Posted inCivil Liberties, Media & Culture, Views & Reviews

Documentary Review: Ava DuVernay’s “13th” offers eye-opening look at mass incarceration

If you have yet to see Ava DuVer­nay’s Oscar-nom­i­­nat­ed and Emmy-win­n­ing doc­u­men­tary “13th”, you should real­ly make plans to screen it as soon as pos­si­ble. This short com­men­tary will sure­ly not do it jus­tice. Kevin Gan­non, Pro­fes­sor of His­to­ry at Grand­view Uni­ver­si­ty, who is white, sums up the chal­lenge we as coun­try face today early […]

Posted inMedia & Culture, Our Environment, Policy Topics, Views & Reviews

Documentary Review: “We the People 2.0” examines the decay of American democracy

In order to pro­tect our envi­ron­ment from messy oil and gas projects, haz­ardous waste, tox­ic pol­lu­tion, and indus­tri­al agri­cul­ture threat­en­ing local farm­ing, a new iter­a­tion of democ­ra­cy is nec­es­sary. At least, that is the argu­ment put forth in “We the Peo­ple 2.0,” a 2016 doc­u­men­tary pro­duced by Tree Media. This com­pelling film starts off by highlighting […]

Posted inMedia & Culture

Three days ago, HuffPost asked: What would happen if a presenter announced the wrong winner at the Oscars? Now we know…

Talk about fore­shad­ow­ing. On Fri­day, the Huff­in­g­ton Post ran an arti­cle ask­ing, What would hap­pen if a pre­sen­ter announced the wrong win­ner at the Oscars? The arti­cle, writ­ten by Matthew Jacobs, dis­cussed sev­er­al hypo­thet­i­cal sce­nar­ios that might result in the kind of gaffe that loomed over the finale of last night’s Oscars tele­cast. Quot­ed in […]