Posted inPolicy Topics

Senator Cantwell demands answers of FAA as agency says it’s investigating Boeing

The Fed­er­al Avi­a­tion Admin­is­tra­tion noti­fied Boe­ing it will be prob­ing the com­pa­ny for alleged com­pli­ance with its approved 737 MAX air­craft design, while Sen­a­tor Maria Cantwell (D‑Washington) demand­ed answers from the FAA con­cern­ing its over­sight of both Boe­ing and Kansas-based Spir­it AeroSystems.

Posted inPolicy Topics

2023 was a bad year for banking and 2024 could be worse

After the Great Reces­sion, law­mak­ers promised that the reforms they insti­tut­ed secured America’s bank­ing sec­tor. How­ev­er, as long as the Unit­ed States sticks to a pre­dom­i­nate­ly pri­vate bank­ing sec­tor — one that can­not oper­ate counter-cycli­cal­ly nor ded­i­cate financ­ing to social needs — that promise of long-term secu­ri­ty is elusive.