Posted inElections

NO on I‑2117 launches new website and video urging Washingtonians to defend the Climate Commitment Act

“If I‑2117 pass­es, it would allow more pol­lu­tion and shift the bur­den of pay­ing for the impacts of pol­lu­tion onto com­mu­ni­ties, work­ers, and fam­i­lies — while cut­ting invest­ments in clean air and water, trans­porta­tion, wild­fire pre­ven­tion, and a lot more,” the coali­tion says. 

Posted inElections

How a right wing millionaire’s money could help vindicate years of progressive legislating

Con­vinced that Demo­c­ra­t­ic Wash­ing­ton State law­mak­ers have over­reached, Repub­li­cans have made a big bet on a slate of ini­tia­tives that would repeal or roll back many pro­gres­sive laws. If they don’t get the out­comes they want, they will have spent a lot of mon­ey cre­at­ing fresh evi­dence those laws are popular.

Posted inElections

Let’s Go Washington turns in signatures for measure to repeal Climate Commitment Act

Spon­sored by Repub­li­can State Par­ty Chair Jim Walsh, I‑2117 would repeal Wash­ing­ton’s land­mark Cli­mate Com­mit­ment Act and wreck the state’s plans to secure a just and respon­si­ble tran­si­tion to a clean ener­gy future. NPI con­sid­ers the ini­tia­tive a grave threat to Wash­ing­ton’s well-being and strong­ly oppos­es it.

Posted inElections

Let’s Go Washington affiliate claims it’ll soon begin submitting signatures for its initiatives

A right wing group orga­nized and fund­ed by right wing mil­lion­aire Bri­an Hey­wood and front­ed by recent­ly elect­ed Wash­ing­ton State Repub­li­can Par­ty Chair Jim Walsh plans to begin sub­mit­ting sig­na­tures for a slate of ini­tia­tives to the 2024 Wash­ing­ton State Leg­is­la­ture lat­er this month.