When is a public vote not a public vote? When it doesn’t go Tim Eyman’s way, that’s when

Yes­ter­day, KING 5 aired a sto­ry on the pro­vi­sion of I‑1125 that attempts to sab­o­tage Sound Tran­sit’s East Link project. The pro­vi­sion in ques­tion, Sec­tion 3, would  for­bid WSDOT from trans­fer­ring part of the Homer M. Hadley Memo­r­i­al Bridge to the agency for light rail, which obvi­ous­ly would pre­vent light rail from reach­ing Belle­vue and Red­mond (NPI’s home­town) at all.

We first began alert­ing the tra­di­tion­al press to the exis­tence of this pro­vi­sion back in May, short­ly after Tim Eyman announced the I‑1125 sig­na­ture dri­ve.

This week, Dan­ny West­neat wrote a col­umn on the top­ic (Tim Eyman’s secret war on light rail) and now KING 5 has done a sto­ry, which fea­tures some amus­ing lines from Tim Eyman. The sto­ry opens with a shot of a Sound Tran­sit Express bus in Belle­vue and a short voiceover by reporter Chris Daniels: “Down­town Belle­vue is slat­ed to see the so-called East Link a decade from now…”

… and then imme­di­ate­ly cuts to Tim Eyman say­ing, “I nev­er vot­ed for it.”

Maybe not, but a lot of oth­er peo­ple did. The vote on Sound Tran­sit 2 in 2008 was­n’t even close. 57.08% of vot­ers in urban King, Pierce, and Sno­homish coun­ties vot­ed in favor of Sound Tran­sit Propo­si­tion 1 in 2008, with only 42.92% opposed.

Chris Daniels brought this up with Eyman, but Eyman con­ve­nient­ly found a way to dis­miss the vote as irrelevant:

When asked, “Haven’t vot­ers already approved light rail over I‑90?” he replied, “A sub­set of [vot­ers] have had a vote [on an light rail over I‑90], not every­one in the state.”

What Eyman real­ly meant to say was that, in his eyes, the vote did­n’t count because it did­n’t go his way. That would have been the hon­est answer — but of course, Tim Eyman isn’t known for his honesty.

Eyman will hap­pi­ly cite the out­come of a pub­lic vote that he agrees with, regard­less of whether it hap­pened at the local lev­el, region­al lev­el, or state lev­el. But he does­n’t talk about the pub­lic votes that he dis­agrees with. At least not with­out being prompt­ed. And then he comes up with an excuse to dis­qual­i­fy the results.

East Link is a region­al trans­porta­tion project. Only peo­ple who live with­in Sound Tran­sit’s tax­ing dis­trict are pay­ing for East Link. No state mon­ey is being used to design or con­struct the project. And actu­al­ly, because of a Sound Tran­sit pol­i­cy called sub­area equi­ty, only tax­pay­ers who live in neigh­bor­hoods that East Link will serve are pay­ing for it. That means Tim Eyman isn’t actu­al­ly pay­ing for East Link, even though he is a Sound Tran­sit taxpayer.

Giv­en that East Link is a region­al trans­porta­tion project being paid for with region­al mon­ey, why should peo­ple who live in Aberdeen, Colville, Pas­co, Yaki­ma, or Wal­la Wal­la have a say on it? Why should they get to decide what kind of trans­porta­tion sys­tem Puget Sound has? It’s not their deci­sion. They jus­ti­fi­ably would­n’t be too hap­py if vot­ers in Puget Sound made deci­sions for them.

We have a long tra­di­tion of home rule in Wash­ing­ton State. It’s why we have so many local gov­ern­ments. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, Tim Eyman has a tra­di­tion of spon­sor­ing ini­tia­tives that total­ly and care­less­ly stomp all over home rule.

It’s cer­tain­ly true that East Link will run over a por­tion of what is present­ly Inter­state 90, but Sound Tran­sit is com­pen­sat­ing the state for its use of the bridge.

Inter­state 90, by the way, is a fed­er­al high­way in addi­tion to being a state high­way. The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment pro­vid­ed the lion’s share of the mon­ey to build it, on the con­di­tion that the cor­ri­dor be able to sup­port high-capac­i­ty tran­sit in the future. A mem­o­ran­dum signed by the cities of Mer­cer Island, Seat­tle, King Coun­ty, and the State of Wash­ing­ton made an explic­it promise that this would happen:

Sec­tion 1. (b) The facil­i­ty shall also con­tain pro­vi­sion for two lanes designed for and per­ma­nent­ly com­mit­ted to tran­sit use. The east­ern and west­ern ter­mi­ni for these lanes shall be designed to facil­i­tate unin­ter­rupt­ed tran­sit and car­pool access to down­town Seat­tle and to down­town Belle­vue in accor­dance with para­graph 3 here­in­be­low. The design shall be such as to accom­mo­date the oper­a­tion of the two tran­sit lanes ill either a reversible or in a two-way direc­tion­al mode.

The mem­o­ran­dum lat­er goes on to say:

Sec­tion 2. The I‑90 facil­i­ty shall be designed and con­struct­ed so that con­ver­sion of all or part of the tran­sit road­way to fixed guide­way is possible.

“Fixed guide­way” basi­cal­ly means train tracks. Here’s a more tech­ni­cal def­i­n­i­tion from the Fed­er­al Tran­sit Admin­is­tra­tion: “A ‘fixed guide­way’ refers to any tran­sit ser­vice that uses exclu­sive or con­trolled rights-of-way or rails, entire­ly or in part.”

This mem­o­ran­dum I’ve just excerpt­ed from was signed in 1976… when Tim Eyman was only ten years old. It has tak­en a very long time, but our region is final­ly ready to move for­ward and con­vert the I‑90 tran­sit lanes to a fixed guide­way… more specif­i­cal­ly, train tracks for East Link.

But Tim Eyman and his wealthy bene­fac­tor Kem­per Free­man Jr. don’t want the terms of this agree­ment to be enforced. They don’t want the vot­er-approved East Link project built. Why? Because they are ide­o­log­i­cal­ly opposed to light rail. They are diehard road war­riors who wrong­ly believe that traf­fic con­ges­tion would just go away if only we built big­ger and wider highways.

To them, the auto­mo­bile means freedom.

What they don’t get is that design­ing com­mu­ni­ties around cars instead of peo­ple actu­al­ly inhibits free­dom. True free­dom of mobil­i­ty means the abil­i­ty to choose a mode of trans­porta­tion. Peo­ple who don’t want to dri­ve, for what­ev­er rea­son, should­n’t be forced to. They should have options. If our region lacks a good tran­sit sys­tem, that makes it hard to get around with­out a car.

Link light rail is all about pro­vid­ing a reli­able com­mute for peo­ple through major trans­porta­tion cor­ri­dors that are present­ly high­ly con­gest­ed today.

Vot­ers first approved build­ing a region­al light rail sys­tem in 1996 with Sound Move. In 2002, Tim Eyman tried to over­ride the will of the vot­ers with Ini­tia­tive 776, which passed nar­row­ly statewide, but failed in Sound Tran­sit’s tax­ing dis­trict. (I‑776 was actu­al­ly the first Eyman ini­tia­tive I was involved in fight­ing; Per­ma­nent Defense was cre­at­ed to oppose I‑776. PD will cel­e­brate its tenth anniver­sary this February.)

I‑776 tried to kill Cen­tral Link, the first Link light rail line, by elim­i­nat­ing one of Sound Tran­sit’s sources of rev­enue — a motor vehi­cle excise tax (MVET). How­ev­er, when Eyman wrote the ini­tia­tive, he either did­n’t under­stand or did­n’t care that the tax he was try­ing to repeal had already been pledged to pay off bonds. Sound Tran­sit argued that the tax need­ed to remain in place so it could ful­fill its promis­es to bond­hold­ers. The Supreme Court agreed, and the tax con­tin­ues to be collected.

With I‑1125, Eyman is basi­cal­ly try­ing to do what he did with I‑776 nine years ago: Try to kill a Sound Tran­sit light rail line with a statewide vote.

Eyman prides him­self on being unde­terred when he los­es. But he unrea­son­ably demands that his oppo­nents give up and regard an issue as set­tled when he wins. Pret­ty good dou­ble stan­dard, huh?

To Tim Eyman, who I know even­tu­al­ly will read this post, we say: Sor­ry, Tim. You may be very deter­mined to con­tin­ue fight­ing to par­a­lyze pub­lic ser­vices and wreck gov­ern­ment in this state, but we are even more deter­mined to stop you. Wash­ing­ton can­not afford your destruc­tive, cyn­i­cal, ill-con­ceived initiatives.

Read­ers, please join us in vot­ing NO in I‑1125 if you haven’t already. Keep Sound Tran­sit’s East Link on track, and keep our roads safe.

Let’s defeat Tim Eyman… again!

Andrew Villeneuve

Andrew Villeneuve is the founder and executive director of the Northwest Progressive Institute, as well as the founder of NPI's sibling, the Northwest Progressive Foundation. He has worked to advance progressive causes for over two decades as a strategist, speaker, author, and organizer. Andrew is also a cybersecurity expert, a veteran facilitator, a delegate to the Washington State Democratic Central Committee, and a member of the Climate Reality Leadership Corps.

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