Posted inEconomic Security, Policy Topics

Netflix announces its DVDs-by-mail business will now be called “Qwikster”

Two months after it announced that it was sep­a­rat­ing DVD rentals and stream­ing into sep­a­rate plans (and auto­mat­i­cal­ly rais­ing prices for cus­tomers who did not act to can­cel one or the oth­er), Net­flix CEO Reed Hast­ings has final­ly admit­ted the com­pa­ny did a poor job han­dling the announce­ment. In a blog post and in a […]

Posted inEconomic Security, Policy Topics

Bank of America unilaterally amends deposit agreements for Pacific Northwest customers

Finan­cial “ser­vices” giant Bank of Amer­i­ca, which has been stag­ger­ing through 2011 under the weight of bad debt inher­it­ed from acqui­si­tions like Coun­try­wide, has begun inform­ing cus­tomers in Wash­ing­ton and Ida­ho that it is chang­ing the deposit agree­ments for per­son­al accounts in both states, NPI has learned. The changes will take effect on Octo­ber 14th, […]

Posted inPolicy Topics, Technology

More proof the knives are out for RIM: New BlackBerrys getting unfair reviews

Reg­u­lar read­ers may remem­ber that back in June, I wrote a post tak­ing the pompous “tech press” to task for char­ac­ter­iz­ing the mak­er of the Black­Ber­ry as head­ed for extinc­tion (Earth to the tech pun­di­toc­ra­cy: Research in Motion is still very much alive). That post end­ed up being very well-received. Though The Advo­cate is not […]

Posted inPolicy Topics, Technology

Steve Jobs resigns as CEO of Apple

The man who cofound­ed Apple and led its remark­able turn­around, begin­ning in the late 1990s, announced this after­noon in a short, plain­­ly-word­ed let­ter that he was resign­ing as Apple’s chief exec­u­tive offi­cer, pre­sum­ably due to his health: To the Apple Board of Direc­tors and the Apple Com­mu­ni­ty:  I have always said if there ever came […]

Posted inViews & Reviews

Earth to the tech punditocracy: Research in Motion is still very much alive

It seems that hard­ly a day goes by now when I don’t stum­ble across an arti­cle pre­dict­ing the decline or even the death of Black­Ber­ry mak­er Research in Motion, which rev­o­lu­tion­ized the hand­set with an array of unmatched mes­sag­ing capa­bil­i­ties (push email, Black­Ber­ry Mes­sen­ger) in the ear­ly 2000s. While it is cer­tain­ly true that com­pa­ny faces […]