Posted inElections

Autumn has arrived!

Well, it looks like anoth­er sea­son has come and gone. As of today, sum­mer 2012 is offi­cial­ly over, and autumn 2012 has begun. The third full sea­son of the year will last almost nine­ty days, encom­pass­ing part or all of four months: Sep­tem­ber, Octo­ber, Novem­ber, and Decem­ber. Win­ter will offi­cial­ly begin four days before Christ­mas this […]

Posted inCivil Liberties, Elections, Policy Topics

U.S. Representative Rick Larsen leads the charge to stop voter suppression

React­ing to laws mak­ing aim­ing to increase the dif­fi­cul­ty to vote since con­ser­v­a­tives took con­trol of  state gov­ern­ments in the 2010 midterm elec­tions, Con­gress­man Rick Larsen, along with 14 oth­er House Democ­rats, intro­duced a bill yes­ter­day to “com­bat vot­er sup­pres­sion efforts across the coun­try”. Only two of the cur­rent co-spon­­sors rep­re­sent a state which has enacted […]

Posted inElections

Department of Licensing failed to turn over voter registrations, Secretary of State says

Wash­ing­to­ni­ans who recent­ly reg­is­tered to vote using the Depart­ment of Licens­ing’s web­site may not have actu­al­ly been added to the rolls, the Sec­re­tary of State’s office dis­closed today in a late after­noon media advi­so­ry. The Depart­ment of Licens­ing, which issues dri­ver’s licens­es, vehi­cle licens­es, and boat licens­es, allows vot­ers to request that their vot­er registration […]

Posted inElections

Washington students defeat Tim Eyman’s I‑1125, Costco’s I‑1183 in mock election

This after­noon, Sec­re­tary of State Sam Reed’s office announced the results of the annu­al mock elec­tion it con­ducts in schools across Wash­ing­ton State. Stu­dents in grades five through twelve were asked to weigh in on this year’s crop of bal­lot mea­sures, which includes Tim Eyman’s I‑1125, Cost­co’s I‑1183, and SEIU’s I‑1163. Stu­dents respon­si­bly reject­ed the […]