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Monday, July 09, 2007

Ask your questions of the Democratic candidates for King County Prosecutor

The 2007 primary election, now in August for the first time in memory (instead of September) is only a few weeks away, and absentee ballots will drop even sooner. One of the most important contests in the primary, besides the competition for the offices of Port Commissioner, is the race for King County Prosecutor.

Two fine Democrats, Bill Sherman and Keith Scully, have filed and are running. To help us in our endorsement process, and to assist our readers in making a decision, we're hosting a friendly podcast debate between the two in a few days.

If you're undecided about which Democrat to vote for, this is your chance to ask a question of the candidates and learn more about the vision, values, and policy directions of each of the contenders.

You can submit questions through this Thursday, either publicly in the comment thread attached to this post, or privately through our contact form.

We'll try to ask as many reader-submitted questions as possible during the recording of the podcast. We will accept anonymous questions, but questions submitted by readers using their real names will be given first priority.

Feel free to ask away!

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