Posted inElections, Events, Live Coverage, Party Politics

LIVE from Charlotte: What a week it’s been so far at the Democratic National Convention!

Hel­lo from Char­lotte! I have been think­ing about how to best sum­ma­rize my expe­ri­ences in the Queen City for some time. What do I tell peo­ple back home in the Pacif­ic North­west about my expe­ri­ences here? Well, to put it suc­cinct­ly, I am all fired up and ready to go. Char­lot­teans have been very hos­pitable to us. […]

Posted inElections, Events, Live Coverage, Party Politics

LIVE from Charlotte: DNCC moves Thursday evening events to Time Warner Cable Arena

The fourth evening of the 2012 Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion will take place at Time Warn­er Cable Are­na instead of Bank of Amer­i­ca Sta­di­um as pre­vi­ous­ly planned, con­ven­tion orga­niz­ers have just announced. “We have been mon­i­tor­ing weath­er fore­casts close­ly and sev­er­al reports pre­dict thun­der­storms in the area, there­fore we have decid­ed to move Thursday’s pro­ceed­ings to […]

Posted inElections, Events, Live Coverage, Party Politics

LIVE from Charlotte: Schedule of speakers for Wednesday, September 5th, from the DNCC

Good morn­ing from Char­lotte! Today is the third day of Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion week here in the Queen City. This after­noon, we will recon­vene for our sec­ond gen­er­al ses­sion of the week at 2 PM Pacif­ic. The DNCC (Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion Com­mit­tee) was kind enough to release a sched­ule of speak­ers for this evening’s program […]

Posted inElections, Events, Party Politics

LIVE from Charlotte: Michelle Obama electrifies Time Warner Cable Arena

That. Was. Incred­i­ble. If you’ve been fol­low­ing the DNC from home, then you just wit­nessed, along with us, one of the great­est speech­es ever deliv­ered at a Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion… Michelle Oba­ma’s cul­mi­nat­ing prime­time address, in which she elo­quent­ly laid out the case for Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma’s reelec­tion. To say that the speech was a […]

Posted inElections, Events, Party Politics

LIVE from Charlotte: Washington State’s view inside Time Warner Cable Arena

Hel­lo again from Char­lotte! We are just an hour away now from being gaveled into ses­sion here at Time Warn­er Cable Are­na. To be hon­est, this are­na feels like the keep at the cen­ter of a giant urban fortress. I had to pass through sev­er­al lay­ers of secu­ri­ty to get in here, includ­ing a maget­nome­ter and […]

Posted inElections, Events, Party Politics

LIVE from Charlotte: Schedule of speakers for Tuesday, September 4th, from the DNC

Good morn­ing from Char­lotte! Today is the sec­ond day of Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion week here in the Queen City. This after­noon, we will be offi­cial­ly gaveled into ses­sion by Con­ven­tion Chair and Los Ange­les May­or Anto­nio Vil­laraigosa. The DNCC (Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion Com­mit­tee) was kind enough to release a sched­ule of speak­ers for this evening’s […]

Posted inEvents, Party Politics

LIVE from Charlotte: Washington Democrats hold evening reception at Mac’s Speed Shop

Good evening from the City of Trees! Tonight, the Wash­ing­ton State Democ­rats are cel­e­brat­ing Labor Day and the 2012 Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion with a spe­cial evening recep­tion at one of Char­lot­te’s best eater­ies… Mac’s Speed Shop, renowned in Char­lotte for its beer and bar­be­cue. Mac’s is ours for the night, and we’ve tak­en full advantage. […]

Posted inElections, Events, Party Politics

LIVE from Charlotte: CarolinaFest in pictures

Good after­noon from Char­lotte! Today, in hon­or of Labor Day, and to thank the peo­ple of Char­lote for wel­com­ing us to their fine city, the DNC is throw­ing a big par­ty called Car­oli­naFest in Uptown. It’s essen­tial­ly a big, fes­tive street fair, with a tem­po­rary food court, big stage, aux­il­iary stage, and lots of tents […]

Posted inEvents, Party Politics

LIVE from Charlotte: DNCC officials hold opening press conference

Wel­come back to our con­tin­u­ing cov­er­age of the 2012 Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion in Char­lotte, North Car­oli­na. I’m at Room 208 in the Char­lotte Con­ven­tion Cen­ter, await­ing the begin­ning of the Con­ven­tion’s Open­ing Press Con­fer­ence, where DNCC CEO Steve Ker­ri­g­an, Char­lotte May­or Antho­ny Foxx, and oth­er DNCC offi­cials are wel­com­ing mem­bers of the press corps to […]

Posted inElections, Events

San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro to keynote 2012 Democratic National Convention

Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion orga­niz­ers have announced that San Anto­nio May­or Julian Cas­tro will be the keynote speak­er open­ing night of the 2012 Con­ven­tion in Char­lotte (Tues­day, Sep­tem­ber 4th). The announce­ment came as the Tea Par­ty’s Ted Cruz beat estab­lish­ment favorite Lt. Gov­er­nor David Dewherst for the Repub­li­can U.S. Sen­ate nom­i­na­tion in Texas. The tim­ing of each […]

Posted inEvents, Party Politics

Bill Clinton, Elizabeth Warren to anchor Wednesday night lineup at the 2012 DNC

For­mer Pres­i­dent Bill Clin­ton and Mass­a­chu­setts U.S. Sen­ate hope­ful Eliz­a­beth War­ren will anchor the Wednes­day prime­time line­up at the 2012 Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion in Char­lotte, the par­ty announced today. Wednes­day will be the sec­ond-to-last day of the con­ven­tion. Since the mid-1990s, the Demo­c­ra­t­ic nom­i­nee for vice pres­i­dent has tra­di­tion­al­ly accept­ed the nom­i­na­tion on the Wednesday […]

Posted inEvents, Party Politics

2012 Democratic National Convention shortened from four days to three, Obama to accept nomination in larger venue

This morn­ing, Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Com­mit­tee Chair­woman Deb­bie Wasser­man Schultz made two impor­tant logis­ti­cal announce­ments about the forty-sev­enth qua­dren­ni­al meet­ing of the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty, sched­uled to take place in Char­lotte, North Car­oli­na, dur­ing the first full week of Sep­tem­ber. At a media event in the City of Trees, Schultz revealed that the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Con­ven­tion will […]