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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Imus gets the boot from MSNBC

MSNBC will no longer carry Don Imus.
MSNBC has canceled its "Imus in the Morning" simulcast, the network announced Wednesday.

The decision comes after remarks deemed racist and sexist that radio talk-show host Don Imus made last week about the Rutgers University women's basketball team prompted a number of advertisers to drop the program.


Imus' flagship station in New York, WFAN-AM, which is owned by CBS Radio, has also announced a two-week suspension but has so far not fired Imus.

After the MSNBC announcement, CBS Radio spokeswoman Karen Mateo issued a statement saying that during the suspension, "CBS Radio will continue to speak with all concerned parties and monitor the situation closely."

Earlier Wednesday, a member of CBS Corp.'s board of directors said Imus should be fired.

"As an African-American, I believe that Imus has crossed the line, a very bright line that divides our country," said Bruce Gordon, a CBS director and former president and CEO of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
One of the most revealing aspects of this sorry affair has been the number of journalists who have defended Imus. The country is not well served by a chummy, protect-our-own national press corps.

Clearly MSNBC gets it, even if CBS Radio is still groping towards taking meaningful action. This isn't about "political correctness," it's about basic American values like respect and decency. As many have pointed out, including members of the Rutgers basketball team, how would you like it if that was your daughter being called such a name?

Fox Noise is on the ropes and Don Imus is off cable. Being a profit center is no longer an excuse. The media conglomerates better raise their standards of conduct, or they will continue to face the wrath of a citizenry that has, quite simply, had enough. There has been enough lying, bigotry and hatred dished out in the last fifteen years to last a lifetime. Look at where it has brought us.

While the First Amendment protects free speech, it does not require businesses to sponsor speech that is loathsome to core American ideals. Perhaps the traditional media will start examining, in depth, some of the other radio "personalities" that infest the public airwaves.

This is a different issue than the "civility in politics" fluff that went around after the last election. Republicans call their style of politics "hardball," so Democrats have to play just as tough and sometimes tougher. The political parties and politicians will probably always duke it out to some degree or another. When someone goes too far, like Dan Roach, they usually get called on it.

That doesn't mean that media outlets are entitled to become cesspools because they can make some money at it, at least not if they want to continue enjoying huge profits from ad revenue.

People are mad as hell and they're not going to take it any more.

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