic leader, hav­ing served on the Queen Anne Com­mu­ni­ty Coun­cil board for the past eight years, includ­ing as Chair of the Pub­lic Safe­ty Com­mit­tee. Bob also served on the West Precinct Advi­so­ry Coun­cil and the Queen Anne Block Watch Net­work, work­ing on neigh­bor­hood-lev­el pub­lic safety.”

“His exten­sive com­mu­ni­ty involve­ment includes the 36th LD Democ­rats, World Affairs Coun­cil Seat­tle, Bal­lard Eagle­son VFW Post 3063, Soci­ety of White House Mil­i­tary Aides, and Vet­er­ans for Pat­ty Mur­ray. Bob is part of the St. Anne’s com­mu­ni­ty on Queen Anne and, in his spare time, has coached girls’ youth soccer.”

Here are the ini­tial results for this contest:

Andrew J Lewis

Non­par­ti­san | 4,894 votes

Bob Ket­tle

Non­par­ti­san | 3,947 votes

Olga Sagan

Non­par­ti­san | 1,689 votes

Aaron Mar­shall

Non­par­ti­san | 862 votes

Isabelle Kern­er

Non­par­ti­san | 342 votes

Wade Sow­ders

Non­par­ti­san | 199 votes


The next drop is tomorrow

In Seat­tle, late bal­lots can real­ly shake things up. We’ll keep an eye on these con­tests and bring you analy­sis of any inter­est­ing devel­op­ments. The 5th Dis­trict appears to be the place where there is the great­est poten­tial for a lead change.

Andrew Villeneuve

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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Bob Ferguson widens lead over Dave Reichert in 2024 Washington gubernatorial race, NPI poll finds

The Democratic frontrunner, who currently serves as the Evergreen State's Attorney General, has slightly widened…

20 hours ago

Defend Washington publicly releases recent polling showing Brian Heywood and Jim Walsh’s slate of initiatives on track to fail

The coalition working to protect Washington from three measures that seek to repeal or sabotage…

3 days ago

One-on-one with Emily Randall: Why the Deputy State Senate Majority Leader wants to succeed Derek Kilmer in Congress

Randall said that she would prioritize affordability of housing, childcare, and education if elected, along…

4 days ago

Election integrity prevails as Glen Morgan’s Robert Fergusons withdraw their phony gubernatorial candidacies

A Republican operative's illegal plan to mess with Democratic frontrunner Bob Ferguson's gubernatorial campaign has…

4 days ago

Attorney General Bob Ferguson urges Glen Morgan’s recruits to withdraw from governor’s race, avoid prosecution

Former King County Prosecuting Attorney Dan Satterberg joined Ferguson to condemn Morgan's scheme to dupe…

5 days ago

President Biden departs the Pacific Northwest after concluding multi-day fundraising trip

Air Force One lifted off for Delaware a little after 2 PM Pacific Time, following…

7 days ago