Posted inElections

Meet the new progressive government of British Columbia, led by Premier John Horgan

Today, a new pro­gres­sive gov­ern­ment was sworn in to over­see Wash­ing­ton and Ida­ho’s north­ern neigh­bor of British Colum­bia, Canada’s third largest province. Led by John Hor­gan, it con­sists of eleven men and eleven women from the New Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty (NDP), the more pro­gres­sive of B.C.‘s two major polit­i­cal par­ties. The NDP is return­ing to power […]

Posted inElections

It’s a dead heat in British Columbia: Major parties tied for seats, BC Greens hold balance

Who will be the next Pre­mier of British Colum­bia? That’s a ques­tion we still don’t know the answer to, despite polls hav­ing closed across Canada’s west­­ern-most province over three hours ago, because the results have been incred­i­bly close. As of around 11:10 PM Pacif­ic Time, incum­bent Pre­mier Christy Clark and the gov­ern­ing Lib­er­als (who, despite their […]

Posted inElections, Live Coverage

Christy Clark declares victory in B.C., but trails the NDP’s David Eby in her own riding

British Colum­bia Pre­mier Christy Clark, whose B.C. Lib­er­als scored a huge upset over the New Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty, has just fin­ished deliv­er­ing her vic­to­ry speech in down­town Van­cou­ver in front of hun­dreds of cheer­ing sup­port­ers. Smil­ing broad­ly, Clark declared that her par­ty had won a clear man­date to gov­ern and would move for­ward with its plans […]

Posted inElections

Not-so liberal Liberals projected to win in British Columbia; score huge upset over NDP

So much for all those pre­dic­tions of a big NDP vic­to­ry. It’s been an hour and fif­teen min­utes since polls closed in British Columbi­a’s 2013 provin­cial elec­tions, and the New Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty (NDP) has yet to over­take the Lib­er­als in the count of leading/elected MLAs (Mem­bers of the Leg­isla­tive Assem­bly). And it looks like they’re […]

Posted inElections

The Tyee: British Columbia’s New Democratic Party poised for a landslide victory tonight

British Columbi­a’s New Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty (NDP) is on the cusp of a his­toric vic­to­ry tonight over the not-so lib­er­al B.C. Lib­er­als, accord­ing to The Tyee, the province’s best-known online-only pub­li­ca­tion. The Tyee’s final elec­toral pre­dic­tion breaks down as fol­lows: NDP: Fifty-sev­en seats Lib­er­als: Twen­­ty-sev­en seats Inde­pen­dents: One seat The Tyee clas­si­fies thir­­ty-four seats as “def­i­nite­ly” NDP, with only […]