Posted inMedia & Culture

Sinclair Broadcasting should be broken up, not allowed to become even bigger

Rarely have we seen a pair of videos that so pow­er­ful­ly demon­strate the ter­ri­ble harm that comes from unchecked media con­sol­i­da­tion and con­cen­tra­tion in our coun­try, a high­ly destruc­tive trend that has been con­tin­u­ing unabat­ed for years, result­ing in few­er jour­nal­ists, few­er news­rooms, and few­er local owners.

Posted inBreaking News, Media & Culture

Comcast plans to acquire Time Warner Cable for $44 billion; FCC and DOJ should veto deal

Media and telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions con­glom­er­ate Com­cast, the nation’s largest provider of cable tele­vi­sion and the own­er of NBC Uni­ver­sal, has just announced it has agreed to acquire the nation’s sec­ond largest cable tele­vi­sion provider, Time Warn­er Cable, in a $44 bil­lion plus all-stock megadeal. Bloomberg reports: Com­cast is pay­ing about $159 a share in the transaction, […]