Policy Topics

Scammer Tim Eyman urges elderly followers to party like there’s no coronavirus pandemic

Long­time scam­mer and noto­ri­ous con man Tim Eyman, a Repub­li­can guber­na­to­r­i­al can­di­date, lives only a few miles away from Life Care of Kirk­land, the senior liv­ing provider that has become the face of the coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic in the Unit­ed States. So he ought to be ful­ly aware and mind­ful of the dis­ease’s poten­tial to claim the lives of hun­dreds of thou­sands or even mil­lions of people.

And he ought not to have any objec­tion to the sen­si­ble orders recent­ly issued by Gov­er­nor Jay Inslee to pro­tect Wash­ing­to­ni­ans from get­ting sick and dying.

This morn­ing, how­ev­er, Eyman appalling­ly revealed that he has no con­cern for the safe­ty and well being of the peo­ple that he claims to so ardent­ly love.

The ini­tia­tive pur­vey­or, who thinks he could do a bet­ter job than Jay Inslee, exhort­ed his net­work of Repub­li­can PCO and right wing activist fol­low­ers to dis­re­gard Inslee’s orders and the advice of pub­lic health author­i­ties, and instead join him at a social gath­er­ing on Whid­bey Island being orga­nized for his benefit.

Wrote Eyman:

LET’S STICK OUR FINGER IN THE EYE OF JAY INSLEE: 251 is the # of patri­ots I hope will join me @ Oak Har­bor today. 

I’m bring­ing a six-pack of Corona!

Every­one is wel­come to join me and Shan­non Williams and Erik Rohde and Car­ol Williams and Michelle Dar­nell and Avery Huf­ford and Rene Hol­lan and Aryeh Rohde and Antho­ny Welti AND SO MANY OTHERS at my Tim4Gov Meet-and-Greet in Oak Har­bor today (Sat, March 14, 3–5 PM, address redact­ed by NPI).

My GPS shows 1 hour 37 min to get there — not bad at all!

Just revolt­ing.

I pray and hope that Eyman’s fol­low­ers have at least enough sense to real­ize that this is one cliff they should not fol­low him off of. It’s bad enough that Eyman has duped so many of them into giv­ing him mon­ey over the years. Now Eyman wants them to put their lives at risk, too. That is an invi­ta­tion they should refuse.

In the event any Eyman fol­low­ers end up read­ing this post: Please under­stand that by con­gre­gat­ing in large groups, you are not “stick­ing it to Jay Inslee,” but rather putting your own lives at risk. You will be the poten­tial los­er if you go to a par­ty with Tim Eyman and end up get­ting exposed to coronavirus.

Don’t think it could­n’t hap­pen to you.

Lind­sey Gra­ham, Ted Cruz, Paul Gosar, Matt Gaetz, and oth­ers have all self-quar­an­tined after being exposed to coro­n­avirus at events like CPAC (the Con­ser­v­a­tive Polit­i­cal Action Con­fer­ence) and Trump-host­ed romps at Mar-a-Lago.

COVID-19 is a dis­ease caused by SARS-CoV­‑2, a coro­n­avirus. There is much about both the dis­ease and the virus that infec­tious dis­ease experts do not yet under­stand. But one thing they do know is that the virus is espe­cial­ly dead­ly to old­er peo­ple. Accord­ing to the World Health Orga­ni­za­tion, the fatal­i­ty rate in Chi­na for those over eighty is an esti­mat­ed 21.9 per­cent.

A sig­nif­i­cant num­ber of peo­ple in the Repub­li­can base are elder­ly. Many of Eyman’s fol­low­ers are retirees. We know because “Retired” appears in the occu­pa­tion field next to their names in Eyman’s PDC reports.

The ongo­ing tragedy at Life Care of Kirk­land is an exam­ple of what can hap­pen to a com­mu­ni­ty of seniors when they are exposed to coro­n­avirus. Many of the com­mu­ni­ty’s mem­bers have already died and more are like­ly to die.

Act­ing on the advice of sci­en­tists and pub­lic health experts, Gov­er­nor Inslee has been issu­ing a suc­ces­sion of orders intend­ed to ensure that the virus’ spread is checked to the great­est extent pos­si­ble. The over­ar­ch­ing goal is to save lives.

Inslee’s orders — includ­ing his order ban­ning large pub­lic gath­er­ings — have now been copied by gov­er­nors in oth­er states, both Demo­c­ra­t­ic and Republican.

Ohio Repub­li­can Gov­er­nor Mike DeWine, for instance, issued an order for­bid­ding pub­lic gath­er­ings larg­er than one hun­dred peo­ple. Said DeWine:

“The pur­pose of these orders is to help Ohio keep social dis­tanc­ing. Our cit­i­zens must not only take steps to pro­tect them­selves, but to also pro­tect others.”

In Wash­ing­ton State, Demo­c­ra­t­ic and Repub­li­can events alike hav­ing been get­ting can­celed or post­poned or con­vert­ed to vir­tu­al events. Jaime Her­rera-Beut­ler recent­ly post­poned her cam­paign kick­off and sev­er­al Repub­li­can Par­ty orga­ni­za­tions have pushed back their Lin­coln Day dinners.

Tim Eyman has made it clear he does­n’t want to mod­el good behav­ior and prac­tice social dis­tanc­ing. He not only wants to cam­paign as though there were no pan­dem­ic, he wants oth­er peo­ple to join him in mock­ing the efforts of our elect­ed rep­re­sen­ta­tives to keep peo­ple safe. That is not the behav­ior of some­one who should be entrust­ed with the respon­si­bil­i­ty of gov­ern­ing at any level.

Andrew Villeneuve

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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