Posted inPolicy Topics

A plurality of special election voters in Seattle disapprove of how their schools are being run

41% of six hun­dred and fifty-one Feb­ru­ary 2023 spe­cial elec­tion vot­ers inter­viewed by Change Research for NPI last month said they some­what or strong­ly dis­ap­proved of the way the Seat­tle Pub­lic Schools are cur­rent­ly being run. 28% said they some­what or strong­ly approved, and 31% were not sure. 

Posted inElections

Progressive slate leads in closely watched 2017 Seattle School Board contests

Grass­roots edu­ca­tion advo­cates in Seat­tle can take com­fort in ear­ly results for this year’s con­tests for school board posi­tions. Emer­ald City vot­ers are enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly back­ing a trio of can­di­dates whose com­mit­ment to pub­lic schools is not in doubt. In the con­test for Posi­tion #4, Wash­ing­ton’s Para­mount Duty cofounder Eden Mack is tru­ly clean­ing up with an […]

Posted inEducation

Vermont’s heroic response shows the way on No Child Left Behind letters

Ear­li­er this year, Wash­ing­ton leg­is­la­tors reject­ed a demand from U.S. Edu­ca­tion Sec­re­tary Arne Dun­can to require teacher eval­u­a­tions to be based, in part, on stu­dent test scores.  One of the pri­ma­ry threats Dun­can used in demand­ing Wash­ing­ton State force schools to teach to the test was that if this change was not made, the state […]

Posted inBreaking News, Elections

Peter Maier falls behind challenger Sharon Peaslee in key Seattle school board race

It looks like anoth­er incum­bent school board mem­ber may end up get­ting oust­ed by Seat­tle vot­ers, after it ini­tial­ly appeared that only one would lose his job. Though he was able to main­tain an edge in the con­test for school board direc­tor in Dis­trict #1 for near­ly a week, incum­bent Peter Maier is now in serious […]