Posted inAnnouncements, Events

NWroots 2011 is tomorrow in Pioneer Square!

The big day has almost arrived! As many read­ers already know, tomor­row the NWroots Fel­low­ship and NPI are hold­ing the fourth NWroots Con­fer­ence in Pio­neer Square, Seat­tle, at Com­e­dy Under­ground and Fx McRo­ry’s.  We’ve got a fan­tas­tic line­up for the event, includ­ing Roger Good­man, Jay Inslee, WSLC Pres­i­dent Jeff John­son, Jim McDer­mott, Den­nis Kucinich, and […]

Posted inAnnouncements, Events

Congressman Dennis Kucinich to speak at NWroots 2011 in Seattle on July 9th

Hav­ing already made mul­ti­ple trips to Wash­ing­ton State this year, Ohio Con­gress­man Den­nis Kucinich will return on July 9th for the 2011 NWroots Con­fer­ence in Seat­tle. Kucinich has been mak­ing fre­quent vis­its here, pre­sum­ably in prepa­ra­tion for a redis­trict­ing that may leave him with­out a con­gres­sion­al dis­trict to rep­re­sent. Spec­u­la­tion is that he could settle […]

Posted inElections, Events

Jay Inslee to speak at NWroots 2011 in Pioneer Square on July 9th — be there!

As many NPI read­ers may know, pos­si­ble Demo­c­ra­t­ic guber­na­to­r­i­al can­di­date Jay Inslee will be join­ing Con­gress­man Jim McDer­mott, for­mer Cana­di­an Health Min­is­ter Ujjal Dosan­jh, and Wash­ing­ton State Labor Coun­cil Pres­i­dent Jeff John­son at NWroots 2011 on July 9th. NWroots is a region­al con­fer­ence for lib­er­al blog­gers, activists, and cit­i­zens inter­est­ed in pro­gres­sive pub­lic pol­i­cy. The event […]

Posted inAnnouncements, Events

Register for NWroots 2011

Short­ly before we lost our beloved Lynn Allen to ovar­i­an can­cer three months ago, she entrust­ed us with the respon­si­bil­i­ty of car­ry­ing for­ward the polit­i­cal and civic caus­es she was so pas­sion­ate about. One of those caus­es was bring­ing pro­gres­sive activists togeth­er to orga­nize and mobi­lize for change. Not long after Lynn and I attended […]