Posted inElections, Unscheduled Programming

Spokane County turns against Tim Eyman’s I‑1125; NO vote strengthening statewide

What was that about I‑1125 being “too close to call”? Now that most of Wash­ing­ton’s thir­­ty-nine coun­ties have released updat­ed returns with fresh­ly tab­u­lat­ed bal­lots, we can project even more con­fi­dent­ly that Tim Eyman’s I‑1125 is head­ed down to defeat. A sec­ond coun­ty, Spokane, has now flipped from the Yes col­umn to the No col­umn, only […]

Posted inUnscheduled Programming

Bellevue City Council races looking good for progressives; Laing/Stokes contest is close

One of the bright spots for pro­gres­sives in tonight’s elec­tion appears to be the Belle­vue City Coun­cil races, which were hot­ly con­test­ed, espe­cial­ly dur­ing the last few weeks. Incum­bents John Chelmini­ak (run­ning for Posi­tion 3), and Clau­dia Bal­duc­ci (run­ning for Posi­tion 5), are both doing very well. Chelmini­ak has 67.80% of the vote; his oppo­nent Michelle […]

Posted inElections, Unscheduled Programming

Flynn and Carson have hefty lead in Redmond City Council race

In the first of  just two con­test­ed Red­mond City Coun­cil races, Tom Fly­nn has a sig­nif­i­cant lead over his oppo­nent Joel Wright: Tom Fly­nn  56.56% Joel L. Wright 42.89% For a first time can­di­date, Fly­nn ran a strong cam­paign, gar­ner­ing the endorse­ment of four of the sev­en cur­rent city coun­cil mem­bers. In the sec­ond race, […]

Posted inUnscheduled Programming

Results mixed in Whatcom and Spokane

Both Spokane and What­com Coun­ty have released the first wave of their elec­tion returns to unclear results, with many of the races too close to com­fort­ably call. For the may­oral race in Belling­ham, it seems that for­mer 42nd Dis­trict leg­is­la­tor Kel­li Linville has tak­en the lead by about 400 votes; we’ll see if that lead is […]

Posted inElections, Unscheduled Programming

A conversation with John Stokes, Part 3: The Belleuve community supports its schools by working together

This is the third and final seg­ment of a series of posts cov­er­ing my recent con­ver­sa­tion with Belle­vue City Coun­cil can­di­date John Stokes. John and I are con­nect­ed through our edu­ca­tion advo­ca­cy work and I know him to be a well-informed and ded­i­cat­ed advo­cate for chil­dren. In part one of our con­ver­sa­tion, post­ed last week, […]

Posted inElections, Unscheduled Programming

A conversation with John Stokes, Part 2: Let’s bring light rail and smart growth to Bellevue

Last week, I met up with  Belle­vue City Coun­cil can­di­date John Stokes in a Red­mond cof­fee shop.   John and I are con­nect­ed through our edu­ca­tion advo­ca­cy work and I know him to be a deep thinker and a ded­i­cat­ed advo­cate for chil­dren.  I want­ed to find out more about his deci­sion to run for office […]

Posted inUnscheduled Programming

Al Rosellini: 1910–2011

Gov­er­nor Albert D. Roselli­ni, who served as Wash­ing­ton State’s chief exec­u­tive in the late 1950s and ear­ly 1960s, died today from com­pli­ca­tions of pneu­mo­nia, his fam­i­ly announced today. He was a hun­dred and one years old. Since leav­ing office at the end of 1964, Roselli­ni has been a friend and men­tor to gen­er­a­tions of Demo­c­ra­t­ic leaders. […]

Posted inUnscheduled Programming

Parents, teachers, students go to court to get Tim Eyman’s I‑1053 overturned

A coali­tion rep­re­sent­ing par­ents, teach­ers, stu­dents, and law­mak­ers announced this morn­ing that it has filed a law­suit in King Coun­ty Supe­ri­or Court ask­ing that Tim Eyman and BP’s Ini­tia­tive 1053 be ful­ly strick­en from the Revised Code of Wash­ing­ton because it is bla­tant­ly uncon­sti­tu­tion­al. Plain­tiffs include the League of Edu­ca­tion Vot­ers, Wash­ing­ton Edu­ca­tion Asso­ci­a­tion, State […]

Posted inEconomic Security, Unscheduled Programming

Senate needs to move forward on confirming new chief for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

There’s good news and bad news for Amer­i­can con­sumers this week. The good news is that on July 21 the land­mark Con­sumer Finan­cial Pro­tec­tion Bureau (CFPB) takes over as the nation’s chief con­sumer bank reg­u­la­tor – it will super­vise mort­gages, cred­it cards, oth­er bank loans, and fees such as those charged for over­draft pro­tec­tion. The failure […]

Posted inElections, Unscheduled Programming

Out of touch

Not since for­mer Pres­i­dent George H.W. Bush, who famous­ly could not fig­ure out how to use a price scan­ner at a gro­cery store, have we seen a politi­cian so out of touch with every­day peo­ple, as Mitt Rom­ney was today. Mr. Rom­ney, in a pho­ny, pathet­ic attempt at empa­thy, informed vot­ers today that he, too, […]

Posted inUnscheduled Programming

He’s not rich, he’s you

Excuse us for a moment as we break out our tiny vio­lins and a box of kleenex to lament the plight of Con­gress­man Den­ny Rehberg (R‑MT), who is chal­leng­ing Demo­c­ra­t­ic Sen­a­tor Jon Tester for his seat in 2012 . You see, although Mr. Rehberg is the 23rd rich­est mem­ber of Con­gress he informed con­stituents at […]

Posted inUnscheduled Programming

Meet the hypocrites: Donald Trump

Since real­i­ty show host and cor­po­rate blowhard Don­ald Trump has decid­ed to express his polit­i­cal views and go through the motions of being a seri­ous polit­i­cal can­di­date, we’re hap­py the treat him as one. While the Don­ald breath­less­ly blew his own horn this morn­ing regard­ing the Pres­i­den­t’s birth cer­tifi­cate (some­thing this shame­less self-pro­­mot­er does frequently), […]