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Monday, June 25, 2007

Stripping Dick, part deux

To follow up on this post where I ruminated about how great it would be if Democrats actually did de-fund Dick Cheney, I see now that Todd Gitlin suggests this is the time:
Is this not one of those clear-cut, pivotal moments when a great wave of calls (MoveOn, this means you) should go out to members of Congress? Shouldn't every member of congress have to declare, out loud, how he or she votes on this fundamental measure?

The way Josh and the whole TPM enterprise stepped up on the Social Security issue in 2005 was exemplary. Weaseling members of Congress had to declare themselves.

This time, there are only a few days to mobilize, but why not use them well?
I've never called for a blogstorm, and it's unlikely my little voice could raise one, but it sure would be fun. I honestly see no down side. People don't like Bush but they really, really don't like Cheney. The noise machine would try to defend Cheney, of course, but that's something we should all like to see. Let the radio talkers and bobble heads come to the defense of Dick Cheney, they'll just blow their credibility even further.

The absurdity inherent in the argument that the vice-president is not part of the executive branch is just the surface level justification for stripping Cheney of funds (other than those used to protect him and his family.)

The real reason is to show the American people that this corrupt, incompetent and evil administration must still answer to the people. This is, as Gitlin suggests, the perfect opportunity.

It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

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